How to deploy a Node Typescript app to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using AWS Code Build

John Olatubosun
Level Up Coding
Published in
4 min readSep 24, 2022


At some point in the life of a Javascript developer, you would get to a point where you start questioning all your life decisions, because you didn’t start that project with Typescript

Word of Advice, if working on a large project, use Typescript

Anyways, I had to migrate the project to Typescript 🤒. I would say the migration was really worth it, it helped in spotting some errors; some I didn’t even know existed 😅

Now to the meat of this article, after the migration, the deployment failed on AWS even though I specified a build command in my package.json file.

After a lot of head banging, questionable StackOverflow answers and spending time on dreadful AWS Docs; I later found the solution, which was adding a build stage to my AWS CodePipeline

I would be going over how to setup AWS Code Pipeline with AWS CodeBuild for the build stage


  • An AWS Account

Phase 1: Setting Your Build Configurations

First, let's take a look at the YAML file

The first part of the script is fairly straightforward; it installs the needed dependencies and then runs your build commands

The artifacts : files : specifies the files or folders you want to send to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

The discard-paths: option if set to yes will put all the artefact files in one folder ignoring their current directory structure, and you definitely don’t want that

You can read more about other build configurations Here

Phase 2: Creating Your App on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Create an app following the prompts

Phase 3: Setting up AWS CodePipeline - with AWS CodeBuild for the Build Stage

We create a new CodePipeline with default setting and link it to our GitHub repository

Now let's configure the build stage; for this, you will have to create a new Code Build Project

Ensure you are using the right run-time for your project. Check Here

Optionally you can enable logs, you probably should if using this for the first time (You could always turn it off later)

Now we point the Pipeline to our Elastic Beanstalk app

And that’s it 🕺🕺

Once the build completes we would see our compiled typescript application 🚀

Here is a link to my GitHub with the demo code. Here

Thank you for getting to the end of this article 🙌

Follow me on Twitter and visit my Website😁… See you in the next one ✌️

