Let’s Clone the Google Fit App using React Native

Chandan Rauniyar
Level Up Coding
Published in
4 min readApr 9, 2020


Steps to clone the Google Fit app UI using React Native

In my previous post, I built a Google Play Movies & TV UI component using React Native and Expo. Continuing on, in this post, I will be building the home screen of the Google fitness app, Google Fit, which has a nice and fluid UI with subtle animations.

Google Fit App

I like the circular animations, one for move points and one for heart points that animate after the app launches. I wanted to try it out and see if I could build the component in react-native.

See the actual component running on Expo Snack at https://snack.expo.io/@chandankkrr/google-fit-app-clone

The process

Let’s start by creating the bottom tab navigator and the required screens.

Bottom tab navigator

Bottom Tab Navigator

