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Make HTML 5 Games — Isometric Board Game Tutorial

Dr Abstract
Level Up Coding


In this tutorial and matching video tutorial, we will go through the steps to code an isometric board game using the HTML 5 Canvas and JavaScript.

An isometric board is diamond shaped with 8 by 8 grid of squares showing the player at top and a four lanterns amongst trees. The game is to reveal orbs behind the lanterns in the order provided at the bottom. A game timer is at the top right.
An HTML 5 Isometric Board Game to reveal colored orbs in order

The game we will be making is called Orbs of Order where the player can move with mouse or keys to four lanterns. Once at a lantern, the player can press to reveal a colored orb. The…



Inventor, Founder of ZIM JavaScript Canvas Framework and Nodism, Professor of Interactive Media at Sheridan, Canadian New Media Awards Programmer and Educator