Building A DevEx Platform in 2024

Jonathan Saring
Level Up Coding
Published in
18 min readMar 18, 2024


As we navigate through 2024, the spotlight on Developer Experience (DevEx) platforms has intensified, showcasing their pivotal role in streamlining software development processes. These platforms are instrumental in catalyzing innovation, enhancing efficiency, and upholding software quality. This guide presents a strategic blueprint for constructing a forward-thinking DevEx platform, drawing on contemporary practices and tools to empower development teams in this era of rapid digital transformation.

Modern Development Ecosystem

The bedrock of any forward-thinking DevEx platform is its development ecosystem. This ecosystem encompasses the suite of tools, languages, and frameworks that collectively enable the development of robust, scalable, and efficient applications. Let’s delve into understanding the modern development ecosystem, its necessity, and strategies for adoption.

What is a Modern Development Ecosystem?

A modern development ecosystem refers to a curated collection of technologies and methodologies adopted by development teams to build software applications. This ecosystem includes everything from programming languages like JavaScript or TypeScript, to frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue, and extends to include tools for version control, package management, testing, and deployment.

Why Do You Need a Modern Development Ecosystem?

  1. Enhanced Productivity: Modern tools and frameworks are designed to automate mundane tasks, allowing developers to focus on creating value through code.
  2. Improved Quality: The use of contemporary testing and deployment tools helps ensure that the software is reliable and free from defects.
  3. Scalability: Modern ecosystems support scalable application architecture, ensuring that your applications can grow as your user base or data volume increases.
  4. Community Support: A vibrant community around popular tools and frameworks means better documentation, more accessible learning resources, and a wider pool of talent.

How to Adopt a Modern Development Ecosystem

  • Evaluate and Select: Assess the needs of your projects and the preferences of your team to select the right set of tools and technologies. Consider factors like project size, performance requirements, and team expertise.
  • Embrace Continuous Learning: The tech landscape evolves rapidly; encourage your team to stay updated with the latest trends and best practices through workshops, courses, and tech meetups.
  • Streamline with Bit: Build and manage components across projects, facilitating reuse and ensuring consistency. Bit’s ability to abstract features and user experiences into Lego-like components that are easily managed and reused across applications is invaluable.


  • Programming Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript for type safety and better developer experience.
  • Frameworks: React, Angular, Vue for building user interfaces.
  • Bit: For component management across projects, enabling a truly modular development approach.
  • CI/CD Tools: Ripple CI/CD, Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions for automating the build and deployment processes.

Things you should consider

Challenge: Keeping Up with Rapid Technological Changes

  • Solution: Implement a structured learning plan for the team, incorporating time for training and experimentation with new tools and practices. Subscribe to industry newsletters and participate in developer communities.

Challenge: Ensuring Team Alignment on New Tools

  • Solution: Facilitate discussions on tool selection, considering team feedback and preferences. Conduct pilot projects to assess the effectiveness of new tools before wider adoption.

Challenge: Managing Dependencies and Tool Integration

  • Solution: Utilize tools like Bit for component management, ensuring seamless integration across your development ecosystem. Leverage containerization tools like Docker to manage application dependencies efficiently.

By thoughtfully crafting a modern development ecosystem and leveraging innovative tools like Bit, organizations can significantly enhance their DevEx, leading to faster development cycles, higher quality software, and a more engaged development team. Adopting such an ecosystem is not without its challenges, but with the right strategies and solutions, teams can navigate these hurdles and fully capitalize on the benefits of modern software development practices.

Modular Development Infrastructure

In the swiftly evolving domain of software engineering, modular or composable infrastructure stands as a beacon of innovation, promoting a more dynamic, flexible approach to application development. By embracing modularity, organizations can achieve unprecedented levels of agility and adaptability in their development practices.

What is Modular Development Infrastructure?

Modular development infrastructure refers to an architectural approach where applications are constructed from a collection of independent, reusable modules. Each module encapsulates specific functionality or business logic, designed to be easily integrated with other modules to form comprehensive applications. This paradigm shift towards modularity enables a more scalable, maintainable, and efficient development process.

Why Do You Need a Modular Development Infrastructure?

