Data Manipulation with Pandas

Level Up Coding
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8 min readFeb 4, 2024


In today’s world, there’s a resource more important than oil, with the power to shape the future at our fingertips — data. This invaluable asset unlocks the potential to decode human behavior, innovate autonomous vehicles, and pioneer advanced robotics. The principle is straightforward: the more data we harness, the more intelligent our systems become.

created with Dall-E 3 by author with ❤

What is DataFrame?

A DataFrame is essentially a table, much like the ones you’d see in Excel. It’s a way to store and organize your data, with rows and columns clearly laid out. Each column in a DataFrame represents a specific variable, and each row contains a set of values corresponding to those variables, much like a record.

DataFrame Example — Unless otherwise stated, the screenshots are provided by the author and this applies to the remaining images as well.

One of the best parts about DataFrames, especially in Python’s Pandas library, is their flexibility. You can easily add, remove, or modify data. It’s like having a powerful spreadsheet in your code, allowing you to handle complex data tasks with just a few lines of code.

I explained Pandas and did some analysis using it, you can find more information from my other post below.

— — — — — — Transforming DataFrames — — — — — —

Some Methods and Attributes

head() & tail():

These functions show the first and last five rows by default, offering a quick glimpse of your data. For a deeper look, adjust the parameters to see more rows, making it easy to get a sense of your dataset without examining every detail.

head & tail method


This method provides quick summary of dataset, including number of entries, columns, the data type of each column, and the amount of memory used.

info method — Screenshot by author


Provides summary of central tendencies, shape, statistics like mean, median, min, max, standard deviation and quartiles for each numeric column in dataset

describe method

shape, values, columns, index:

  • shape: To see number of rows and columns.
  • values: Provides a NumPy representation of the data, converting it into an array.
  • columns: Names of the columns.
  • index: Gives the index (row labels).
shape, values, columns, index attributes

Sorting & Subsetting


So you can sort values by giving column name and you can choose the order by giving True or False to ascending, by default ascending is True so if you want to order from highest to lowest you should set ascending to False.

df.sort_values(by=["Menu_Price"], ascending=False)
Sorting menu prices from highest to lowest


We can do this by one column, condition or more.

Subsetting reviews higher than 80
df[ (df["Menu_Price"]<45) & (df["Cuisine_Type"]=="Italian") ]
Subsetting menu prices less than 45 and italian cuisines

We can also subset by using isin()

Subsetting Italian and American cuisines

Adding Data to DataFrame

If you want to divide two list you get TypeError. Pandas series object which is pandas.core.series.Series also built on top of NumPy arrays, we can do division, multiplication etc. So by using two column I want to create another. By using Monthly_Revenue and Number_of_Customers columns I want to create Monthly_Revenue_pps

df["Monthly_Revenue_pps"] = df["Monthly_Revenue"] / df["Number_of_Customers"]
Adding Monthly_Revenue_pps column

— — — — Aggregating DataFrames — — — —

Summarizing Numerical Data

So we saw that by using describe method we can summarize our data generally. If we want to do it on specific part of the data we can use them individually or by grouping them.

median, mode, min, max, var, std, sum these methods can be used individually on dataset.

mean,median,min,max on Monthly Revenue


To visualize the distribution, count the occurrences of values within the relevant column. For example, let’s see Cuisine_Type’s distribution.


Grouped Summary Statistics

In descriptive statistics, summary statistics are used to summarize a set of observations so we can also apply it to our dataset.

Monthly Revenue for each cuisine type

We can increase group numbers or summary numbers let’s see:

Monthly Revenue and Reviews for each Cuisine Type and Menu Price

Pivot Table

With the column, index and data we select, we can create pivot table to see more specific data together.

df.pivot_table(values="Monthly_Revenue", columns="Cuisine_Type")
Pivot Table

— — — — Slicing & Indexing DataFrames— — — —


We can use indexing when we want to select specific rows or columns.

label-based indexing ( loc[ ] )

grouped_df = df.groupby(["Cuisine_Type","Menu_Price"])[["Monthly_Revenue"]].mean()

integer-based indexing ( iloc[ ] )



We can use slicing when we want to select a subset of rows or columns.

df.loc[(df['Menu_Price'] > 46) & (df['Cuisine_Type'] == "Italian")]
selecting sliced part with loc[]

— — Creating and Visualizing DataFrames — —

There are lots of ways to visualize our data, to tell the stories within them, we can use line, scatter, bar etc. but today I will show you some of them, which I used for this dataset.

