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Good Habits That Every Programmer Should Have
Practice these good habits to become an exceptional programmer whom everyone respects

Programmers typically follow various practices to improve their working style to go forward in their careers, extend their knowledge, and boost their earnings. They usually learn good practices from senior engineers, open-source projects, and internet resources. Meanwhile, some die-hard programmers define unique good habits from their long programming journies.
We typically get chances to work with many projects during our programming careers. Each project brings new experiences with different technologies and infrastructure. Then, we practice various good habits according to a specific project and development culture. But, at the core level, we can find good generic habits that every programmer can practice regardless of the project domain or technology.
I started programming when I was thirteen years old with Microsoft Visual Basic version 6.0
. I worked on many software projects with different technologies and used more than ten programming languages. The following good habits helped me to improve my programming skills and knowledge in my software engineering career. Make sure to add these good habits to your long programming career too!
Master the Maintain and Optimize Method
How can we develop high-quality software systems? Some software projects start with impressive architectural designs and specifications, but later they often become bloaty, less popular, and unmaintained. For example, we all loved Windows-XP-like the early Microsoft operating systems, but later, the great operating system became bloaty, slow, and less popular. Meanwhile, some software systems start as experiments and live forever with an impressive userbase and developer community.
There are two secrets behind increasing a particular software system’s lifetime: maintenance and optimization. Maintainance involves refactoring the codebase, fixing identified bugs, and helping users by answering queries. Even a simple GitHub Dependabot automatic pull request merge improves the quality of your project.