MLOps-Building a Real-time Data Pipeline with Kafka: Two Projects-A Step-by-Step Guide

Kafka and Python Projects

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What is Kafka?

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that allows for the processing, storage, and real-time analysis of vast amounts of data. Developed at LinkedIn and later contributed to the open-source community, Kafka is designed to handle data streams from various sources and deliver them to multiple consumers, whether they’re databases, real-time analytics tools, or other processing applications.

Traditional batch processing systems can’t keep up with the pace of this incoming data. Kafka, with its capability to handle real-time data streams, bridges this gap.

Kafka’s acts as a central hub, ensuring a seamless flow of data between data producers (like web apps, IoT devices) and data consumers (like databases, analytics tools).

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Basics of Kafka

Core Concepts & Terminology:

  • Producer: Sends data to Kafka. This can be from applications, databases, devices, etc.
  • Consumer: Reads data from Kafka. It could be analytics tools, databases, or other applications.
  • Broker: Kafka servers that store data and serve client requests.
  • Topic: Categories or feeds to which data is sent by producers and from which data is consumed by consumers.
  • Partitions: Kafka topics are split into partitions for parallelism and scalability. Each partition can be placed on a separate machine.
  • Offsets: Unique IDs assigned to each message in a partition. Helps in tracking what has been consumed.
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Streaming vs. Batch Processing:

  • Batch Processing:
  • Processes data in chunks or batches.
  • Wait time is involved until enough data is accumulated for processing.
  • Example: Daily sales report.
  • Streaming (Real-time) Processing:
  • Data is processed as soon as it arrives.
  • Ideal for time-sensitive applications.
  • Example: Real-time fraud detection.

Kafka’s Distributed Nature:

  • Kafka is inherently distributed. Each topic can have multiple partitions distributed across multiple brokers.
  • Helps in high availability and fault tolerance.
  • Allows Kafka to handle massive data inflow and outflow rates.

Kafka Cluster:

  • A group of Kafka brokers.
  • Supports replication to ensure data is safe even when nodes fail.
  • ZooKeeper, a distributed coordination service, often manages Kafka clusters to maintain broker metadata and balance the load.

Benefits of Using Kafka:

  • Scalability: Easily scales out by adding more machines without downtime.
  • Durability: Data is replicated across multiple brokers.
  • Fault Tolerance: Continues to function even in the event of broker failures.
  • Low Latency: Capable of handling real-time data with minimal delay.

Common Use Cases:

  • Event Sourcing: Capturing changes to an application state as a series of events.
  • Stream Processing: Real-time analytics and monitoring.
  • Data Lakes: Integrating various data sources into a unified, centralized repository.
  • Integrating with Big Data Tools: Such as Apache Spark and Hadoop.

Here are some of the key ways Kafka is used for data science and machine learning:

  • Real-time data pipelines — Kafka provides a way to stream large volumes of real-time data from various sources into data science and machine learning models. This enables making continuous predictions and detecting patterns on live data.
  • Training data — Streaming training data through Kafka allows machine learning models to stay up-to-date by continuously learning from new examples. Models can be retrained periodically using the latest accumulated data.
  • Feature engineering — Kafka streams can be used to compute aggregations or other transformations on data that extract meaningful features for model training. For example, computing daily averages from raw data points.
  • Experimentation — Machine learning experiments can be rapidly iterated by streaming new model variations and configurations through Kafka and evaluating their performance on live data flows.
  • Model deployment — Kafka provides an architecture for deploying ML models that make predictions on real-time requests and output results to downstream applications.
  • Log analysis — Machine learning can be applied to data center logs, application logs, and other log data piping through Kafka streams to analyze them and extract insights.
  • Alerting — Kafka enables detecting anomalies, outliers, and patterns on live data streams and triggering alerts to surface important events or issues.
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Kafka Key Terms:


  • Definition: Entities or applications that send (or produce) messages to Kafka.
  • Role: They push data into Kafka topics. Producers decide which topic partition a specific message will be sent to.


