Build an Awesome Developer Portfolio Website Using React

Use Create React App and the portfolio API to build your personal website

Trey Huffine
Level Up Coding


In this article, I’ll walk you through building your portfolio website using React with Create React App and deploying the finished project to GitHub Pages.

A portfolio is essential for every developer. It gives you the opportunity to display your projects and show everyone the programming languages and libraries you’re passionate about using.

Using the portfolio API, we can remove one of the biggest pains of a portfolio website — maintaining the data so it’s always up to date. We’ll fetch the data inside our React app using hooks so your portfolio is always in sync, without ever needing to make code updates or re-deploying the project. You will also get a formatted résumé at<USERNAME>/resume. Check out my résumé out as an example. You now have a single link to give to recruiters to lead them to an always-updated CV.

If you want to see the full working code or get stuck at any point, you can find the project on GitHub.

Getting Started

Navigate to your project directory and initialize the application:

npx create-react-app portfolio

We’ll be using React Router to create different views, Styled Components for CSS-in-JS, and Carbon components as our UI framework. Carbon uses Sass for its styles, so we’ll need to handle that in our build process.

yarn add react-router-dom styled-components carbon-components carbon-components-react @carbon/icons-react @carbon/themes sass

Fetching Your Data

We’ll start by fetching the data for our portfolio since we only need one request and can use the response for the entire app. Using your GitHub/gitconnected username, we’ll make a request to the portfolio API using React hooks and fetch. The API can be accessed by making a GET request to the following URL:<username>

To see an example user, visit —

Inside src/App.js, we use the useEffect hook to make the request only when the component mounts by using an empty array [] for the “watch” parameter. We store the result with the useState hook and will pass it to our portfolio components which we’ll build in the upcoming sections.

Layout Components

Each page in our app will have the same general structure. There will be a sidebar that has our navigation for the different areas of our portfolio. There will be a top section that will show your general information, and then we will have a dynamic section below this that will change when the page changes.

Shared Styles

Our pages will have some common styles that we’ll want to share, so let’s create a src/styles.js file and add our reusable styled components first.

Header Component

Our header component displays your general details at the top of every page. It includes your basic information — for me, I used my avatar as well as my name, username, job title, location, years of experience, my headline, and my blog.

Create a src/components/UserHeader folder and inside it create an index.js file, a styles.js file, and a UserHeader.js file. Inside index.js we simply import and export the component:

We add our CSS to style and position the content in the header component. In styles.js:

The user prop which we fetched as the data at the beginning of the article will be used to populate the content of this component. The user.basics section will contain all the details about you.

We also include the link to our dynamically generated résumé so we don’t have to worry about building our own or generating/uploading a new version anytime something on it changes.

Your UserHeader.js component will contain the following content:

We use the useLocation hook from React Router to determine if we are on the home page. For a better mobile experience, we will only show the header component on the home page instead of on every page.

Sidebar Component

The sidebar is how visitors will navigate to different parts of your portfolio. First create a src/components/Sidebar folder and inside it an index.js file. Inside this, we will import and export the Sidebar component which we will build next.

To make our page mobile responsive, we’ll need to hide the Sidebar for mobile device screen widths. Create a styles.js file and add the following code:

Now we can build out the Sidebar component in the Sidebar.js file. We will use the <Link> component for SPA navigation links, and the useLocation hook which will let us determine which path is active. We create an array with the routes’ names and paths, and we map through those to build out the links. Your Sidebar will be the following:

MobileNav Component

For mobile devices, we’ll instead have buttons at the top of the page to navigate to the different sections of your portfolio.

Create a src/components/MobileNav folder and inside it an index.js file. Inside this file, we will import and export the MobileNav component which we will build next.

Add your style.js file inside the MobileNav component folder.

Finally, create your MobileNav.js component file which is simply 4 navigation buttons at the top of the page.

Layout Component

The Layout component will be the shell for all of the pages. It will contain the UserHeader, Sidebar, and the MobileNav component and then wrap the children specific to each section of the portfolio.

