JMX Beans (MBeans)

Kamini Kamal
Level Up Coding
Published in
5 min readOct 25, 2023


JMX (Java Management Extensions) beans, also known as MBeans (Managed Beans), are a fundamental component of the JMX technology, which is a Java-based framework for managing and monitoring resources and applications in a distributed environment. JMX beans are Java objects that expose management and monitoring attributes and operations, allowing you to control and observe the behavior of your application or system.

JMX beans typically have the following characteristics:

  1. Managed Resources: JMX beans represent resources or components that you want to manage or monitor, such as application servers, databases, network devices, or custom Java applications.
  2. Attributes: They expose attributes, which are read-only or read-write properties that describe the state of the managed resource. Attributes can be queried to obtain information about the resource’s current state.
  3. Operations: They define operations, which are methods that can be invoked to perform management tasks on the resource. Operations are used to modify the resource’s behavior.
  4. Notifications: JMX beans can send notifications to inform registered listeners about significant events or changes in the resource’s state.

In this article, we will cover how to monitor Connection Pool using MBeans. For this scope, we will pick one connection pooling library HikariCP, and integrate it into our SpringBoot Application.

Just a brief overview of the Connection Pooling concepts:- Connection pooling is a technique used in software applications to efficiently manage and reuse database connections. It is particularly important in database-driven applications to improve performance and reduce the overhead of creating and closing database connections for every database operation.

By default, SpringBoot has HikariCP and we’ll the same for the further examples:

  • A HikariCPConfig file to set the configurations
public class HikariCPConfig {
public HikariDataSource dataSource(){
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();

return new HikariDataSource(config);
  • Open jconsole from the terminal
  • In the JMX console, navigate to “MBeans” tab and select the “com.zaxxer.hikari”
  • In order to understand the behaviour of the attributes like ActiveConnections, IdleConnections, TotalConnections etc., try making multiple requests to the REST APIs that trigger the database connections.
  • Similarly, there are other configurations mentioned under “PoolConfig” that play a significant role in tuning the Connection Pool.

Next, we will discuss about creating JMX beans for monitoring CPU usage, memory consumption, and response times in a Java application.

Here is a sample example:

enabled: true
default-domain: <package_name>
public interface MonitoringMBeans {
// Attribute to monitor CPU usage
double getCPUUsage();

// Attribute to monitor memory consumption
long getUsedMemory();

// Attribute to monitor response times
long getResponseTime();

public class MonitoringBeans implements MonitoringMBeans {
private OperatingSystemMXBean osMBean = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean();
private MemoryMXBean memoryMBean = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean();
private long responseTime;

public double getCPUUsage() {
return osMBean.getSystemLoadAverage(); // This can be an approximation of CPU usage.

public long getUsedMemory() {
return memoryMBean.getHeapMemoryUsage().getUsed();

public long getResponseTime() {
return responseTime;

public void updateResponseTime(long newResponseTime) {
responseTime = newResponseTime;
public class JMXConfig {

public MBeanExporter mBeanExporter(MonitoringMBeans customMBean) {
MBeanExporter exporter = new MBeanExporter();
exporter.setBeans(Collections.singletonMap("<package_name>:type=MonitoringMBeans", customMBean));
return exporter;


Managed Beans (MBeans), a key component of the Java Management Extensions (JMX) technology, play a crucial role in the management, monitoring, and administration of Java applications and services. The importance of MBeans lies in their ability to provide a standardized and flexible way to interact with and control various aspects of Java applications and systems. Here are some key reasons why MBeans are important:

  1. Dynamic Management and Monitoring: MBeans allow you to dynamically manage and monitor various resources, services, and components within a Java application. This includes real-time data collection, configuration changes, and control over application behavior.
  2. Standardization: MBeans provide a standardized and consistent way to expose management interfaces and attributes for different components. This uniformity simplifies management and monitoring across diverse applications and services.
  3. Loose Coupling: MBeans promote loose coupling between management and application logic. Applications don’t need to know how they are managed; they expose MBeans that external management tools or scripts can interact with.
  4. Location Transparency: MBeans abstract the location and distribution of managed resources. Whether the resources are local or remote, MBeans provide a consistent way to access and manage them.
  5. Configuration and Adaptability: MBeans often expose configuration settings that can be modified at runtime. This allows for dynamic adjustments of application parameters without the need for application restarts.
  6. Resource Management: MBeans can be used to manage resources efficiently. This includes starting and stopping services, reallocating resources, and controlling various aspects of resource usage.
  7. Error Detection and Handling: MBeans can be used to detect errors, exceptions, and performance issues within an application. Management tools can use MBeans to trigger actions or notifications in response to specific events.
  8. Security: MBeans can be secured to ensure that only authorized users or applications can access and modify them. This helps protect sensitive configuration and operational data.
  9. Monitoring and Reporting: MBeans provide a rich source of data for performance monitoring and reporting. Metrics and statistics can be collected and analyzed to ensure optimal application behavior and to identify areas for improvement.
  10. Integration with Management Tools: Management and monitoring tools, such as JConsole, JVisualVM, and commercial monitoring solutions, can interact with MBeans to provide real-time insights into application health and performance.
  11. Extensibility: Developers can create custom MBeans to expose application-specific management and monitoring functionality, allowing for tailored management interfaces that suit the unique needs of an application.
  12. Remote Management: MBeans support remote management, making it possible to manage applications and services distributed across different machines or locations.
  13. Diagnostics and Debugging: MBeans can help diagnose and debug issues in an application by providing detailed information about its internal state, including memory usage, thread counts, and other critical metrics.

In summary, MBeans are essential for effective and flexible management, monitoring, and administration of Java applications. They promote standardization, loose coupling, and dynamic adaptability, allowing developers and administrators to gain deep insights into an application’s behavior and manage it efficiently. This is especially important in complex and distributed systems where proactive monitoring and management are crucial for maintaining system health and performance.

