Trace the Untraceable: Dive into Distributed Tracing with OpenTelemetry and Kubernetes for Microservices

Veerash Ayyagari
Level Up Coding
Published in
8 min readApr 7, 2023


Photo by Shubham's Web3 on Unsplash

In the world of microservices, software architectures are becoming increasingly distributed and complex, making it challenging to observe the interactions between services. In a distributed system, services are often spread across multiple machines, networks, and data centers. This complexity makes it difficult to identify the source of errors or performance issues. Distributed tracing provides a solution to this problem by providing developers with insights into how their system is behaving to various traffic patterns and allowing them to identify and address issues quickly.

When it comes to distributed tracing, there are several providers to choose from. However, OpenTelemetry has emerged as the preferred choice due to its vendor-agnostic and open-source approach. OpenTelemetry is a powerful observability framework that can be used to instrument and collect telemetry data from various sources, providing developers with a unified way to collect and analyze telemetry data from different systems.

In this blog post, I will walk you through on

  1. How to instrument a microservices-based application in a Kubernetes cluster with OpenTelemetry.
  2. How to setup propagators to carry forward the trace context…



Principal Engineer and technology evangelist with 10+ yrs of experience designing and building internet scale distributed systems