Kaniko: Daemonless Docker Image Building

Secure Docker Image Building within an Isolated Environment

TJ. Podobnik, @dorkamotorka
Level Up Coding


Kaniko is a popular project for building Docker images inside a container or Kubernetes cluster. The Kaniko executor allows you to take your Dockerfile and project context, effectively building your project just as you would with the docker build command, all without the need to mount the Docker daemon into the build container. It excels in environments where sharing the Docker daemon among build containers could introduce security vulnerabilities. In this article, we will delve into the world of Kaniko and explore its advantages over alternatives like DinD (Docker in Docker) and Buildpacks. We’ll discuss when to use Kaniko and provide practical guidance on its usage.

Kaniko vs DinD

DinD, short for “Docker in Docker,” is a technology that allows containers to run Docker within them, sharing the host’s Docker daemon. While DinD offers flexibility and versatility, granting full access to the host’s Docker environment, it can be a double-edged sword. This approach enables tasks like building Docker images and managing containers on the host. However, it introduces potential security risks as it can interfere with the host’s Docker environment and poses challenges in creating isolated, secure build processes. DinD’s broad functionality makes it suitable for various use cases, but its shared Docker daemon should be handled with caution, especially in security-sensitive environments.

While DinD has its merits, it’s important to note that Kaniko is specifically tailored for the secure and isolated creation of Docker images. Kaniko’s ability to operate independently within a Docker container while maintaining the same level of image building capability sets it apart as a more secure and efficient choice.

Kaniko vs Buildpacks

Buildpacks are automated tools designed to simplify the process of building container images without the need for manually writing Dockerfiles. They analyze application source code and automatically create a container image tailored to the specific requirements, eliminating the need for extensive manual configuration. Buildpacks excel in abstracting away the intricacies of image creation, making it easier to deploy applications. This approach streamlines the development process, ensuring consistency and reducing the likelihood of configuration errors. However, Buildpacks may have limitations when it comes to highly customized or complex projects, as they prioritize automation over fine-grained control.

In comparison to Kaniko, achieving a similar level of customization with Buildpacks can be more challenging, sometimes even impossible.

When to use Kaniko?

You should contemplate leveraging Kaniko in two significant scenarios. While these situations may be highly specialized, they offer invaluable advantages when your project demands it:

  • Customized & Complex Dockerfile: If you need to containerize a project that employs multiple programming languages or is a monolithic application, Kaniko is the preferred choice. It allows you to define your Dockerfile precisely as you need it, providing the freedom to customize it to your specifications. In contrast, other alternatives like Buildpacks may not offer as much flexibility for customization.
  • Security Concerns: Kaniko excels at creating an isolated build process without requiring access to the Docker daemon. This ensures that your build environment remains secure and doesn’t interfere with other build containers, making it a suitable choice when security is a priority.

Kaniko Usage

Let’s dive into how you can use Kaniko for Docker image building. It’s a straightforward process, and you don’t need to install any additional tools other than Docker itself. Kaniko provides a Docker image that comes pre-installed with all the necessary build tools to build your project within a container.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Clone your project’s repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/dstar55/docker-hello-world-spring-boot 
$ cd docker-hello-world-spring-boot
  • Build your Docker image using Kaniko:
$ docker run --rm \ 
-v $PWD:/workspace \
gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.14.0 \
--destination mylocalregistry:5000/test
  • Run your Docker image:
$ docker run --rm mylocalregistry:5000/test

The image gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.14.0 is used to build your project, and the executor module is responsible for obtaining your source code and creating a Docker image from it. Let's delve into the details of the build command:

  • -v $PWD:/workspace: This command mounts the source repository into the Kaniko container. Kaniko requires both the source code and the Dockerfile to build your project, and it's a common practice to keep these two together.
  • --destination: This parameter specifies the image name and tag. Kaniko will automatically export and push the final image to your desired destination. However, you'll need to provide additional details, but it seems like the text is incomplete.

Additionally, there are some other configurations that are not required but can be of great importance to you:

  • --context (default: /workspace): The context typically represents the root of your project. Normally, the Dockerfile is placed at the project's root to use the ADD instruction with files in the build context.
  • --dockerfile (default: /workspace/Dockerfile): This parameter specifies the path where the Dockerfile is located. It can be located outside of the build context, but the standard practice is to place the Dockerfile in the project's root directory.
  • -v ~/.docker/config.json:/kaniko/.docker/config.json: You must provide your credentials to Kaniko to allow it to push the already built Docker image to the Docker registry. If you're using DockerHub, you should mount this file since this registry requires authentication. However, if you're using a local Docker registry, you don't need to mount credential information.


In summary, Kaniko offers a secure and flexible solution for building Docker images in isolated environments. While it differs from alternatives like DinD and Buildpacks, Kaniko excels in scenarios requiring a custom and complex Dockerfile. Additionally, if you have security concerns and wish to isolate the build process without relying on the Docker daemon, Kaniko provides an ideal solution. Its ease of use and customization capabilities make it a valuable tool in the world of containerization and continuous integration.

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