Find The Missing Number In The Array

Thenjiwe kubheka
Level Up Coding
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2021


Source: Karla Hernandez via

This is another classic interview question, loved by the Tech Giants. It goes as follows;

Problem Statement

From the image above, we are given an array of unsorted numbers, the size of the array is 8 and the missing number is 6. Easy enough right? What if the array is made up of a million items, then the missing number will not be easily visible.

Then we would need to write a program to simplify things. We will be using two methods, namely the Sum method and the XOR method.

Method 1: Using Sum

First we will sum up all the natural numbers, then the numbers inside the array.

We will call the Sum of natural numbers (Sn);

Sn = n(n+1)/2

We know that our n is 8, so we will substitute 8, wherever we see n.

Sn = 8(8+1)/2

Then add up 8+1 as it is within the brackets

Sn = 8(9)/2

Then multiply 8*9 before we divide, our result here.

Sn = 72/2

Sn = 36

So our sum of all natural elements is 36.

Moving on to adding all items within our array. We will call the sum of the array, Sa.

Sa =3+7+1+2+8+4+5

Sa = 30

Now that we have the sum of our array and the sum of natural number, we can determine our missing.

missing = Sn — Sa

missing = 36–30

missing = 6

Let's put this into code

def find_missing(A):
n = len(A)
total = (n+1)*(n+2)/2
Sa = sum(A)
return total - Sa
A = [3,7,1,2,8,4,5]
missing = find_missing

Method 2: Using XOR

XOR function works as follows;

XOR the same element gives us 0 and XOR different elements gives us 1.


A XOR A will give us 0.

A XOR B will give us 1.

Let's apply this to our array problem.

We have our array of integers;

3,7,1,2,8,4,5 and we have our natural numbers 3,7,1,2,8,4,5,6

So we will XOR all elements within our array and all elements within the natural numbers.

3^ 7^ 1^ 2^ 8^ 4^ 5 and 3^ 7^ 1^ 2^ 8^ 4^ 5^ 6

Then we XOR both these items together

3^ 3 , 7^ 7, 1^ 1, 2^ 2, 8^ 8, 4^ 4, 5^ 5

Then 6 is the lone wolf left alone, and thus this is our missing number.

Additional Reading:



Software Engineer from South Africa, who loves mathematics. Fascinated by machines, plays around with a lot of data, constantly researching AI.