Have You Truly Used Generics? Understanding Kotlin’s Powerful Type System

Beyond the Basics — A Practical and Amusing Journey Through Kotlin’s Generics

Nirbhay Pherwani
Level Up Coding


Sourced from Entertainment Weekly

1. Generics in Kotlin — Iron Man’s Suit of the Coding World

Think of generics in Kotlin as being like Iron Man’s suit — a high-tech, adaptable armor that equips you for any coding challenge. Just as Tony Stark builds his suit with gadgets for every situation, from flying to energy blasts, generics give you tools to handle different types of data with ease and safety. But remember, even Iron Man had to tinker and stumble a bit before mastering his suit (who can forget his first flight crash?). Similarly, learning to use generics effectively might involve some humorous trial and error. Let’s suit up and explore the powerful yet sometimes quirky world of Kotlin’s generics — no Jarvis required!

Real-World Use Case — Generic Repository Pattern

Consider a common scenario in Android app development — data retrieval. Typically, separate functions or classes are created for fetching different types of data — like User data and Product data. This approach often leads to code duplication.

Here, generics come into play.

You can create a single Repository class that works for any data type —

class Repository<T> {
fun getItem(id: String): T {
// Implementation for fetching data
// Returns an item of type T

val userRepository = Repository<User>()
val productRepository = Repository<Product>()

This generic Repository class reduces redundancy and improves maintainability.


  • Reusability — Reduces code duplication by allowing the same code to be used with different data types.
  • Type Safety — Enforces compile-time type checks, minimizing runtime errors.
  • Flexibility — Easily adapts to new requirements with minimal changes.

Considerations and Challenges

  • Complexity — Generic code can sometimes be more complex and harder to read, especially for those new to the concept.
  • Type Erasure — In Kotlin (as in Java), generic type information is erased at runtime, which can lead to certain limitations, such as not being able to check if (x is T) directly.
  • Overhead in Design — Designing a system with generics requires careful consideration and understanding of how types interact, which may not always be straightforward.

2. Type Variance

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I. Understanding Type Variance

In Kotlin, type variance refers to how types with the same base type but different type arguments relate to each other. This concept is crucial when dealing with complex data structures and APIs. Variance in Kotlin is primarily about ensuring type safety while maintaining flexibility in your code.

II. Covariance (out)

Covariance allows you to pass a sub-type where a super-type is expected. In Kotlin, this is achieved using the out keyword. It means you can produce a type (like reading from a source) but not consume it.

Real-World Example — Data Display

Imagine an app that displays different types of media, such as Book, Movie, and Podcast, all of which inherit from a Media class. You have a function that needs to handle a list of any media type —

fun displayMediaList(mediaList: List<out Media>) {
// Display the media

Using out, you can pass a List<Book>, List<Movie>, or List<Podcast> to this function, maintaining type safety while offering flexibility.

III. Contravariance (in)

Contravariance is the opposite — it allows you to pass a super-type where a subtype is expected. This is marked with the in keyword in Kotlin and is suitable when you consume a type (like writing to a source) but don't produce it.

Real-World Example — Data Processing

Consider a scenario where you need a generic data processor that works for different types of user inputs, such as TextInput, FileInput, and VoiceInput, all of which inherit from a UserInput class —

class DataProcessor<in T: UserInput> {
fun process(input: T) {
// Process the input

val textProcessor = DataProcessor<TextInput>()
val fileProcessor = DataProcessor<FileInput>()

With contravariance, you can use a DataProcessor<UserInput> where a DataProcessor<TextInput> is expected, enabling broader applicability of your classes.

Understanding and correctly applying covariance and contravariance in Kotlin is key to creating robust and versatile APIs. It allows for more abstract yet safe code. Next, we’ll explore the concept of type projections, which further expands the power of generics in Kotlin.

3. Type Projections

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I. Exploring Type Projections

Type projections in Kotlin allow you to control how a generic type is used: whether it’s for input, output, or both. This concept is essential for ensuring type safety when the exact type operations (reading, writing, or both) on a generic type are unknown or varied.

