Bitcoin Could Be A Force for Social Good — Here’s How.

Bringing power to the people (all the people)

Toby Hazlewood
Level Up Coding
Published in
11 min readMar 3, 2021


Photo by Executium on Unsplash

Putting aside the outright skepticism that some express towards Bitcoin, the more substantive concerns tend to come down to Environmental, Social and Governance factors — ESG as they’re collectively referred to in investing circles.

When doubters decry Bitcoin as an elaborate technical Ponzi scheme, or deem Bitcoin inherently worthless since it cannot be touched and has no backing, amounts to matters of opinion.

We can argue about the merits and factual accuracy of such ideas all day long, and many spend their time on Twitter doing just that:

When it comes to Bitcoin and its ESG credentials the waters become a little cloudier.

Environmental concerns tend to be the go-to for mainstream media when they want to raise red-flags about Bitcoin’s long-term prospects. Lazy stories such as this one from the BBC are good examples in the genre — they herald an imminent bursting of the Bitcoin bubble which will be triggered…



A writer, dad and husband sharing his thoughts, wins and losses to help and inspire others.