Getting Started With Node.js and WebSockets

Let’s make a chat playground

Mike Cronin
Level Up Coding
Published in
5 min readFeb 24, 2020


WebSockets are the edgy younger sibling of http. They let you maintain an open connection for real time updates. Let’s make a simple chatroom that just displays messages from users. To keep this short, I won’t go into much besides the implementation, so if you need background info check out this explanation.


Were going to make a playground that lets 2+ tabs talk to each other in a little chat room.

Two chrome tabs next to each other with chat logs displayed
Our two tabs talking to each other in real time

We’ll use two main files: server.js and index.html. We’re going to use an Express server to supply our index.html file, and we’re going to use the ws library for our second WebSocket server. Also, we’ll used vanilla JS on the frontend, since WebSockets is available in modern browsers; frameworks like React have nothing to do with it.


In a terminal, run:

mk websockets
cd websockets
> server.js
> index.html
npm init -y
npm i express ws nodemon

Then add “start”: “nodemon server.js” to your package.json scripts.



I’m Mostly Focused on JS and web development, but anything coding related is fair game