A Concise Understanding of Java’s JVM, JRE and JDK

Ijeoma Nelson
Level Up Coding
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2020


image of a woman staring at two computer screens with code
Photo by Nicole Wolf on Unsplash

For anyone beginning their journey into Java development, you will at some point (very soon) run into the acronyms JVM, JRE and JDK. This article is written to give you a very clear and concise definition of those terms and also the problems they solve.

Fun Fact: The orginal purpose of JAVA was not the internet!

The Solution OF Java

Interestingly, devices like toasters (yes, as in toasters for making toast) were the priority of the Java creators during its early days. They wanted to create a platform-independent language that would be used to write software for consumer devices such as the television, remote controllers and even toasters. Java or Oak as it was known back then didn’t do too well in the consumer electronics market, but luckily for the team, the emergence of the world-wide-web gave them another avenue to pursue.

Write Once, Run Anywhere

The internet, as a global network of computers, operating systems and devices of every kind, presented an urgency for platform-independent programs. In realising that the issue of portability was also present in application programming, the creators of Java decided to pivot from their initial concept of software-powered consumer devices and focus on solving bigger issues such as portable programs…



An ex-Deloitte Software Engineer and Writer who loves collecting inspirations whilst exploring this wondrous world.