5 Exceptional Python Tools To Enhance Your Productivity

Effortless Coding with 5 Essential Python Tools

Ishaan Gupta
Level Up Coding


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1.) howdoi

I believe even seasoned programmers frequently resort to searching for solutions to basic programming tasks on Google. This tool enables you to perform such searches directly from the command line, eliminating the need to open your browser for assistance. It has more than 10,000 stars on GitHub.

2.) httpie

It serves as a command-line HTTP client with the aim of enhancing the user-friendliness of CLI interactions with web services. Tailored for testing, debugging, and overall interaction with APIs and HTTP servers, the http and https commands facilitate the creation and sending of diverse HTTP requests. Notably, it has garnered over 29,000 stars on GitHub.

3.) Pytube

YouTube is the most popular video-sharing platform in the world and as a hacker, you may encounter a situation where you want to script something to download videos. pytube is a lightweight library written in Python. It has no third-party dependencies and aims to be highly reliable. pytube also makes pipelining easy, allowing you to specify callback functions for different download events, such as on progress or on complete.

Furthermore, pytube includes a command-line utility, allowing you to download videos right from the terminal.

4.) poetry

As a developer, you’re likely aware that handling dependencies can be time-consuming and intricate. This tool facilitates the declaration, management, and installation of project dependencies, ensuring a consistent stack across environments. It replaces conventional files like setup.py, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, MANIFEST.in, and Pipfile with a straightforward project format based on pyproject.toml. Notably, it has garnered over 26.5k stars on GitHub.

5.) Streamlink

A Python library and command-line interface which pipes streams from various services into a video player. Avoid resource-heavy and unoptimized websites, and still enjoy streamed content. It has more than 9k stars on GitHub.

Final Thoughts

Well, here are top 5 Exceptional Python Tools To Enhance Your Productivity. I hope you find this article helpful and had learned some new things. With Python, the possibilities are endless. I will surely write another part on this topic very soon, stay tuned for it. Till then check out my other stories. Share this article with your Pythoneer Friends.




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