JavaScript Mistakes — null vs undefined, Constructors, and Scopes

John Au-Yeung
Level Up Coding
Published in
5 min readJan 23, 2020


Photo by André Wasserberg on Unsplash

JavaScript is a language that’s friendlier than many other programming languages in the world. However, it’s still very easy to make mistakes when writing JavaScript code through misunderstanding or overlooking stuff that we already know. By avoiding some of the mistakes below, we can make our lives easier by preventing bugs and typos in our code that bog us down with unexpected results. In this article, we’ll look at the confusion between null and undefined, scope issues with asynchronous code, and scopes and using object literals vs. constructors for built-in objects.

Confusing Null and Undefined

In JavaScript, both null and undefined mean no value for a variable. They’re pretty similar but there are some important differences. One if that null is of type object, so when we use the typeof operator on null as we do below:

typeof null

We get 'object'.

On the other hand, if we use the typeof operator on undefined, as we do below:

typeof undefined

We get 'undefined'.

If we compare them with the === operator, as we do below:

undefined === null

We get false since they’re of 2 different types. However, when we compare them with the == operator:

undefined == null

Then we get true since they’re both falsy. Since they’re 2 different types, they shouldn’t be confused with each other.

One thing to note is that for function default parameters, they will only be assigned if the value is undefined and not null.

const hello = (name = 'World') => console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`)
hello(null) // Hello, null!
hello(undefined) // Hello, World!

Asynchronous Code and Scope

One confusing aspect of JavaScript is that the visibility of a variable remains in the parent scope. This means that when a loop runs with a loop variable that we want to access in the callback of the setTimeout function, the index variable would have already been incremented to meet the end condition before the callback in setTimeout is called. This…