  • Definition: Entities or applications that read (or consume) messages from Kafka.
  • Role: They pull data from Kafka topics. Consumers can belong to consumer groups, where each consumer within a group reads from a unique set of partitions of a topic.


  • Definition: A single Kafka server.
  • Role: Stores data and serves client requests. Multiple brokers form a Kafka cluster. Each broker can handle terabytes of messages without performance impact.


  • Definition: A category or feed name to which records are published by producers.
  • Role: Topics in Kafka are split into partitions, and each partition can be hosted on a different server, which means horizontal scalability.


  • Definition: Each topic is split into partitions, and each partition is an ordered, immutable sequence of records.
  • Role: Allow Kafka to horizontally scale as each partition can be hosted on a different server.


  • Definition: A duplicate of a partition.
  • Role: Ensure data is persisted and can be recovered in case of failures. Each partition has one “leader” replica handling all reads/writes and zero or more “follower” replicas replicating the data.


  • Definition: A high-performance coordination service used by Kafka.
  • Role: Manages brokers, keeps track of metadata, and helps in leader election for partitions. Kafka uses Zookeeper to ensure brokers are coordinated.

Consumer Group:

  • Definition: A group of consumers.
  • Role: Allows a set of consumers to work together to process data from topics. Each consumer in the group reads from a unique set of partitions, ensuring that messages are processed once and only once by the group.


  • Definition: A unique identifier of a record within a partition.
  • Role: Allows consumers to keep track of the messages they’ve read.

Kafka Connect:

  • Definition: A framework for integrating Kafka with other systems.
  • Role: Provides connectors for various databases, systems, and applications to pull or push data into Kafka.

Kafka Streams:

  • Definition: A library to process and analyze data stored in Kafka.
  • Role: Enables applications to act as a stream processor, consuming data from Kafka topics, doing some processing on this data, and producing the processed data back to Kafka topics.


  • Definition: A broker with the role of maintaining the leader/follower relationship for all the partitions.
  • Role: When a node shuts down or crashes, the controller decides which nodes will be the new leaders for those partitions.
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Note: The projects presented in this guide utilize a local Kafka setup tailored for learning and development purposes. While the foundational principles remain consistent, an enterprise-level Kafka deployment would involve more intricate configurations, scalability considerations, and fault tolerance measures. Ensure to dive deeper into Kafka’s capabilities and best practices when transitioning from a local environment to an enterprise-grade setup.

Project 1: “Weather Forecaster”

Objective: To create a weather forecasting tool that simulates random weather data and pushes it to consumers who visualize the data. This simulation aims to assist in predicting the weather for agricultural purposes.

Project Explanation:

  1. Mystic Weather Producer: This module utilizes a random number generator to produce fictional weather data. It simulates a variety of weather conditions, temperatures, and humidity levels and sends them to a Kafka topic.
  2. Weather Visualization Consumer: This module consumes the weather data from the Kafka topic and visualizes it. We’re using a rolling window to display the last 50 data points for both temperature and humidity.

Installation Steps:

Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting it up on macOS:

1. Install Prerequisites:

Java: Kafka requires the Java Development Kit (JDK). You can install it using Homebrew:

brew install openjdk@11

After installing, you may want to set the environment variable:

echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openjdk@11/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

If you are using bash, replace .zshrc with .bash_profile.

2. Install Kafka:

The easiest way to install Kafka on macOS is using Homebrew:

brew install kafka

This command will also install ZooKeeper as a dependency since Kafka requires it.

3. Start ZooKeeper:

You can start ZooKeeper with:

zookeeper-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/

4. Start Kafka Server:

In a new terminal window or tab:

kafka-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/

Data Flow:

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Topic & Producer:

Task1 : Create a Kafka Producer for Simulated Weather Data:

# Create a topic named "weather_forecasts" --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic weather_forecasts
  1. This is a shell script utility that comes with Kafka. It provides various functionalities to manage Kafka topics.
  2. --create: This flag instructs the utility to create a new topic.
  3. --bootstrap-server localhost:9092: This specifies the address of the Kafka broker. The default address for a locally-hosted Kafka broker is localhost:9092.
  4. --replication-factor 1: This sets the replication factor for the topic, which is how many copies of the data will be maintained across the Kafka cluster. A replication factor of 1 means only one copy of the data is kept.
  5. --partitions 1: This sets the number of partitions for the topic. Partitions allow Kafka to scale as they can be distributed across multiple brokers in a Kafka cluster. In this case, only one partition is created.
  6. --topic weather_forecasts: This specifies the name of the topic to be created, which in this instance is weather_forecasts.