  1. Enhanced Flexibility: Modularity allows for the easy addition, removal, or updating of application features without impacting the entire system, thereby increasing flexibility in development and deployment.
  2. Improved Scalability: By breaking down applications into smaller, manageable pieces, scalability challenges become easier to address, as individual modules can be scaled independently based on demand.
  3. Faster Development Cycles: Reusable modules can significantly accelerate the development process, enabling teams to focus on assembling applications from pre-built blocks rather than creating from scratch.
  4. Increased Maintainability: Modular applications are easier to maintain and update, as changes to one module can be made without affecting others, reducing the risk of introducing errors.

How to Adopt a Modular Development Infrastructure

  • Conduct a Modularization Audit: Start by identifying functionalities within your existing applications that can be modularized. Look for common patterns, utilities, and features that recur across projects.
  • Leverage Bit for Modular Management: Utilize Bit as a cornerstone tool for your modularization strategy. Bit simplifies the creation, versioning, documentation, and sharing of modules, making it easier to manage and disseminate these building blocks across teams and projects.
  • Foster a Culture of Modularity: Encourage your development teams to adopt a modular mindset. This includes thinking in terms of discrete, interchangeable components during the planning and development phases, as well as actively contributing to and utilizing the organization’s module library.


  • Bit: Provides an unparalleled platform for managing modular components, facilitating their creation, sharing, and reuse across projects.
  • Containerization Technologies (Docker, Kubernetes): Assist in encapsulating modules and their dependencies, making them easily deployable and scalable in various environments.
  • Package Managers (npm, Yarn): Essential for managing module dependencies, ensuring that each module has access to the libraries it requires.

Things you should consider

Challenge: Ensuring Module Interoperability

  • Solution: Establish clear standards and interfaces for modules to ensure compatibility and ease of integration. Utilize Bit to enforce these standards across your module library.

Challenge: Overcoming Resistance to Modular Thinking

  • Solution: Conduct workshops and training sessions to educate teams on the benefits of modular development. Highlight successful modular projects as case studies to demonstrate the practical advantages.

Challenge: Managing Module Dependencies

  • Solution: Use package managers to handle module dependencies efficiently. Leverage Bit’s dependency tracking features to maintain a clear overview of inter-module relationships.

By adopting a modular development infrastructure, organizations can greatly enhance their software development lifecycle, making it more resilient to change, easier to scale, and significantly faster to deliver. The transition to modularity, facilitated by tools like Bit and supported by a culture of modular thinking, represents a strategic move towards building more sustainable, future-proof software solutions.

The Microfrontend Revolution

The transition towards microfrontend architecture is reshaping the landscape of frontend development, introducing a modular approach that enhances flexibility, scalability, and team autonomy. By breaking down the frontend into smaller, more manageable units, organizations can achieve more targeted development, deployment, and updating processes. Utilizing Bit within this architecture, each segment of your application, whether it’s a specific UX/UI element, feature, or user experience, transforms into an independently managed component. This section explores the essentials of microfrontend architecture, offering key insights into its implementation.

What is Microfrontend Architecture?

Microfrontend architecture is an approach that segments the frontend of web applications into smaller, independent units known as micro-frontends. These units are developed, versioned, published, built, tested, and released autonomously. Each micro-frontend encapsulates a particular functionality or domain, such as payment processing, user reviews, or navigation, making it easier to update and manage as a shared resource across multiple applications.

Why Do You Need Microfrontend Architecture?

  1. Enhanced Scalability: Allows for the independent scaling of different application features, catering to user demand more efficiently.
  2. Increased Development Speed: Teams can work in parallel on different aspects of the application without interference, significantly reducing time-to-market for new features.
  3. Improved Flexibility: Facilitates the use of the best-suited technologies and frameworks for each micro-frontend, rather than being constrained by a single monolithic architecture.
  4. Simplified Maintenance and Updates: Independent development cycles for each micro-frontend simplify updates and maintenance, reducing the complexity and risk associated with modifying shared codebases.

