Essential Engineering Principles For ML

Joseph Gardi
9 min readJun 11, 2022

Plus Empirical Notes on Deep Learning

For some context that’s not just a bullet list see my other article: Writing beautiful, reproducible, reversible, tested ML code should save time, not cost time

  • Black formatting will ensure that your code is consistently formatted perfectly without you doing extra work. Use black formatting and integrate it with your editor: It should automatically format your code every time you hit save
  • Spend as little time as possible debugging. Debugging tends to frustrate people and consume huge amounts of time. Every time you encounter a difficult bug, think about how you could find that bug faster in the future. You essentially want to automate the process of debugging. Some ideas that help are
    - Type hints. Type hints are the best because they find errors just milliseconds after you type them.
    - Assertions are fantastic because they run every single time and find the error before the code even finishes running.
    - Small fast unit tests
    - Property-based tests: A lot of unit tests are just testing the cases that people think of off the top of their heads, but the hardest bugs tend to come from the cases we don’t foresee. Try to test on randomly generated data instead. You will usually not have labels for what the correct output should be on this randomly generated data, but assertions can reveal many issues automatically.
  • Sanity checks for debugging machine learning models:
    - Always set a baseline using simple methods such as linear regression, kernel ridge regression, Gaussian process, random forest, or auto-sklearn. If the baseline doesn’t work that tells you that you made some dumb error in parsing the data
    - Plots for diagnosing neural networks:
    - Ensure the model is in evaluation mode when testing so that dropout and batch normalization behave appropriately.
    - Standardize and center the data. Not standardizing the data causes neural networks to fail completely and mysteriously.
    - try training with randomly permuted labels. Then check that you are doing exactly as well as you could do by guessing.
  • Data hygiene / Garbage in, garbage out: You have to ensure you’re feeding in good data.
    - The first step for any project should be visualizing in a Jupyter notebook.
    - Use a histogram to look at the distribution of the data.
    - Use anomaly detection based on entropy to identify anomalous data and then start manually examining anomalous examples. Entropy is a probabilistic measure of how surprising or interesting a particular piece of data is.
  • Do not waste time forgetting old commands you typed on the command line. Have some mechanism for remembering and searching through every command that you use. I use oh-my-zsh with vim keybindings and zsh history
  • Use caching and multiprocessing to make your code run fast. Faster code means faster development and experimentation. Joblib is good for this. Cache everything in your ~/.[name of project] directory. Also, for runtime caching and wiring up complex dependencies, use python’s @cached_property decorator for lazy initialization. The cached properties make life easy because you don’t have to think about what order you initialize things (functions can call functions defined lower down in the file, while a variable can’t depend on a variable that is not yet defined).
  • Use to track experiments. Aim is open source and looks very promising but I have no experience with it and it is less mature since it’s new. Weights and biases is poorly architected in my opinion and they spend all their money on advertising rather than on making a better product. The weights and biases product itself seems to emphasize aesthetics. Perhaps weights and biases is a better fit for data science than ML engineering.
  • Do not waste time manually tuning hyperparameters. This overfits the test set anyways. Use black-box optimization with validation accuracy instead. Make sure to record the results of your experiments. I’d recommend using or pyGPGO
  • In some cases, it makes sense to use PyTorch lightning to get well-structured code with lots of bells and whistles like early stopping: See an example of integrating PyTorch lightning with
  • First priority is getting something minimal working end-to-end that you can benchmark. The next priority is making sure your metrics don’t have a bug. It’s incredibly demoralizing to spend time experimenting with faulty metrics. One of the best ways to double-check your code that is not as boring as rereading it is to refactor. Also, testing on random data as mentioned before is a great sanity check. Way down the priority list is hyperparameter tuning unless you think you can learn something interesting by experimenting with a hyperparameter.

How to Choose Hyperparameters

The most important rule of thumb is that bigger is better. There are more caveats below, but basically, you want to maximize the learning rate, batch size, parameter count, weight decay, dropout, and training time while staying with certain limitations.

Learning rate

Use the highest learning rate you can while still having stable training. Higher learning rate trains faster and generalizes better. However, you should decay the learning rate at the end if you are underfitting. But don’t decay the learning rate if you are overfitting because learning rate decay makes overfitting worse.

Batch size

You should use the largest batch size that the hardware allows because speeds up training. If you aren’t using the largest batch size that fits in memory then you aren’t fully utilizing your hardware.

Smaller batch sizes can help with generalization but you can get the same effect by increasing the learning rate. So just set the batch size to the largest that fits in memory and then forget about tuning batch size so that you can focus on tuning the learning rate. On the other hand, I’m not sure if it is ok to set your batch size to be a significant fraction of your dataset so that consecutive batches contain the same samples. Large batch sizes are fine but if you literally set the batch size to be the entire training set then your SGD isn’t stochastic anymore and I’m not sure if that’s ok. This is still hotly debated.