II. Star Projections (*)

Star projection (*) is a form of type projection used when you neither know nor care about the specific type argument. It's particularly useful in cases where the type information is irrelevant or too complex to specify.

Example — Generic Data Analyzer

Imagine a scenario where you’re building a data analytics tool that can process different kinds of data sets, like DataSet<String>, DataSet<Int>, etc. You need a function that can analyze any data set without caring about the type of data it contains —

fun analyzeDataSet(dataSet: DataSet<*>) {
// Analyze the data set without concerning its specific type

val stringDataSet = DataSet<String>(...)
val intDataSet = DataSet<Int>(...)

In this example, star projection allows the analyzeDataSet function to accept any DataSet regardless of its type, making the function highly flexible and reusable for any kind of data set.

III. Variance and Type Projections

Kotlin allows you to combine variance (covariance and contravariance) with type projections to gain more control over how your generics are used.

Example — Multi-Model Data Aggregator

Consider a complex system that aggregates data from various models (e.g., Model<User>, Model<Product>). You need a function that can aggregate data from any model but only in a read-only manner —

fun aggregateData(model: Model<out Any>) {
// Aggregate data from the model without modifying it

val userModel = Model<User>(...)
val productModel = Model<Product>(...)

By using out Any in the aggregateData function, you ensure that the function can accept a model of any type while being restricted to read-only operations, ensuring type safety and flexibility.

Type projections, especially when combined with variance, offer a powerful tool in the Kotlin programmer’s toolkit. They enable the creation of more abstract, adaptable, and type-safe APIs and functions. These examples demonstrate how type projections can be used in real-world scenarios to enhance code flexibility and safety. In the next section, we’ll look at best practices and common pitfalls when working with generics in Kotlin.

IV. Clarifying Star Projections (*) vs Any in Kotlin

Before we conclude this section, it’s crucial to understand the difference between the star projection (*) and the use of Any in Kotlin generics, as they are often misunderstood and mistakenly considered interchangeable.

  • Star Projection (*) — This is used when the specific type argument is unknown or irrelevant. It allows for safe read operations but restricts writing, as the type is effectively treated as Any?.
  • Using Any— In contrast, Any is the super-type of all non-nullable types in Kotlin. When used as a generic type argument, it signifies that any non-nullable type is acceptable, and both read and write operations are permitted.

The choice between * and Any hinges on your intentions with the generic type. If you require a generic container that supports all types and allows for full read/write operations, use Any. However, if you're dealing with unknown types and want to enforce read-only access for safety, the star projection is more suitable.

This distinction is a subtle but important aspect of Kotlin’s type system and underscores the need for a deep understanding of generics when designing robust and flexible Kotlin applications.

4. Best Practices and “Oops” Moments with Kotlin Generics

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Useful but Tricky, Learn from Alex’s Experience

Think of a new Kotlin programmer named Alex. Alex starts using generics for everything. But soon, this creates problems. Let’s learn from Alex’s experience.

Best Practices — The Do’s with Examples

1. Combining Small Parts Instead of Using Big Blocks

  • Alex’s complex approach class BigBlock<T, U, V, W> { ... } (Too complex)
  • Simplified approach: class SmallBlock<T> { ... } (Focused on one type)
  • Key Idea: Use generics to make code simpler, not more complicated.

2. Choosing Types Carefully

  • Alex’s open approach: class AnyType<T> { ... } (Allows any type)
  • More specific approach: class SpecificType<T: Number> { ... } (Limits to number types)
  • Key Idea: Be selective with your types to keep your code clean and manageable.

3. Using Generics Only When Needed

  • Alex’s overuse: class GenericBox<T> { var content: T } (Used for all types)
  • Simpler solution: class Box { var content: String } (Specific to strings)
  • Key Idea: Use generics when they add value, not for every situation.

4. Explain Your Code

  • Alex’s unclear code: class MysteryBox<T> { ... } (No explanation)
  • Clearer version: class Box<T> { ... } // This box can hold any type T
  • Key Idea: Good documentation makes your generic code easier to understand.