How to Adopt Microfrontend Architecture

  • Domain Mapping for Component Scopes: Start by thoroughly analyzing your application’s functionality to identify distinct domains that can be developed as separate micro-frontends. Organize these into matching scopes of components on, such as “payments,” “UI,” and “reviews.”
  • Integration Strategies: For dynamic, runtime integration, combine Bit with Module Federation. This approach allows micro-frontends to be seamlessly composed and updated within a host application. Alternatively, for build-time integration, utilize Bit in conjunction with package managers like pnpm, npm, or yarn to assemble your application from various micro-frontends.
  • Organizational Alignment: Reorganize your development teams to align with the micro-frontend structure, dedicating teams to specific domains. This realignment ensures teams have the autonomy to innovate within their scope while maintaining overall efficiency.


  • Bit: Central to managing and deploying micro-frontends, Bit facilitates the independent development and reuse of components across applications.
  • Module Federation: A key technology for runtime integration, allowing different micro-frontends to be dynamically loaded into a host application.
  • Package Managers (pnpm/npm/yarn): Essential for managing dependencies and integrating micro-frontends at build time.

Things you should consider

Challenge: Consistent User Experience Across Micro-frontends

  • Solution: Establish a shared design system and utilize Bit to manage and distribute UI components, ensuring consistent implementation across micro-frontends.

Challenge: Effective Communication Between Micro-frontends

  • Solution: Design a clear contract for inter-micro-frontend communication, employing shared state management solutions or custom event systems to facilitate interaction without tight coupling.

Challenge: Complexity in Managing Multiple Repositories

  • Solution: Leverage Bit to centralize component management across micro-frontends, regardless of their repository. Bit’s platform simplifies the discovery, sharing, and updating of components across teams and projects.

Example Real-world Scenario

A large e-commerce platform aimed to overhaul its user interface to introduce personalized shopping experiences and faster feature deployment. By adopting microfrontend architecture, it identified key areas such as “product listings,” “customer reviews,” and “checkout process” to develop as independent micro-frontends. Using Bit, each area was turned into a scoped collection of components, allowing for independent development and easy integration via Module Federation. This strategic realignment enabled parallel development tracks, accelerated feature updates, and maintained a cohesive user experience across the platform.

Microfrontend architecture, with the strategic application of tools like Bit and integration technologies such as Module Federation, represents a significant leap towards building more dynamic, maintainable, and user-centric web applications. By embracing this approach, organizations can cultivate a more modular, efficient, and agile development environment.

Accelerating With Component Reuse

In today’s agile and fast-paced development environment, the ability to accelerate workflows while minimizing costs is a critical advantage. Component reuse emerges as a foundational strategy in achieving these goals, transforming the way applications are built by leveraging shared resources.

What is Component Reuse?

Component reuse refers to the practice of developing and organizing software elements — ranging from simple UI widgets to complex business logic modules — so they can be used in multiple application contexts. This approach minimizes duplication of effort by allowing developers to leverage existing solutions, rather than reinventing the wheel for each new project.

Why Do You Need Component Reuse?

  1. Efficiency: Reusing components significantly speeds up the development process, enabling teams to deliver features more rapidly.
  2. Cost Reduction: It reduces development and maintenance costs by minimizing the need for bespoke solutions for every project requirement.
  3. Consistency: Ensures a uniform look and feel across different applications, enhancing the overall user experience.
  4. Quality Improvement: Components that are reused undergo rigorous testing and refinement, leading to higher reliability and performance.

How to Adopt Component Reuse

  • Component Identification: Conduct an audit of existing codebases to identify elements that frequently recur across projects. Pay attention to UI elements, utility functions, and any domain-specific logic that could be abstracted into reusable modules.
  • Leverage Bit for Management: Utilize Bit as your central tool for managing the lifecycle of reusable components. Bit allows you to create, document, version, and distribute components, making them easily discoverable and usable across projects.
  • Build a Component Library: Develop a centralized repository for your components, ensuring they are easily accessible to developers across your organization. This library should be well-documented, categorizing components based on functionality and application context.


  • Bit: Offers a comprehensive platform for component management, enabling developers to share and reuse components with ease. Its features support the entire component lifecycle, from creation to deployment. Also check
  • Package managers and Documentation Tools: Tools such as Storybook can complement Bit by providing a UI to visually document and showcase components, facilitating easier adoption and reuse.

Things you should consider

Challenge: Discoverability of Components

  • Solution: Implement a robust tagging and categorization system within your component library. Regularly update documentation and employ tools like Bit’s search functionalities to enhance discoverability.