Task 2: Import the Kafka Producer and Necessary Libraries

For the task of creating a Kafka producer, you’d typically need to import the following from the kafka-python library:

  1. KafkaProducer: This is the primary class you’ll use to send messages to a Kafka topic.
  2. Other Python libraries that you might need based on the specifics of your use case. For example, if you are simulating data or working with real-world datasets, you might need libraries like random, time, json, etc.
from kafka import KafkaProducer
import json # If you need to send JSON-formatted data
import time # For any time-related tasks like sleep
import random # If you're simulating data and need random values

Task 3: Create the Producer in Python

Task 4: Generate Random Weather Data

Task 5: Send Weather Data to the Topic

The producer Python script is

from kafka import KafkaProducer
import time
import random

producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')

WEATHER_STATES = ['Sunny', 'Rainy', 'Windy', 'Cloudy', 'Snowy']

while True:
weather = random.choice(WEATHER_STATES)
temperature = random.randint(-5, 35) # temperatures from -5°C to 35°C
humidity = random.randint(10, 90) # humidity percentage

message = f"Weather: {weather}, Temperature: {temperature}°C, Humidity: {humidity}%"
producer.send('weather_forecasts', value=message.encode('utf-8'))
time.sleep(5) # Send every 5 seconds
  • Imports:
  • from kafka import KafkaProducer: This imports the KafkaProducer class from the kafka-python library, which will allow you to send messages to a Kafka topic.
  • import time: Imports the Python built-in time module, allowing you to pause execution of the script.
  • import random: Imports the Python built-in random module to generate random values.
  • Initialize Producer:
  • producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092'): This creates a Kafka producer instance that connects to the Kafka broker running on localhost at port 9092.
  • Weather States:
  • WEATHER_STATES = ['Sunny', 'Rainy', 'Windy', 'Cloudy', 'Snowy']: This initializes a list of possible weather states.

Infinite Loop:

  • while True:: This starts an infinite loop, meaning the code inside this loop will execute indefinitely.

Generate Random Weather Data:

  • weather = random.choice(WEATHER_STATES): This selects a random weather state from the WEATHER_STATES list.
  • temperature = random.randint(-5, 35): This generates a random temperature value between -5°C to 35°C.
  • humidity = random.randint(10, 90): Generates a random humidity percentage value between 10% to 90%.

Construct Message:

  • message = f"Weather: {weather}, Temperature: {temperature}°C, Humidity: {humidity}%": Constructs a formatted message string containing the randomly generated weather data.

Send Message to Kafka:

  • producer.send('weather_forecasts', message): Sends the generated message to the Kafka topic named weather_forecasts.

Pause Execution:

  • time.sleep(5): Pauses the script for 5 seconds before the next iteration, meaning a new weather message will be generated and sent every 5 seconds.

Output: Given that this is a continuously running script that sends random weather data, the output to the Kafka topic weather_forecasts would look something like this, with a new message approximately every 5 seconds:

Weather: Windy, Temperature: 12°C, Humidity: 55%

Weather: Sunny, Temperature: 24°C, Humidity: 32%

Weather: Cloudy, Temperature: 8°C, Humidity: 76%

And so on, indefinitely, until you stop the script.


