Google Bard: What You Need to Know

My experience with Google Bard

Anjana Samindra Perera
Level Up Coding
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2023


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In previous articles, we have talked about ChatGPT and Its capabilities. We have also looked into several alternatives for ChatGPT. The newest addition for that alternative option is Google Bard. Bard is a large language model (LLM) from Google AI, trained on a massive dataset of text and code.

This was released for public in last Tuesday (21st march 2023). But for now it’s only accesible for people living in UK and USA. You can join the waiting list from here.

What’s interesting unlike ChatGPT is that Bard is trained on the latest data. You can impact ask Bard about its training data as shown in the below figure.

Interacting with Bard.

Here let’s try out some use cases of Bard by giving prompts that cover different scenarios.

  1. Act as a Linux terminal

