Easy Serverless Deployment Of Your React App Using Cloud Run

Pascal Zwikirsch
Level Up Coding
Published in
5 min readJan 26, 2021


Deploying your React App as a Docker container on a serverless environment using GCP Cloud Run and making it accessible on the public internet.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


Before we start please make sure that you have the following parts ready:

  • A Google Cloud Platform account with enabled billing for your (demo) project
  • Cloud Build is enabled on your GCP project
  • Cloud Run is enabled on your GCP project
  • GCloud SDK is installed on your local machine

Besides these requirements for GCP we of course, also need a containerized React App we want to host. If you don’t have one already please refer to my other article Easy Optimization Of Your React Docker Image. Down To 22MB! where I am showing you how to create a running React App with just one line of code and providing some optimized Dockerfile to containerize it.

For the next sections of this article, I assume that you have already read my other article since I won’t repeat parts already described there.

The expected result of this article

After we have finished the steps defined in this article we will have an easy and repeatable process how we can…

