5 Useful Python Libraries You Should Use in Your Projects

Useful Python Libraries!

Ishaan Gupta
Level Up Coding


Credit: FreeImages

Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for a wide range of tasks, from data science to web development to automation. But even the most skilled Python developers rely on top-notch libraries to streamline their work and achieve their desired results.

Ready to elevate your Python game? Here are 5 remarkable libraries that can be a game-changer for your projects:

1. bqplot

It is an interactive plotting library for Jupyter notebooks that allows users to create sophisticated visualizations with just a few lines of code. It is based on the Grammar of Graphics, a powerful framework for describing the structure and appearance of plots. bqplot plots are fully interactive, and can be integrated with other Jupyter widgets to create complex and informative GUIs. With over 3,500 stars on GitHub, bqplot is a popular and well-respected tool for data visualization in Python.

Link — https://github.com/bqplot/bqplot

2. lightly

Lightly is a Python library for self-supervised learning on images. It offers a modular framework that exposes low-level building blocks such as loss functions, making it easy to customize and experiment with different self-supervised learning algorithms. Lightly also supports multi-GPU training using PyTorch Lightning, and is written in a PyTorch-like style for ease of use. With over 2,500 stars on GitHub, Lightly is a popular and well-regarded choice for self-supervised learning in Python.

Link — https://github.com/lightly-ai/lightly

3. wtforms

WTForms is a powerful and versatile library that makes it easy to implement form validation in Python web applications. WTForms is framework-agnostic, meaning that it can be used with any Python web framework and template engine. It also supports a wide range of features, including data validation, CSRF protection, and internationalization. With over 1,000 stars on GitHub, WTForms is a popular and well-respected choice for form validation in Python.

Link — https://github.com/wtforms/wtforms

4. Pyenv

Pyenv is a popular Python version management tool with over 33K stars on GitHub. It makes it easy to switch between different Python versions on a per-user or per-project basis. Pyenv is simple and follows the Unix tradition of single-purpose tools. It includes many features, such as:

  • Changing the global Python version
  • Providing support for per-project Python versions
  • Allowing you to override the Python version with an environment variable

Pyenv is a valuable tool for any Python developer, as it allows you to easily manage your Python environment and work with different versions of Python on different projects.

Link — https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv

5. Icecream

Debugging is a critical part of the development process, but it can be time-consuming and tedious. The built-in print() and log() functions are often used for debugging, but they can be limited in terms of their features and readability.

IceCream is a Python library that makes debugging easier and more efficient. It provides a ic() function that is similar to print(), but with a number of additional features, including:

  • Printing both expressions and variable names and values
  • 40% faster typing speed
  • Pretty-printed data structures
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Optional program context (filename, line number, and parent function)

IceCream is a popular debugging library with over 7,000 stars on GitHub.

Link — https://github.com/gruns/icecream

Final Thoughts

Well, here are 5 useful python libraries that can you should use in your projects. I hope you find this article helpful and have learned some new things. Share this article with your Pythoneer Friends.

Happy Coding!