Create the Kafka Consumer for Weather Visualization

Task 6: Import the Kafka Consumer and Necessary Libraries

Task 7: Create the Consumer in Python

Task 8: Decode and Visualize the Weather Data

The consumer code and visualization:

from kafka import KafkaConsumer
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

consumer = KafkaConsumer('weather_forecasts', bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092')

temperatures, humidities = [], []

plt.ion() # Turn on interactive mode

while True:
for message in consumer:
data = message.value.decode()
temp = int(data.split("Temperature: ")[1].split("°C")[0])
humidity = int(data.split("Humidity: ")[1].split("%")[0])


if len(temperatures) > 50:

plt.clf() # clear the plot
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(temperatures, label="Temperature (°C)")

plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot(humidities, label="Humidity (%)")

plt.pause(5) # refresh every 5 seconds
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  • from kafka import KafkaConsumer: Import the KafkaConsumer class from the kafka library. This is used to create a consumer to retrieve messages from a Kafka topic.
  • import matplotlib.pyplot as plt: Import the pyplot module from the matplotlib library, which provides plotting functionalities.

Initialize Kafka Consumer:

  • consumer = KafkaConsumer('weather_forecasts', bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092'): Create an instance of the KafkaConsumer, subscribing to the 'weather_forecasts' topic and specifying the local Kafka broker.

Data Storage Lists:

  • temperatures, humidities = [], []: Initialize two empty lists to store temperature and humidity values for visualization.

Interactive Plotting Mode:

  • plt.ion(): Turn on the interactive mode of matplotlib, which allows the plot to be updated without blocking the script.

Data Retrieval and Visualization Loop:

  • while True: An infinite loop to continually process and visualize incoming messages.
  • for message in consumer: For each message received from the Kafka topic:
  • data = message.value.decode(): Decode the message to a string format.
  • Extract temperature and humidity from the decoded message using string manipulation and convert them to integers.
  • Append the extracted temperature and humidity values to their respective lists.
  • Check if the length of the lists exceeds 50 (to keep the plot manageable) and remove the oldest data point if needed.
  • plt.clf(): Clear the current figure to prepare for the updated plot.
  • The next lines are about creating two subplots: one for temperature and one for humidity. Each subplot displays the last 50 data points of temperature and humidity, respectively.
  • plt.pause(5): Pause for 5 seconds before refreshing the plot, allowing for the visualization to be observable and not change too quickly.
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Create a folder and place both the consumer and producer scripts there.

Execution of the Pipeline:

  1. Complete the 1–4 steps from installation prerequisite to Start Kafha server.
  2. Create the Kafka topic — mentioned above.
  3. Set up a Python environment:Install virtualenv (If not installed): Virtual environments are helpful to manage Python dependencies per project.
pip install virtualenv

4. Create a virtual environment: Navigate to your project directory and create a new virtual environment:

virtualenv kafka_env

5. Activate the virtual environment:

source kafka_env/bin/activate  # macOS/Linux
kafka_env\Scripts\activate # Windows

6.Install necessary Python libraries: In the activated virtual environment, install required libraries:

pip install kafka-python, matplotlib

7. Write the Kafka Producer script: Copy the Python script (e.g., and implement the code to produce simulated weather data.

8.Run the Kafka Producer script: With the virtual environment activated, run:


9. Run the Consumer Script in another terminal:

  • Navigate to the directory where your consumer script ( or any other name you've chosen) is saved.

Activate your virtual environment if it’s not already activated:

source venv_kafka/bin/activate

Execute the consumer script:

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Real-time Visualization:

  • Once the consumer script starts running, it will listen to the weather_forecasts topic and begin processing incoming weather data.
  • The matplotlib library will create real-time plots for temperature and humidity, updating every 5 seconds.
  • As the data comes in, the plots will display the last 50 data points, providing a rolling window visualization of the weather data.
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Monitor the System:

  • Observe the producer and consumer terminals for any potential issues or errors.
  • Verify that the producer sends data successfully and the consumer receives and processes the data as expected.

