6 Reasons Why You Should Start Using Tailwind CSS

Explore the key advantages that make Tailwind CSS a developer’s favorite

Stephanie Zhan
Level Up Coding


Photo by Katarzyna Kos on Unsplash

Tailwind CSS has gained significant popularity in the web development community due to its unique approach to building user interfaces (UIs). This utility-first CSS framework offers numerous advantages that make it a powerful tool for developers. In this article, we will explore 6 compelling reasons why you should consider using Tailwind CSS in your next project.

1. Rapid Inline Responsiveness

Gone are the days when we had to write complex media queries to make our UI responsive. With Tailwind CSS, achieving responsiveness is as simple as adding classes to your HTML elements. Instead of defining media queries in a separate CSS file, you can specify responsive behavior directly in the class attribute itself.

For example, let’s say you want to change the font size of a text based on different screen sizes. In Tailwind CSS, you can accomplish this by adding responsive text classes like text-lg, text-sm, or text-xl directly to the element:

<span class="lg:text-lg sm:text-sm xl:text-xl">Hello, world!</span>

This inline approach to responsiveness saves time and eliminates the need for writing and managing complex media queries.

2. Inline Pseudo-Classes for Interactivity

Tailwind CSS allows you to apply pseudo-classes to elements directly in the class attribute. Pseudo-classes enable you to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to your UI components. For example, if you want to change the text color of an element on hover, you can simply add the hover:text-blue-500 class:

<span class="text-4xl hover:text-blue-500">Hello, world!</span>

Tailwind CSS provides a range of pseudo-classes such as focus, active, and more, allowing you to easily add interactive features to your UI without writing custom CSS rules.

3. Inline Styling for Simplicity

One of the significant advantages of using Tailwind CSS is the ability to define all the styling for an element directly within the element itself. This approach eliminates the need to search through multiple CSS files to understand how an element is styled.

By looking at an element’s HTML markup, you can immediately see its corresponding styles. For instance, consider the following code that creates a styled card component:

<div class="rounded bg-gray-500 p-4">I'm a card!</div>

In this example, the card’s styling is self-contained, making it easier to understand and maintain the codebase. With Tailwind CSS, you can avoid creating separate files solely for styling purposes, leading to a more streamlined development workflow.

4. Component-Based Approach for Reusability

When working with Tailwind CSS, you might find yourself applying a set of classes repeatedly. To avoid code duplication, Tailwind CSS allows you to create custom style classes by using the @apply directive.

For instance, let’s say you frequently use a combination of classes for a card-style component. Instead of repeating the same classes every time, you can define a custom class called .card and apply it wherever needed. Here's an example:

.card {
@apply rounded bg-gray-300 p-4;

Now, you can simply apply the .card class to any element that requires the specified styles. This component-based approach enhances code reusability and maintainability, especially when working with frameworks like React or Vue.

5. Customization for Tailored Designs

Tailwind CSS provides extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor the framework to meet your specific design requirements. By default, Tailwind comes with a comprehensive set of configuration options, including colors, sizing units, responsive breakpoints, andother stylistic choices. However, if the default configuration doesn’t align with your project’s needs, you have the flexibility to customize it.

You can easily override default values and add new ones by modifying the Tailwind CSS configuration file. This file provides a centralized location to customize colors, spacing, fonts, breakpoints, and more. By adjusting these settings, you can create a tailored design system that aligns perfectly with your project’s branding and style guidelines.

Tailwind CSS’s customization capabilities ensure that you have full control over the visual aspects of your UI, making it a versatile choice for projects with unique design requirements.

6. Efficient Production Build with Purge

One potential downside of using utility classes is that they can result in a large CSS file containing styles that are not used in your project. This can lead to unnecessary bloat and impact page load times.

Tailwind CSS offers a solution to this issue through its built-in support for purging unused styles. Purging involves analyzing your project’s HTML or JSX files to identify which classes are actually used and removing any unused styles from the final production build.

To enable purging, you need to specify the files that Tailwind CSS should scan for used classes in your configuration file. For example:

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
purge: [
// other configuration options

By setting up the purge property and providing the relevant file paths, Tailwind CSS will intelligently strip out unused styles, resulting in a lean and optimized production build.

This purging mechanism ensures that your application only includes the necessary CSS, minimizing file size and improving performance. It allows you to leverage the benefits of Tailwind CSS’s utility classes without sacrificing performance in production.


In conclusion, I believe that Tailwind CSS is definitely worth trying in your next project. What are your thoughts on this?

Thanks for reading, hope to catch you in the next article.

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