But I suggest you to check examples from these two links for your needs.

Monthly Revenue — Bar Plot

fig = plt.figure(figsize =(10, 6))
Monthly Revenue Bar Plot

Average Customer Spending by Cuisine Type — Box Plot

sns.boxplot(x='Cuisine_Type', y='Average_Customer_Spending', data=df, notch=True, palette="husl")
plt.title('Average Customer Spending by Cuisine Type')
Average Customer Spending by Cuisine Type Box Plot

Monthly Revenue vs Number of Customers — Scatter Plot

plt.scatter(df["Number_of_Customers"], df["Monthly_Revenue"], color='red')

plt.xlabel("Number of Customers")
plt.ylabel("Monthly Revenue")
plt.title("Monthly Revenue vs Number of Customers")
Monthly Revenue vs Number of Customers Scatter Plot

BONUS: Machine Learning — Predictive Modeling

In bonus part I will show you simple linear regression model to predict “Monthly_Revenue” based on other numerical features.

| Importing Libraries

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score

| Preparing Data and Training a Linear Regression Model

X = df.drop("Monthly_Revenue",axis=1)
y =df[["Monthly_Revenue"]]

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.20, random_state=1)

model = LinearRegression().fit(X,y)

| Interpreting the Linear Regression Model’s Parameters

model.intercept_[0] # bias => 8.733464354341095
model.coef_ # weights => 2.92023436, 2.1317151 , 4.79050005, -0.12454138,
# -4.68541494, -0.03409436

| Linear Regression Model

|| y = bias + weight x variable ||

Monthly_Revenue = 8.73 + (2.92 x Number_of_customers) + (2.13 x Menu_Price) + 
(4.79 x Marketing_Spend) + (-0.12 x Average_Customer_Spending) +
(-4.68 x Promotions) + (-0.03 x Reviews)

We can say that Bias is simply starting point for predictions when feature values are zero and Weights are impact each feature has on the prediction for every unit change

| Testing data on our model

ex_data = [[81, 40, 5, 22.9, 1, 90]] 

column_names = ['Number_of_Customers', 'Menu_Price', 'Marketing_Spend',
'Average_Customer_Spending', 'Promotions', 'Reviews']

test_data = pd.DataFrame(ex_data, columns=column_names)


OUTPUT => array([[343.88764694]])
sample data from dataset

So after model is trained on our data we give example data for it to predict and Monthly_Revenue from dataset is 326.529 and the predicted Monthly_Revenue is 343.887

| Model Performance

  • RMSE (Root Mean Square Error): Think of this like an average error our model makes. For our training data, which the model has seen, this error is about 57.82. For our unseen test data, it’s slightly higher at 60.34. This is pretty common because the model tends to perform a bit better on the data it has learned from.
  • R-squared: This tells us what percentage of the change in our target (monthly revenue) can be explained by the model’s features. Here, we have an R-squared of 0.68 for training data and 0.69 for test data, meaning our features explain about 68–69% of the variability in revenue.
  • 10-Fold Cross Validation RMSE: To ensure our model’s performance isn’t a fluke of how we split the data, we use cross-validation. Our 10-fold cross-validation RMSE is 58.71, which aligns with our other RMSE values, reassuring us that our model is reliable.
#Train RMSE
y_pred = model.predict(X_train)
np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_train,y_pred)) # 57.82

#Train r-squared error
model.score(X_train, y_train) #0.68

#Test RMSE
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test,y_pred)) #60.34

#Test r-squared error
model.score(X_test, y_test) #0.69

#10 Fold Cross Validation RMSE
scoring="neg_mean_squared_error"))) # 58.70

Thank you for taking the time to read through this piece. I’m glad to share these insights and hope they’ve been informative. If you enjoyed this article and are looking forward to more content like this, feel free to stay connected by following my Medium profile. Your support is greatly appreciated. Until the next article, take care and stay safe!

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