Debugging Node.js Lambda Functions Locally with Breakpoints

Diligent Dev
Level Up Coding
Published in
5 min readApr 6, 2020


I’ve always been a huge fan of anything serverless. There are just so many benefits to building an application this way. First and foremost, you don't have to worry about maintaining a server and scaling it. Second, its dirt cheap and in most cases free. And, third, did I mention it's near free?

But, there are some drawbacks to serverless. One of the biggest, in my opinion, is the ability to debug a function locally with breakpoints in Node.js. I started my career as a developer using the .NET stack. Anyone who has used .NET knows that the tooling is incredible, even with serverless functions.

With Node, you can get most of the same debugging benefits, but it does take more setup. In this article, I’m going to go over how to debug Node.js Lambda functions locally with breakpoints. If you’ve only been using console log statements, you’re going to wish you had figured this out a long time ago 😬.

Video Tutorial

Serverless Framework



Full-stack developer developer for 7+ years with a passion for learning new things and sharing. For more, check out