10 Advanced Python Concepts To Level Up Your Python Skills

Concepts that help to increase your Python knowledge

Abhay Parashar
Level Up Coding
Published in
8 min readMay 18, 2021


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In this blog, we will see some of the advanced concepts of Python that help us master it.

1. Exception Handling

An exception is a condition that occurs during the execution of the program and interrupts the execution. It can occur due to many reasons. Suppose you are writing a program for division, and in the denominator, 0 occurs so that it will be a ZeroDivisionError. Other examples could be importing a library that doesn’t exist or accessing an element that is out of a list index. There are around 30 builtin exceptions in python.

We use try and exceptblocks to handle exceptions in python. To handle multiple exceptions at a time we use multiple except blocks.

try blocks contain the code which needs to be executed. except blocks contain the code that executes if try fails to execute. We also have and else and finally blocks. else block only execute when a try block is executed successfully. A finally block always executes, it is independent of other blocks.



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