Create a src/components/Layout folder and inside it index.js, styles.js, and Layout.js files. In the index.js file, we will import and export the Layout.js component as we have been doing.

In the styles.js file, make our structure mobile responsive.

Our Layout.js component will set our Sidebar and MobileNav components so that we have navigation on every page. It also adds the UserHeader to the top of every page, and we pass our user prop to it. We use the children for the dynamic page content which will be the components passed from the parent page components.


We will use React Router to access different views for the different parts of our portfolio (about me, projects, work, and education). Each page will be supplied the user prop from the data we received from the portfolio API. This will provide all the content we need to build each page of our portfolio

Create a src/pages folder and add an index.js file. This file will declare the routes for each portfolio section.

Then in the pages folder, we make top-level folders for each route — Me, Projects, Work, and Education. Inside each folder, create an index.js, styles.js, and <PageComponentName>.js. As we’ve done previously, import and export the component file in each of the individual index.js files (I will no longer show this step in the code below for brevity).

About Me Page

The Me page will contain additional general details about you — your bio, skills, and social media links. The additional styles needed for this page are simple. In styles.js add:

The Me.js will use the user.basics.summary and user.basics.profiles, as well as the user.skills from the user prop.

Projects Page

Displaying your projects is one of the most important things you do as a developer. It shows the types of problems you’re passionate about solving and the languages/frameworks you have experience with. First add your styles.js:

Then in our Projects.js file, we map through user.projects and display the project name, summary, and the languages/libraries used to build it:

Work Page

This section will allow you to display your jobs and relevant work experience. In the styles.js file, add the following code:

Then in Work.js, we map through all the items and display the details of the job:

Education Page

This section will display your education. In the styles.js file, add the following code:

Then in Education.js, we map through all the items:

Global Styles for Dark Mode

We will use a dark mode theme from Carbon which is supplied through their Sass files.

Rename the src/index.css file to src/index.scss. To make sure our project uses Carbon CSS globally, we will import their stylesheet in this file. We also add some additional styles to support dark mode and mobile responsiveness. Replace the content of index.scss with the following:

Then in your src/index.js, change your style import to use the new filename import './index.scss'. This is all we need to use Carbon — the rest of our styling will be done through Styled Components we previously built.

Deploy to GitHubPages

NOTE (18/5/2020): I highly recommend you deploy this as a custom domain. If you do not, you will need to add the /<repo-name> as a prefix to all of your routes that we created in the project so that they match correctly. If you do not either use a custom domain or add the prefix, you will get blank pages when you deploy. This article explains the issue in more detail.

Following these steps, you should have a fully-built portfolio website! The only thing left to do is deploy it. I’ll use GitHub Pages to deploy our static portfolio site for free, but another good/easy option is using Netlify.

Commit all your code and push it to GitHub. I named my repo portfolio-create-react-app. Follow this guide if you need help with creating the repo and uploading the code.

1) Add "homepage": "http://<username><repo-name>" to your package.json. Replace <username> and <repo-name> with the values that you used — my values would be treyhuffine and portfolio-create-react-app.

2) Install gh-pages as a dev dependency:

yarn add -D gh-pages

3) Add 2 scripts to your package.json:

"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build"

4) Finally, run yarn deploy and visit the URL that you specified in the homepage.

5) If you’re using a custom domain (highly recommended), you need to use a repo name that is the same as the URL (for me, my final repo name and matching URL are Set it to deploy from the gh-pages branch, add a CNAME file that appears in the gh-pages branch, and update the settings in GitHub similar to the image below.


We built a high-quality and dynamic developer portfolio using React, Styled Components, and Carbon design. We used a dark mode theme and created different pages using React Router to navigate between our different portfolio sections.

With the portfolio API, we were able to dynamically load our portfolio details. This enables us to make updates without needing to change any code or re-deploy the website. We simply make changes to our Gitconnected profiles and see them propagate to our portfolio and resume.



Founder | Software Engineer. Building products that empower individuals.