Challenge: Ensuring Compatibility and Versioning

  • Solution: Adopt semantic versioning for your components and clearly document API changes and dependencies. Utilize Bit’s versioning capabilities to manage dependencies and ensure compatibility across different versions.

Challenge: Maintaining Quality and Consistency

  • Solution: Establish a review process for all components before they are added to the repository. Encourage peer reviews and integrate automated testing within the CI/CD pipeline to maintain high quality and consistency.

Case Study

A fintech company developing several web applications faced challenges in maintaining UI consistency and meeting tight development deadlines. By adopting a component reuse strategy, they identified common UI elements like form controls, navigation bars, and data visualization widgets that were replicated across applications.

Using Bit, they created a centralized component library, documenting and versioning each component. This library became the single source of truth, accessible to all development teams. As a result, the company saw a dramatic reduction in development time for new features, a consistent user experience across products, and a significant decrease in bugs related to UI components.

In summary, component reuse is not just a technical strategy but a cultural shift within development teams. By embracing tools like Bit and fostering a mindset of reuse, organizations can unlock unparalleled efficiency, consistency, and quality in their software development processes.

Streamlined CI/CD Practices for scalable and efficient app development

In the ecosystem of modern app development, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) practices are not just beneficial — they are imperative for maintaining a steady flow of high-quality updates and innovations. Tailoring CI/CD processes to accommodate the granularity of individual components marks a significant leap in optimizing development workflows. This section delves into the nuances of refining CI/CD practices for components, providing a comprehensive adoption blueprint.

What is Refined CI/CD for Components?

Refined CI/CD for components is an advanced approach that focuses on optimizing the build, test, and deployment processes at the component level rather than the application as a whole. This method emphasizes the independent lifecycle management of components, ensuring that each can be updated, tested, and deployed without impacting other parts of the system. It facilitates a more efficient, scalable, and robust development process, enabling rapid iteration and high-quality output.

Why Do You Need Refined CI/CD for Components?

Ripple CI/CD — propogate changes and update code across applications
  1. Enhanced Efficiency: By building and deploying only what’s necessary, you significantly reduce build times and resource consumption.
  2. Improved Isolation: Testing components individually minimizes the risk of unexpected issues during integration, leading to more stable releases.
  3. Greater Flexibility: Developers can update and release components independently, allowing for faster response to requirements or bug fixes.
  4. Consistency Across Projects: Ensures that all projects using a shared component can benefit from the latest updates instantly and uniformly.

How to Adopt Refined CI/CD for Components

  • Integrate Ripple CI: Incorporate Ripple CI into your development pipeline to leverage its component-centric approach to CI/CD. Ripple CI is designed to build components, not just projects, identifying dependencies and ensuring that any component impacted by a change is automatically updated and tested.
  • Automate Testing and Quality Assurance: Establish automated testing protocols for each component. Utilize a mix of unit tests, integration tests, and visual regression tests to ensure components meet quality standards before being merged and deployed.
  • Configure Automated Deployment: Set up deployment strategies that complement your modular architecture. Utilize Ripple CI’s capabilities to deploy updated components across all applications that use them, maintaining consistency and reducing manual intervention.


  • Ripple CI: A CI/CD tool that specializes in component-based architectures, offering efficient builds and deployments by understanding the dependency graph of your components.
  • Testing Frameworks: Tools like Jest for unit testing, Cypress for end-to-end tests, and Storybook for UI testing are essential for ensuring component quality.
  • Containerization and Orchestration Tools: Docker and Kubernetes can play a significant role in deploying and managing your components, especially in microservices-oriented architectures.

Things you should consider

Challenge: Managing Dependencies and Versioning

  • Solution: Use Ripple CI to automatically track and manage dependencies. Adopt semantic versioning for components to ensure backward compatibility and clear communication of changes.

Challenge: Ensuring Comprehensive Test Coverage

  • Solution: Implement a robust testing strategy that covers all aspects of each component. Leverage Bit for component isolation, making it easier to write and maintain tests.

Challenge: Coordinating Across Multiple Teams and Projects

  • Solution: Foster clear communication channels and maintain a centralized repository of components with Bit. Utilize Ripple CI to propagate changes across projects seamlessly, ensuring that all teams have access to the latest component versions.