Common Mistakes: The Don’ts with Examples

1. Invisible Types

  • Alex’s misunderstanding: if (item is T) { ... } (Fails due to type erasure)
  • Better understanding: Use concrete type checks, not generics.
  • Key Idea: Remember that generic type information is erased at runtime.

2. Confusing Usage of Variance

  • Alex’s incorrect use: class Box<in T> { fun getItem(): T { ... } } (Contravariance misused)
  • Corrected use: class Box<out T> { fun getItem(): T { ... } } (Covariance used properly)
  • Key Idea: Understand how and when to use in and out in generics.

3. Overly Complex Code

  • Alex’s overly complex code: class NestedBox<T, U, V> where U: T, V: U { ... }
  • Easier alternative: Use separate, simpler classes.
  • Key Idea: Avoid making your code too complex with nested generics.

4. Not Considering Null Values

  • Alex’s oversight: fun <T> process(item: T) { ... } (May cause null-related errors)
  • Safer approach: fun <T: Any> process(item: T) { ... } (Ensures non-null types)
  • Key Idea: Pay attention to nullability when using generics.

5. Careful with Star Projections

  • Alex’s misuse: fun process(items: List<*>) { items[0] = "Test" } (Assignment not allowed)
  • Correct use: fun process(items: List<*>) { val item = items[0] } (Safe for read-only)
  • Key Idea: Use star projections when you need a read-only view of data.

5. Generics in Action — Advanced Scenarios and Applications

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Taking Generics to the Next Level

Generics aren’t just academic; they have real power in the trenches of coding. Let’s look at some advanced scenarios where generics prove their worth, often in ways that might not be immediately obvious.

Scenario 1 — The Shape-Shifting API Handler

Situation — You’re building a versatile API handler for a Kotlin-based server. This handler needs to deal with various request and response types.

class ApiHandler<Request : ApiRequest, Response : ApiResponse> {
fun handle(request: Request): Response {
// Magic happens here

What’s Happening — The ApiHandler class uses generics to handle different types of requests and responses. This approach means you can have one elegant handler instead of cluttering your codebase with multiple handlers for each API endpoint.

Scenario 2 — The Mysterious Case of the Data Mapper

Situation — You have a bunch of data entities and DTOs (Data Transfer Objects), and you need a flexible way to convert between them.

interface DataMapper<Entity, DTO> {
fun mapToDTO(entity: Entity): DTO
fun mapToEntity(dto: DTO): Entity

class UserMapper : DataMapper<UserEntity, UserDTO> {
// Implementation

What’s Happening — The DataMapper interface uses generics to define a mapping contract. Implementations of this interface, like UserMapper, provide the specifics for each entity-DTO pair. This setup keeps your data layer clean and interchangeable.

Scenario 3 — The One-Size-Fits-All Event Listener

Situation — You’re developing a UI library, and you want to create a flexible event handling system.

class EventListener<Event : UIEvent> {
fun listen(eventType: KClass<Event>, handler: (Event) -> Unit) {
// Event handling logic

val clickListener = EventListener<ClickEvent>()
clickListener.listen(ClickEvent::class) { event ->
// Handle click event

What’s Happening — Here, EventListener is a generic class that can listen to any type of UIEvent. This setup allows developers using your library to create specific listeners for different event types without needing a separate listener class for each event type.

The key is not just using generics but using them thoughtfully.

6. Wrapping Up

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As we’ve gone through Kotlin generics, from the basics to advanced scenarios, it’s clear that generics are not just a feature of the language, but a fundamental tool for crafting efficient, safe, and scalable code.

The Takeaway

Generics, with their power to abstract and generalize, can be your best friend or a challenging puzzle. The key is understanding their nuances and knowing when and how to use them effectively. They are not just a way to make your code compile; they are a pathway to writing clearer, more maintainable, and more adaptable code.


  • Keep Learning — Generics in Kotlin can be deep waters. Don’t be discouraged if it takes time to get comfortable with them. Keep experimenting and learning.
  • Practical Application — Apply the concepts discussed in real-world scenarios. The best way to master generics is to use them in your projects and learn from both successes and challenges.

7. Closing Remarks

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Happy coding, and may the source be with you!

