FastAPI Background Tasks vs Celery: Which is Right for Your Application

Denis Khodishchenko
Level Up Coding
Published in
5 min readMar 16, 2023


A deep dive into the differences between FastAPI background tasks and Celery, with tips on how to choose the best tool for your use case.

Photo by Eden Constantino on Unsplash


Web applications often require background processing for time-consuming tasks like sending emails, processing large files, or performing complex calculations. Two popular tools for running background tasks in Python web applications are FastAPI background tasks and Celery. While both are powerful tools, they have different strengths and use cases. In this article, we’ll compare FastAPI background tasks and Celery, and help you decide which one is right for your application.

FastAPI Background Tasks

FastAPI background tasks are a way to run time-consuming tasks asynchronously in the background of a FastAPI web application. They are defined as functions that run after being triggered by the main application, and can be used for tasks like sending emails, processing large files, or performing complex calculations.

Here’s an example of how to define a background task in FastAPI:

from fastapi import BackgroundTasks, FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def process_data():
# perform time-consuming task here
async def create_data(background_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
# trigger background task
return {"message": "Data created"}

In this example, process_data is the function that will run in the background and create_data is the main application route that triggers the background task using the background_tasks dependency.

FastAPI background tasks are useful for improving the performance and responsiveness of your application. For example, you can use them to offload CPU-intensive tasks from the main thread, allowing the application to handle more requests at the same time. You can also use them for tasks that require a long time to complete, such as processing large files or running machine learning algorithms.

Overall, FastAPI background tasks are a lightweight and efficient way to run background tasks in your FastAPI web application.


Celery is a powerful Python task queue that allows you to run asynchronous tasks in the background of your web application. It’s a popular tool for handling long-running tasks, such as sending emails, processing large files, or running machine learning algorithms.

Here’s an example of how to use Celery in a Python application:

from celery import Celery

app = Celery('tasks', broker='pyamqp://guest@localhost//')

def process_data():
# perform time-consuming task here

if __name__ == '__main__':
result = process_data.delay()

In this example, process_data is the Celery task that we want to run in the background. We use the delay method to queue the task for execution, and then use the get method to retrieve the result.

By calling process_data.delay() in the main function, we're adding the task to the Celery task queue to be executed asynchronously in the background.

One advantage of Celery is its ability to handle large volumes of tasks, thanks to its distributed architecture. Celery workers can be run on separate machines, allowing you to scale your application as needed.

Another advantage of Celery is its scheduling functionality, Celery Beat. This allows you to schedule periodic tasks to run at specified intervals, such as sending a daily email newsletter.

Celery is a great tool for running background tasks in Python applications, especially those with high volumes of tasks or complex scheduling requirements. However, it requires some additional setup and configuration compared to FastAPI background tasks.

Scalability and Distribution

Celery is designed to be highly scalable and can handle a large volume of tasks by using a distributed architecture. With Celery, you can run multiple worker processes to process tasks concurrently, which can help improve the performance of your application.

Celery supports a variety of message brokers, including RabbitMQ, Redis, and others. This gives you full control over the message broker that you want to use for your application, allowing you to choose one that best meets your needs in terms of scalability, reliability, and other factors.

FastAPI’s background tasks on the other hand are built directly into the FastAPI framework, which makes them easy to set up and integrate with your FastAPI application. They are designed to be non-blocking and can run in the background without slowing down the main application thread.

However, FastAPI’s background tasks are not distributed like Celery, and they do not support advanced scheduling features like Celery Beat. This means that FastAPI’s background tasks are not the best choice for applications that require more advanced task processing functionality.


Celery provides a number of tools for monitoring and managing your tasks, including the ability to set up monitoring systems like Flower. Flower is a web-based tool for monitoring and managing Celery clusters, providing real-time insight into task execution, worker status, and other important metrics.

Celery Monitoring Tool

Unfortunately, FastAPI’s background tasks do not provide this level of monitoring and management out of the box. While it is possible to build custom monitoring tools for FastAPI, it requires more effort and honestly, it’s just not what FastAPI’s lightweight solution is designed for.

If monitoring and management are important considerations for your application, Celery may be the better choice, as it provides a more robust set of monitoring and management tools out of the box.

Final comparison

When deciding between FastAPI background tasks and Celery, the best choice depends on the specific needs of your application.

FastAPI background tasks are a good fit for lightweight applications that need to perform simple background tasks, such as logging or updating a database. They are simple to set up and integrate seamlessly with FastAPI web applications, making them a good choice for developers who want a simple and lightweight solution.

On the other hand, Celery is a good choice for more complex applications that need to handle a large volume of tasks, or require more advanced scheduling features. Celery’s distributed architecture allows it to handle large volumes of tasks, and its Celery Beat scheduling functionality makes it a powerful tool for scheduling periodic tasks.

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