Example Real-world Scenario

Consider a scenario where a fintech company operates multiple applications, each sharing a set of core financial calculation components. Previously, updates to these components required manual coordination across teams, leading to delays and inconsistencies.

By adopting refined CI/CD practices with Ripple CI, the company automated the build and test processes for these components. Each update now triggers an automatic build process in Ripple CI, running a comprehensive suite of tests. Successful builds are then deployed across all applications using the updated components, ensuring consistency and reducing time-to-market for new features.

Establishing a Developer Hub: Creating a Centralized Developer Portal

In the dynamic sphere of software development, the creation of a developer portal represents a strategic move towards centralizing resources and fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation. A well-structured developer portal serves as a linchpin for development teams, offering a unified access point to tools, components, documentation, and more. This section delves into the concept of a developer portal, outlining effective strategies for its development and customization to meet the unique needs of your organization.


A developer portal is a comprehensive online platform that aggregates development resources, tools, and information in one accessible location. It’s designed to facilitate easier access to shared assets, promote reuse of components, and encourage collaboration among developers. By providing a centralized repository for documentation, code libraries, APIs, and other development tools, a developer portal significantly enhances productivity and streamlines workflows.

Why Do You Need a Developer Portal?

  1. Centralized Access: It simplifies the discovery and utilization of development resources, reducing the time developers spend searching for information and tools.
  2. Collaboration and Sharing: Encourages a collaborative development environment where team members can easily share insights, components, and best practices.
  3. Standardization and Quality: Promotes adherence to coding standards and best practices by providing easy access to guidelines, templates, and shared components, thereby enhancing the overall quality of projects.
  4. Community Engagement: Acts as a hub for the development community, fostering engagement, feedback, and contribution, which in turn drives continuous improvement.

How to Adopt a Developer Portal

  • Opt for as the Foundation: Utilize to anchor your developer portal. offers an extensive suite of development resources, including component management, documentation tools, and collaboration features, making it an ideal choice for powering your portal.
  • Customization to Reflect Branding and Needs: Tailor the look and feel of the portal to align with your organizational branding. Customize the interface and functionalities to address the specific needs and preferences of your developer community. This can include theming, personalized dashboards, and integrations with internal tools or services.
  • Foster Community Engagement: Actively engage your development community by encouraging contributions to the portal. This can involve sharing reusable components, writing documentation, or providing feedback on tools and resources. Recognize and reward active contributors to incentivize participation.


  • Serves as the comprehensive platform for managing and sharing development resources. Its capabilities in component management and documentation are central to the functionality of the developer portal.
  • Customization and Integration Tools: Tools and libraries that allow for the customization of the web interface and integration with other systems, ensuring a seamless user experience and connectivity with internal workflows.

Things you should consider

Challenge: Ensuring the Portal Meets Diverse Needs

  • Solution: Conduct surveys and workshops with developers to gather insights into their needs and preferences. Use this feedback to continuously evolve the portal, ensuring it remains relevant and valuable to its users.

Challenge: Maintaining Engagement and Contribution

  • Solution: Implement gamification elements such as badges and leaderboards to reward contributions. Offer regular updates, challenges, and showcases to keep the community active and engaged.

Challenge: Keeping Content and Resources Up-to-Date

  • Solution: Assign dedicated teams or community managers to oversee the content and resources on the portal. Automate the updating process where possible, and encourage the community to report outdated information or contribute updates.

Example Real-world Scenario

A multinational software corporation was facing challenges in maintaining consistency across its global development teams and ensuring efficient access to internal tools and documentation. By establishing a developer portal powered by, they created a centralized resource hub that significantly improved developer workflows. The portal was customized to include corporate branding, various resource categories, and interactive forums for community discussions. As a result, developers were able to quickly find and utilize resources, adhere to standardized practices, and actively contribute to the shared asset library, leading to enhanced productivity and project quality across the organization.

In summary, establishing a developer hub through a comprehensive developer portal is a strategic initiative that can transform the development landscape of any organization. By centralizing resources, fostering collaboration, and encouraging community engagement, companies can create an environment that not only streamlines development processes but also promotes innovation and continuous improvement.

Standardization Through Templates

The Power of Templates and Starters

Templates and starters are crucial for ensuring consistency and expediting project initiation, embodying predefined configurations and best practices.