Stop the Services:

  • When you’re done testing or visualizing, you can safely terminate both the producer and consumer scripts.
  • In both the producer and consumer terminals, press Ctrl+C to stop the scripts from running.
  • You may also want to stop the Kafka and ZooKeeper services to free up system resources:
#Deactivate the virtual environment:

Analysis and Further Exploration:

  • Consider analyzing the data patterns over a longer period.
  • Experiment with different data frequencies or introduce other weather-related parameters.
  • If desired, expand the project by integrating other tools or building more advanced analytics capabilities, such as predicting weather trends.
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Project 2: E-Commerce Activity Monitor with PostgreSQL & Kafka With Recommendation Engine and Anamoly Detection:


To monitor, store, and analyze e-commerce website activity in real-time, including user visits, product views, cart additions, and purchases.


  1. Kafka Producer: Simulates e-commerce activities and sends them to Kafka topics.
  2. Kafka Consumer: Consumes the activity data and stores it in PostgreSQL.
  3. PostgreSQL Database: Stores the e-commerce activity data.
  4. Jupyter Notebook: Queries the database and analyzes and visualizes the data.
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  1. Environment Setup:
  • Install Kafka and Zookeeper.
  • Install PostgreSQL on your MacBook Pro. Here is a guide to install PostgreSQL on Mac.
  • Create a new Python virtual environment and install necessary libraries (kafka-python, psycopg2, pandas, matplotlib, etc.).
  • Install Jupyter Notebook within the virtual environment.( I already have jupyter notebook).

2. Kafka Topic Creation:

  • Create a Kafka topic named ecommerce_activity.

3. Database Setup:

  • Initialize the PostgreSQL server.
  • Create a database named ecommerce_db.
  • Within the database, create a table named activity_log with columns: user_id, activity_type, product_id, timestamp, etc.

4. Simulating E-Commerce Activities:

  • Using Python, simulate various user activities: page views, product views, cart additions, and purchases.
  • Send these activities as messages to the ecommerce_activity Kafka topic.

5. Consume and Store Data in PostgreSQL:

  • Use KafkaConsumer in Python to consume messages from the ecommerce_activity topic.
  • For each message, parse the data and insert it into the activity_log table in the ecommerce_db.

6. Data Analysis & Visualization in Jupyter Notebook:

  • Set up a Jupyter Notebook within your virtual environment.
  • Use psycopg2 to connect to ecommerce_db.
  • Query the database using SQL and pandas to fetch data into dataframes.
  • Conduct analyses like activity trends, most viewed products, cart abandonment rate, conversion rates, etc.
  • Use matplotlib and other visualization libraries to visualize your analyses.

7.Advanced Features (Optional):

  • Real-time Recommendations: Based on the viewed products, recommend related products in real-time.
  • Anomaly Detection: If there’s a sudden drop in activity (e.g., website issues), raise an alert.

8. Cleanup:

  • Stop the Kafka and Zookeeper services.
  • Shut down the PostgreSQL server.
  • Deactivate the virtual environment.


  • Data Privacy: Ensure the simulated user data doesn’t reflect real user data, especially if sharing or presenting this project.
  • Scalability: This setup is meant for a local machine, but it’s essential to consider how it might be scaled up for a real-world e-commerce platform with millions of users.

Lets dive into details for beginers.

1. Installation:

# Install Kafka and Zookeeper
brew install kafka
brew services start zookeeper
brew services start kafka
  • brew install kafka installs both Kafka and its dependency, Zookeeper.
  • The brew services start commands start Zookeeper and Kafka as background services.

Install PostgreSQL:

# Install PostgreSQL
brew install postgresql

# Start PostgreSQL service
brew services start postgresql
  • The brew install postgresql command installs PostgreSQL.
  • The brew services start postgresql command starts the PostgreSQL service.

Create a new Python virtual environment:

# Install virtualenv if not installed
pip install virtualenv

# Create a new virtual environment
virtualenv venv

# Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
  • virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments.
  • The virtualenv venv command creates a new virtual environment named "venv".
  • The source venv/bin/activate command activates the virtual environment.

