How To Create A Github Profile README

Jayant Kumar Yadav
Level Up Coding
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2020


GitHub recently released a feature that allows users to create a profile-level README to display prominently on their GitHub profile. Let’s see how can you enable this feature for your GitHub profile.

Profile-level README feature allows you to add more content than the profile bio. It supports markdown which means you can play around and take your imagination to the next level with more visual contents (GIFs are the best part!). This README is significantly more visible as it is placed above pinned repositories on your profile page and takes up as much space above the fold of the webpage as you like.

Adding README at profile-level seems a great extension of a convention a lot of GitHub users are already familiar with.

How do I create my profile README?

  • Create a new Repository with the same name (including casing) as your GitHub username. Click here to create one for you.
  • Add a cool description for this repo. You can skip this. It’s optional.
  • Make sure this Repository is public. Obviously you want to show off everyone visiting your profile.
  • Check option saying Initialize this repository with a README.
  • Hit Create repository button.
  • Add texts, emojis, images, GIFs, etc. to your README using Markdown.
  • Commit your fancy README changes and you are done. Wohooo!! 🥳 🎉

The GitHub README profiles are written in Markdown which means you aren’t just limited to texts and links, you can include GIFs and images. Need to brush up on Markdown Syntax? Check out this Markdown Cheatsheet.

Before And After of my GitHub Profile

Here’s a collection of few fun GitHub profiles I’ve seen so far. Will definitely help flying high your imagination. Be creative!

That’s all folks! Happy Coding!!

If you like this story, share it with your friends and let the whole GitHub community get their GitHub profiles updated. Don’t forgot to comment down your creative GitHub profiles. Let me see what have you done. 🤪

Mr. Putin likes to Clap for a good story. Be like him.