Standardization Strategy

  • Develop and disseminate custom templates that align with organizational standards, utilizing Bit for template management.
  • Encourage the adoption of these templates across teams to ensure a uniform development approach.

Governance and insights in a cross-application infrastructure development

Feature analytics on platform

In the evolving landscape of app development, where component-driven approaches predominate, the imperative for robust governance, coupled with insightful visibility and analytics, cannot be overstated. This trifecta is pivotal in navigating the complexities of modern development environments, ensuring that practices and processes are not just adhered to but are also continuously refined for optimal performance. Here, we delve into the integration of governance, visibility, and analytics into the development workflow and outline a strategic blueprint for their implementation.

What is Governance, Visibility, and Analytics?

  • Governance refers to the framework of rules and practices that guide how components are developed, managed, and utilized within projects. It encompasses coding standards, security protocols, and compliance requirements.
  • Visibility provides a clear, real-time perspective on how components are being used across various projects, highlighting dependencies, versioning, and potential issues.
  • Analytics involves the examination of data related to component usage, performance, and efficiency, offering actionable insights that drive decision-making and improvements.

Why Do You Need Governance, Visibility, and Analytics?

  1. Maintain High Standards: Governance ensures that all components meet predefined quality, security, and compliance standards, maintaining the integrity of your codebase.
  2. Enhance Decision-Making: Visibility into component usage across projects allows for informed decision-making, ensuring resources are allocated effectively.
  3. Drive Continuous Improvement: Analytics provide the feedback necessary to identify trends, successes, and areas for improvement, enabling a cycle of continuous optimization.

How to Implement Governance, Visibility, and Analytics

  • Establish Governance Framework: Develop a comprehensive governance policy that outlines standards for coding, security, documentation, and usage of components. Ensure that these policies are communicated clearly to all development teams and integrated into the development process.
  • Adopt Bit for Comprehensive Management: Utilize Bit as a central platform for managing your components. Bit offers tools that provide an overarching view of your components, including their usage, dependencies, and version history, facilitating unmatched visibility into your component ecosystem.
  • Leverage Analytics with Utilize the analytics features within Bit to monitor and analyze component performance and utilization. This data should be regularly reviewed to identify popular components, potential bottlenecks, and opportunities for optimization.
  • Enforce Policies Through Automation: Integrate governance checks into your CI/CD pipeline, automating compliance with coding standards, security checks, and documentation requirements. This ensures that governance policies are uniformly applied across all components.

How to start

  • Bit: Acts as the cornerstone for implementing governance, visibility, and analytics. Its comprehensive suite of tools supports the entire lifecycle of component management.
  • CI/CD Tools: Jenkins, CircleCI, and GitHub Actions can be configured to automate governance compliance checks and deployments, ensuring consistent application of standards.

Watch out for

Challenge: Ensuring Adherence to Governance Policies

  • Solution: Automate as much of the governance process as possible through CI/CD pipelines. Regularly conduct audits and reviews to ensure policies are being followed, providing training and resources to address any gaps.

Challenge: Maintaining Visibility Across Distributed Teams

  • Solution: Centralize component management with Bit to ensure all teams have access to the same resources and information. Encourage regular communication and updates on component usage and changes.

Challenge: Deriving Actionable Insights from Analytics

  • Solution: Establish clear metrics for evaluating component performance and utilization. Regularly review these metrics with the development teams to identify trends and make data-driven decisions for prioritization and optimization.

Example Scenario

A multinational corporation with multiple cross-functional teams working on a vast array of projects faced challenges in maintaining coding standards, reusing components, and optimizing resource allocation. By formulating a strict governance policy, utilizing Bit for visibility into component usage, and analyzing performance metrics, the corporation was able to significantly streamline its development process. Governance enforcement through automated CI/CD pipelines ensured compliance with standards, Bit’s dashboard offered real-time insights into component reuse and dependencies, and analytics on component performance informed strategic decisions on optimizations and resource allocations. This strategic implementation led to enhanced code quality, increased efficiency, and a more cohesive development environment.

Wrapping up

By adhering to this blueprint, organizations can architect a DevEx platform that not only meets the demands of modern software development but also positions them for future growth and innovation. Through the judicious application of contemporary tools and methodologies, such as those provided by Bit, development teams can achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency, collaboration, and product excellence.



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