Date Picker in Flutter

Flutter Junction
Level Up Coding
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2022


Date Picker is one of the most-used widgets in mobile applications and also in web apps too. In this article, we are going to create a simple working example of how to create a date picker and get the date.

Our final app will function as follows:

Date picker

All right, let’s dive in

First, we create a new file named homepage.dart inside the lib folder. As in the gif above, we first need to have a text field. When clicking a text field, the date picker dialog is opened where we choose the date.

We can create the text field as follows:

Then we create the date picker.

  • initialDate: Here we give today’s date. Today’s date will get highlighted when the date picker is shown.
  • lastDate: Here we provide how far our calendar shows the year's data.
  • firstDate: Here we need to provide how much back the date are shown. If we have to disable users to exclude dates before today we need to provide today’s date as.

We can see, that the dates before 15 are greyed out.

With this, we can show the date picker and pick the date. We can also format the date we picked from the date picker.

Here we have formatted the date as yyyy-MM-dd . You can achieve more formatting by following this link.

After selecting the date and formatting we set our dateController with the picked date as:

setState(() { 
dateController.text = formattedDate;

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