Create a quick .NET Core CLI with System.CommandLine, Logging and Dependency Injection.

Writing a mature CLI on .NET Core doesn’t have to be difficult.

Erik Burger
Level Up Coding
Published in
5 min readJun 1, 2021


Photo by Safar Safarov on Unsplash

The other day, I had a requirement to create a simple command-line application to do some database housekeeping. I’m a bit of a perfectionist (hum hum) so to me, a simple CLI should have at least the following features:

  • Robust argument parsing and validation
  • Logging
  • Testability

The last one, Testability, to me is almost synonymous with Dependency Injection. I love how DI helps to set things up in a modular fashion and therefore allows you to write proper, isolated Unit Tests for everything you do.

.NET Core comes with a very simple DI framework. While some say it isn’t “powerful enough” (whatever that means) I have found no reason to switch to another framework.

But before we dive into DI (which is going to make Logging trivial, as you’ll see) let’s tackle the first requirement: robust argument parsing and validation. For this, we turn to the (at the time of writing, experimental) System.CommandLine package.

Creating our CLI

I could write a few paragraphs on what System.CommandLine is and what it does but how about I just show you?

Let’s start with a basic console application. In any terminal (I can highly recommend the new Windows Terminal, if you’re on Windows), create a new project:

mkdir ohmy-cli
cd ohmy-cli
dotnet new console

This gets us a bog-standard .NET Core command-line application. It works, too! Just enter dotnet run while in the root of your project and voilà:

It can even accept arguments. But it’s a long way from “robust argument parsing and validation”. Let’s change that.

First, add the System.CommandLine package:

dotnet add package System.CommandLine --prerelease

Notice the --prerelease argument? That’s needed because System.CommandLine is still in beta.

Replace the Main method and with the following code (I’ll explain below):



Poly-passionate. Coder, writer, technical lead, coach. Also into mindset, fitness, productivity, finance and personal development.