A Comprehensive Guide to Prompt Engineering: Unveiling the Power of the COSTAR Template

Muskan Bansal
Level Up Coding
Published in
6 min readJan 10, 2024


In the dynamic landscape of natural language processing, prompt engineering has emerged as a pivotal technique for fine-tuning language models and achieving desired outputs. Among the various methodologies, the COSTAR template has gained prominence for its effectiveness and versatility. In this guide, we’ll delve into the world of prompt engineering, exploring the intricacies of the COSTAR template and providing learners of all ages with a comprehensive understanding of its application.


Understanding the Objective: Unleashing the Power of Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the art of crafting precise and effective inputs to language models to obtain desired responses. The key objective is to guide the model towards producing specific outcomes. Among the myriad of available techniques, the COSTAR template stands out as an invaluable tool for achieving this goal.

Decoding COSTAR: Contextualized Structured Prompt

The COSTAR template, or Contextualized Structured Prompt, is a framework that allows users to structure prompts in a way that provides context and guidance to language models. It involves incorporating elements such as context, task specification, and examples within the prompt itself. Let’s break down the acronym to understand its components:

  • C — Context: Embed relevant context within your prompt to guide the model’s understanding of the task.

Example: Context: Analyze the sentiment of a user review for a movie.

  • O — Output Format: Specify the desired format of the model’s response to align with your objectives.

Example: Output Format: Provide a sentiment label (positive, negative, or neutral) along with a brief justification.

  • S — Specifications: Clearly define the task specifications and constraints to guide the model’s focus.

Example: Specifications: Focus on the overall sentiment without getting into specific details. Consider both explicit and implicit expressions.

  • T — Task Examples: Include task-specific examples in the prompt to illustrate the desired behavior.

Example: Task Examples: If the user expresses joy about the story-line, the model should identify and label it as a positive sentiment.

  • A — Additional Information: Supplement the prompt with any additional information that enhances the model’s understanding.

Example: Additional Information: The movie genre is a romantic comedy.

  • R — Restrictions: Set boundaries and restrictions to guide the model’s behavior within specific parameters.

Example: Restrictions: Limit the response to a maximum of three sentences.

Crafting a COSTAR Template: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Define Context

Begin by providing the necessary context for the task at hand. This could include relevant background information or specific details that set the stage for the model.

Example: Context: Analyze the sentiment of a user review for a movie that falls under the romantic comedy genre.

Step 2: Specify Output Format

Clearly outline the desired format of the model’s response. This step ensures that the generated output aligns with your intended outcome.

Example: Output Format: Provide a sentiment label (positive, negative, or neutral) along with a brief justification.

Step 3: Clearly Define Specifications

Articulate the task specifications and constraints to guide the model’s understanding. This step helps in narrowing down the focus of the language model.

Example: Specifications: Focus on the overall sentiment without getting into specific details. Consider both explicit and implicit expressions.

Step 4: Incorporate Task Examples

Illustrate the task with concrete examples within the prompt. This serves as a practical guide for the model, showcasing the expected behavior.

Example: Task Examples: If the user expresses joy about the storyline, the model should identify and label it as a positive sentiment.

Step 5: Enhance with Additional Information

Supplement the prompt with any relevant additional information that can aid the model in comprehending the task more effectively.

Example: Additional Information: The movie genre is a romantic comedy.

Step 6: Set Restrictions

Establish clear boundaries and restrictions to guide the model’s behavior and ensure the desired outcomes are achieved.

Example: Restrictions: Limit the response to a maximum of three sentences.

Style and Tone: In the Footsteps of Towards Data Science

In line with the style of renowned publications like Towards Data Science, this guide adopts an elucidative approach, breaking down complex concepts into digestible segments. The tone is geared towards imparting knowledge, making it accessible for learners of any age.

Bringing it to Life: Example Illustrations

To enhance understanding, let’s consider a practical example of using the COSTAR template in sentiment analysis. We’ll craft a prompt for a language model to generate sentiment-aware responses based on user input.

Prompt: Context: Analyze the sentiment of a user review for a movie that falls under the romantic comedy genre. Output Format: Provide a sentiment label (positive, negative, or neutral) along with a brief justification. Specifications: Focus on the overall sentiment without getting into specific details. Consider both explicit and implicit expressions. Task Examples: If the user expresses joy about the storyline, the model should identify and label it as a positive sentiment. Additional Information: The movie genre is a romantic comedy. Restrictions: Limit the response to a maximum of three sentences.

This is the feedback that needs to be considered for above prompt. “Very boring movie. Feels like wastage of my 2 hrs. The storyline was not good. Only good thing about the movie was the lead pair.”

ChatGPT Response: 🎬 Sentiment: Negative 📉 Justification: The user expresses dissatisfaction with the movie, citing it as “very boring” and feeling like a “wastage of 2 hours.” The negative sentiment is primarily attributed to the perceived weakness in the storyline, with the only positive aspect being the lead pair.

ChatGPT Response without COSTAR template: The sentiment expressed in this feedback is predominantly negative. The viewer describes the movie as “very boring” and feels like it was a “wastage” of their 2 hours. The criticism extends to the storyline, which is deemed “not good.” However, there is a positive note mentioned about the lead pair, indicating that their performance was the only redeeming aspect of the movie. Overall, the sentiment leans towards dissatisfaction and disappointment with the film.

If we compare the two response from ChatGPT. Although they are not very different but the one using the COSTAR template is more precise and useful. This is the difference COSTAR brings to the responses. This was a very simple example. But as the prompts and the usecases get more complicated the benefits of COSTAR become more clear.

Conclusion: Empowering Learners with COSTAR

As we wrap up our exploration of prompt engineering through the lens of the COSTAR template, we trust that we’ve unraveled the complexities of this potent technique. By grasping the intricacies of the COSTAR framework and implementing the steps to construct impactful templates, individuals of all ages can unlock the vast potential of prompt engineering in molding language model outputs. As the realm of natural language processing undergoes constant evolution, the mastery of prompt engineering stands as a crucial skill for those seeking to navigate and shape the capabilities of language models.

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Level Up Coding

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I'm a techie with a heart for inspirational stories.Sharing here my anecdotes and little tech. Check https://topmate.io/muskanbansal to talk more tech