Install necessary Python libraries:

Once inside the virtual environment:

pip install kafka-python psycopg2 pandas matplotlib
  • kafka-python is a Python client for Kafka.
  • psycopg2 is a PostgreSQL adapter for Python.
  • pandas is a powerful data analysis library.
  • matplotlib is a library for creating visualizations.
pip install jupyter

#To start
jupyter notebook
  • jupyter is an open-source platform for data science and machine learning.
  • The pip install jupyter command installs Jupyter Notebook.
  • The jupyter notebook command starts the Jupyter Notebook server and should open a new browser window or tab with the Jupyter Notebook interface.

2. Kafka Topic creation:

/opt/homebrew/Cellar/kafka/3.4.0/bin/kafka-topics --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic ecommerce_activity
  1. /opt/homebrew/Cellar/kafka/3.4.0/bin/kafka-topics:
  • This is the path to the kafka-topics shell script. The kafka-topics script is a utility provided by Kafka to manage topics.

2. --create:

  • This flag indicates that you want to create a new topic.

3. --bootstrap-server localhost:9092:

  • The --bootstrap-server option specifies the address of one or more Kafka brokers. In most cases, you only need to connect to one broker, and it will provide information about the other brokers in the cluster.
  • Here, you’re specifying localhost:9092, which means you're connecting to a Kafka broker running on your local machine on port 9092.

4. --replication-factor 1:

  • The --replication-factor option specifies how many copies of data (replicas) should be maintained. A replication factor of 1 means that there's only one copy of each message. This setting ensures data durability and availability in the event of a broker failure, but in your case, since the replication factor is 1, there's no redundancy. Typically, in a production setup, you might see a replication factor of 3 or more to ensure data durability across multiple brokers.

5. --partitions 1:

  • The --partitions option specifies how many partitions the topic should have. Partitions allow a topic to scale by splitting the data across multiple brokers. Each partition can be hosted on a different broker, allowing Kafka to distribute the load. Here, you're setting it to have one partition, which means all messages for this topic will be written to this single partition.

6. --topic ecommerce_activity:

  • This specifies the name of the topic you want to create. In this case, the topic name is ecommerce_activity.

In summary, the command is telling Kafka to create a new topic named ecommerce_activity with one partition and a replication factor of 1, using the Kafka broker running on localhost:9092.

3. Database Setup:


  1. Initialize PostgreSQL Server: (Assuming you’ve already installed PostgreSQL)
pg_ctl start

2. Login to PostgreSQL:

psql -U postgres

3. Create Database:

CREATE DATABASE ecommerce_db;

4. Switch to the Newly Created Database:

\c ecommerce_db

5. Create Table:

CREATE TABLE activity_log (     id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,     user_id INT NOT NULL,     activity_type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,     product_id INT,     timestamp TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP );

6. Exit PostgreSQL:



  1. pg_ctl start: This command starts the PostgreSQL server. Note: How you start PostgreSQL might differ based on your installation method and operating system.
  2. psql -U postgres: This command logs you into the PostgreSQL terminal. The -U flag is used to specify the username, and in this case, we're using the default superuser 'postgres'.
  3. CREATE DATABASE ecommerce_db;: This SQL command creates a new database named ecommerce_db.
  4. \c ecommerce_db: This is a meta-command in the PostgreSQL terminal that switches your active database to ecommerce_db.
  5. CREATE TABLE activity_log ...: This SQL command creates a table named activity_log. The table has the following columns:
  • id: A serial column that auto-increments and serves as the primary key.
  • user_id: An integer column to store the user's ID.
  • activity_type: A string column to store the type of activity (e.g., "purchase", "view", "return", etc.).
  • product_id: An integer column to store the ID of the product associated with the activity.
  • timestamp: A timestamp column to store when the activity occurred. It defaults to the current timestamp if no value is provided during insertion.

6. \q: This meta-command exits the PostgreSQL terminal.

Remember, the exact commands to start PostgreSQL and log into the PostgreSQL terminal might differ based on your setup, installation method, and operating system.

