Do’s and Don’ts of Swift Package Manager

Navigating Swift Package Manager

Shashank Thakur
Level Up Coding


Swift Package Manager
Photo by Anshita Nair on Unsplash

Swift Package Manager (SPM) has become an integral part of the Swift ecosystem, simplifying dependency management and aiding in the creation of scalable and modular Swift projects. However, like any tool, it’s crucial to understand the best practices to make the most of it. In this blog post, we’ll explore the do’s and don’ts of Swift Package Manager.

The Do’s:

1. Use Package.swift for Manifest:

  • Do: Define your project’s dependencies, targets, and other configurations in the Package.swift manifest file. Keep this file organized to ensure clarity and maintainability.

2. Version Control for Manifest File:

  • Do: Include the Package.swift file in version control. This ensures that everyone working on the project has a consistent set of dependencies and configurations.

3. Semantic Versioning:

  • Do: Follow semantic versioning for your packages. Clearly define breaking changes, new features, and patches to avoid compatibility issues when others consume your package.

4. Use Git for Dependency Resolution:

  • Do: Specify dependencies using Git URLs. This ensures reproducibility and allows you to control the version of a package more precisely.

5. Specify Swift Language Version:

  • Do: Explicitly specify the Swift language version in your Package.swift file. This ensures compatibility and avoids issues when new Swift versions are released.

6. Group Targets Logically:

  • Do: Group your targets logically. This makes it easier for others to understand your project structure and helps in maintaining a clean and organized codebase.

7. Leverage Conditional Dependencies:

  • Do: Use conditional dependencies when necessary. This allows you to include or exclude dependencies based on specific conditions, enhancing flexibility.

8. Regularly Update Dependencies:

  • Do: Periodically update your dependencies to benefit from bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features introduced by package maintainers.

The Don’ts:

1. Avoid Frequent Manifest Changes:

  • Don’t: Avoid unnecessary changes to the Package.swift file. Frequent modifications can lead to confusion and make it harder to track changes over time.

2. Avoid Mixing Package Managers:

  • Don’t: Refrain from mixing Swift Package Manager with other dependency managers like CocoaPods or Carthage in the same project. Stick to one for consistency.

3. Avoid Hardcoding Paths:

  • Don’t: Avoid hardcoding absolute paths in your Package.swift file. Use relative paths or Git URLs to maintain flexibility and portability.

4. Avoid Redundant Targets:

  • Don’t: Refrain from creating redundant targets. Each target should serve a specific purpose, and unnecessary targets can clutter your project.

5. Avoid Implicit Dependencies:

  • Don’t: Be cautious about implicit dependencies. Clearly define dependencies in your Package.swift file to avoid unexpected issues.

6. Don’t Rely on Local Paths:

  • Don’t: Rely solely on local paths for dependencies, especially in a collaborative environment. Git URLs provide a more robust and reproducible solution.

7. Avoid Ignoring Package.lock:

  • Don’t: Avoid ignoring the Package.resolved file in version control. Including this file ensures that all collaborators use the same versions of dependencies.

8. Don’t Forget Package Documentation:

  • Don’t: Neglect documentation. Provide clear and concise documentation for your packages to assist users in understanding how to integrate and use them.


By following these do’s and don’ts, you’ll navigate the Swift Package Manager landscape more effectively, fostering a robust and maintainable project structure. As Swift and its ecosystem continue to evolve, embracing best practices ensures a smoother development experience for you and your collaborators. Happy packaging!