Network size, weight decay, dropout, and early stopping

One way to regularize is by reducing the number of parameters. Another way is with weight decay and dropout. In the past, the conventional wisdom was to use as few parameters as possible because this reduced VC dimension. But in recent years we have had a lot of empirical evidence that goes against VC dimension. There has been much success with extremely large neural nets that have very high weight decay. For example, GPT2 and Bloom use a weight decay of 0.1. On the other hand, reducing the number of parameters has the added benefit of reducing the computational cost. Generally speaking, the empirical evidence of the last few years has shown that more parameters is better as long as you have enough computer power. For example, it is better to add 50% dropout than to cut the number of parameters in half. But dropout makes training a lot slower. There is a similar story with early stopping. Many recent state-of-the-art models like GPT train to zero training loss. But again this is computationally expensive. Early stopping isn’t the very best way of improving generalization but it has the added benefit of reducing compute cost.

Empirical Notes on deep learning

  • Debug neural networks by looking at histograms of activations, inputs, and outputs
  • Use batch normalization almost always. Don’t forget to use model.eval() and model.train()
  • Use small amounts of dropout in dense layers but never in convolutional layers. It is recommended to use 50% dropout on hidden layers. But I would start with tiny amounts of dropout because it requires a larger model and makes training unstable and slow. Don’t forget to use model.eval() and model.train() to turn dropout off.
  • Optimizers are a hotly disputed topic and don’t make much difference, but for generalization, I would use SGD with momentum set to some value between .5 and 1. The momentum is crucial. SGD without momentum can repeatedly bounce back and forth between opposite sides of the minimum. This can cause the training loss to rise steadily. SGD with momentum generalizes better than adaptive learning rate methods like Adam (, and Nesterov gets better accuracy than classical momentum ( Also, the simplicity of SGD is good for debugging. However, you will need an optimizer with an adaptive learning rate such as AdamW in order to deal with vanishing gradient problems. Also, AdamW often converges faster than SGD. If you really want something blazing fast with all the latest tricks, try Ranger.
  • It seems the most popular learning rate schedulers are CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts (AKA. SGDR) and CyclicLR. It seems that SGDR is good for escaping local minima and generalizing well because of its initial high learning rate. See Towards Explaining the Regularization Effect of Initial Large Learning Rate in Training Neural Networks. But CyclicLR’s gradual ramp-up of the learning rate is good for making training both fast and stable.
  • Resnet is the apex of many years of empirical experimentation on the imagenet dataset so it is worth studying its hyperparameters: Noteworthy features are:
    - Most famously, it uses residual connections. This tends to make the resulting function smoother and combats the vanishing/exploding gradient problem
    - Only two pooling layers. Pooling is helpful for translation invariance, but it is good not to use it more than once or twice because pooling throws away a considerable amount of information
    - Stride one and kernel size 3 or 3x3 are almost always good choices if you have enough compute power for it.
    - The number of neurons in a convolutional layer tends to be the same as the previous layer or double the previous layer. This is like how units of information tend to go up exponentially. For example, you have bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes. You also have half-precision floats (16 bits), floats (32 bits), and doubles which are 64 bits.
  • Deeper networks require a lower learning rate because the resulting functions tend to have higher curvature
  • Use tanh, not sigmoid: Indeed your network will often not even train with sigmoid. It is a little disturbing that something that easy to miss could make the whole thing not work because a benefit of ML is supposed to be letting the data take care of the details. But no. You have to know what you’re doing.
  • You can usually get better performance on GPUs with little to no downside by using mixed-precision training

Theoretical Ideas

  • No Free lunch theorem states that all algorithms actually have the same performance when averaged over all possible problems. This implies that no one machine learning algorithm can be the best solution for all problems. This is because all machine learning models must make some assumptions (inductive bias) to generalize beyond the training data and make predictions about new inputs. These assumptions or inductive biases cannot apply equally well to all problems. Another implication is that no one compression algorithm or dimensionality reduction can work well on all data. For more on No Free Lunch Theorem see my earlier post.
  • Understand Occam’s razor, which states that the simplest explanation is the most likely. We should therefore prefer simpler machine learning models.
  • Take a look at Chomsky’s universal grammar:
  • Understand the limits of humans understanding and how it applies to machine learning: Youtube: Noam Chomsky Interview on Limits of Language & Mind
  • Deep relations between kernels, distance metrics, probability, and entropy: Kernels are equivalent to divergences (which are often a distance squared) where

Here d is a divergence which equals a distance squared. and this is an isomorphic function so

So divergences are negative log-likelihoods; in other words, distance squared is equivalent to entropy.

  • Know that Neural networks are equivalent to Gaussian processes in the limit of infinite neurons. But also know that Gaussian processes are O(n³) where n is the number of training examples while neural networks are O(n)
  • According to mercer’s theorem, we can approximate any positive definite kernel (a measure of similarity) as a dot product in a sufficiently high dimension.
  • Any high-dimensional space can be understood by looking at many low-dimensional projections. Use this to deal with the curse of dimensionality. Humans understand the 4-dimensional world by looking at just 2(one from each eye) 2-dimensional projections of the world at a time. The proof is at This is the principle that Spotify annoy uses to do approximate nearest neighbors search in extremely high dimensional spaces. Spotify uses Spotify annoy for their music recommendations. For example, humans understand their 4-dimensional world by looking at many tiny 2-dimensional projections. Each eyeball only sees a very small 2d projection at any given time.
  • A picture is worth a thousand words: Understand everything visually because the visual cortex is like the brain’s GPU. See the big picture of what you want to build before coding.

I hope you found this helpful. Any feedback or suggestions for this would be appreciated! 🙏

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