Improve JavaScript Performance with OffscreenCanvas

Javascript Jeep🚙💨
Level Up Coding
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2021


Learn how to improve the performance of rendering in canvas by using OffscreenCanvas

Photo by Snapwire from Pexels

The OffscreenCanvas interface allows canvas rendering contexts (2D and WebGL) to be used in Workers. It increases parallelism in the web, leading to improved performance on multi-core systems.

Using OffscreenCanvas we can render a canvas in the worker thread so that the main thread will be undisturbed so that our web app will work smoothly.

The support of OffscreenCanvas across the browser can be found here CanIUse.

There are two ways we can use OffscreenCanvas

  1. Creating an OffscreenCanvas from existing canvas
  2. Creating an OffscreenCanvas manually and render that to the existing canvas

1. Creating an OffscreenCanvas from existing canvas

We can call the transferControlToOffscreen method on the canvas element to get an OffscreenCanvas element which can be transferred to the worker. Operations applied to OffscreenCanvas will be rendered on the source canvas automatically.


In the above code, we have created a offscreenCanvas from the canvas element, which is transferred to the worker and the rendering will happen in the worker thread.

In offscreen_worker.js file

Note: If you have already used getContext on this canvas, you will not be able to transfer it to the worker.

2. Creating an OffscreenCanvas manually and render that to the existing canvas

The second way is to create a OffscreenCanvas object and render in that canvas then fetch the image data from the offscreenCanvas and render it back to the original canvas. By using this way, we can render in multiple canvases at once.

To display the image(ImageBitmap) from offscreenCanvas, you can use a ImageBitmapRenderingContext context, which can be created by calling canvas.getContext("bitmaprenderer") on an original canvas element. This context only provides functionality to replace the canvas's contents with the given ImageBitmap.

In the worker, we will use the canvas and do some animation:

You can use offscreenCanvas in your web app, if your app involves some complex rendering operations in canvas.

Thanks for reading. Follow Javascript Jeep🚙💨 .

