Diesel: A Rust-y ORM

James Bowen
Level Up Coding
Published in
6 min readJul 27, 2020


Last week on Monday Morning Haskell we took our first step into some real world tasks with Rust. We explored the simple Rust Postgres library to connect to a database and run some queries. This week we’re going to use Diesel, a library with some cool ORM capabilities. It’s a bit like the Haskell library Persistent, which you can explore more in our Real World Haskell Series.

For a more in-depth look at the code for this article, you should take a look at our Github Repository! You’ll want to look at the files referenced below and also at the executable here.

Diesel CLI

Our first step is to add Diesel as a dependency in our program. We briefly discussed Cargo “features” in last week’s article. Diesel has separate features for each backend you might use. So we’ll specify “postgres”. Once again, we’ll also use a special feature for the chrono library so we can use timestamps in our database.

diesel={version="1.4.4", features=["postgres", "chrono"]}

But there’s more! Diesel comes with a CLI that helps us manage our database migrations. It also will generate some of our schema code. Just as we can install binaries with Stack using stack install, we can do the same with Cargo. We only want to specify the features we want. Otherwise it will crash if we don't have the other databases installed.

>> cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres

Now we can start using the program to setup our project to generate our migrations. We begin with this command.

>> diesel setup

This creates a couple different items in our project directory. First, we have a “migrations” folder, where we’ll put some SQL code. Then we also get a schema.rs file in our src directory. Diesel will automatically generate code for us in this file. Let's see how!

Migrations and Schemas

When using Persistent in Haskell, we defined our basic types in a single Schema file using a special template language. We could run migrations on our whole schema programmatically, without our own SQL. But it is difficult to track more complex migrations as your schema evolves.