4. Simulating E-Commerce Activities:

Producer Code:

from kafka import KafkaProducer
import json
import time
import random

# Setting up the Kafka producer
producer = KafkaProducer(
value_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v).encode('utf-8')

# User activities we'd like to simulate
ACTIVITIES = ["page_view", "product_view", "cart_addition", "purchase"]

def simulate_activity():
Simulates a user activity and returns a dictionary representation of that activity.
user_id = random.randint(1, 1000) # Simulating user IDs between 1 and 1000
activity = random.choice(ACTIVITIES)
product_id = random.randint(1, 100) if activity != "page_view" else None # Simulating product IDs between 1 and 100

return {
"user_id": user_id,
"activity_type": activity,
"product_id": product_id,
"timestamp": time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

# Infinite loop to continuously send messages
while True:
activity = simulate_activity()
producer.send('ecommerce_activity', activity)
print(f"Sent: {activity}")
time.sleep(random.randint(1, 5)) # Sleep between 1 to 5 seconds
except KeyboardInterrupt:


  1. KafkaProducer Setup:
  • We’re using the Kafka Python client to set up a producer that connects to a Kafka server running on localhost:9092.
  • The value_serializer is set to convert our dictionary into a JSON string, which is then encoded into UTF-8. This allows our messages to be JSON strings.

2. simulate_activity Function:

  • This function simulates a user activity.
  • It randomly selects a user ID between 1 and 1000.
  • Randomly chooses an activity from our list (ACTIVITIES).
  • If the activity is anything other than a “page_view”, it associates a product with it by choosing a random product ID between 1 and 100.
  • It returns this simulated activity as a dictionary.

3. Infinite Loop:

  • The script then enters an infinite loop, continually generating these simulated activities and sending them to the ecommerce_activity Kafka topic.
  • After sending each message, it waits for a random duration between 1 to 5 seconds before simulating the next activity. This introduces variability into the simulation, making it seem more real.
  • If you want to stop sending messages, you can use Ctrl+C (or your system’s equivalent command) to stop the loop.
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5. Consume and Store Data in PostgreSQL:

from kafka import KafkaConsumer
import json
import psycopg2

# Set up the Kafka Consumer
consumer = KafkaConsumer(
auto_offset_reset='earliest', # start at the beginning of the topic
value_deserializer=lambda x: json.loads(x.decode('utf-8'))

# Establish connection to PostgreSQL
conn = psycopg2.connect(
cursor = conn.cursor()

for message in consumer:
# Parse message
data = message.value

# Insert data into PostgreSQL
query = """
INSERT INTO activity_log (user_id, activity_type, product_id, timestamp)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);
cursor.execute(query, (data['user_id'], data['activity_type'], data['product_id'], data['timestamp']))

# Commit changes

print(f"Stored: {data}")

except KeyboardInterrupt:



  1. KafkaConsumer Setup:
  • We set up a KafkaConsumer to consume messages from the ecommerce_activity topic.
  • We connect to a Kafka server on localhost:9092.
  • The auto_offset_reset is set to 'earliest' to ensure we start consuming from the beginning of the topic.
  • The value_deserializer is used to convert the received messages from UTF-8 encoded JSON strings to Python dictionaries.

2. PostgreSQL Connection:

  • We use psycopg2 to connect to the PostgreSQL database. Replace 'your_username' and 'your_password' with your actual PostgreSQL credentials.
  • A cursor is initialized, which will be used to execute SQL queries.

3. Consuming and Storing:

  • We run a loop where, for each received message from the Kafka topic:
  • We parse the message to get the data.
  • We insert this data into the activity_log table using an SQL INSERT query.
  • The changes are committed to the database.

4. Shutdown:

  • If you want to stop the consumer, you can use Ctrl+C (or your system’s equivalent command).
  • The finally block ensures that, regardless of how the loop ends (error, manual stop, etc.), the cursor and the connection to the PostgreSQL database are properly closed.
Image by the author

6. Data Analysis & Visualization in Jupyter Notebook:

  1. Connecting to ecommerce_db and fetching data:
import psycopg2
import pandas as pd

# Connect to the database
conn = psycopg2.connect(

# Querying data into a DataFrame
query = "SELECT * FROM activity_log;"
df = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn)

2. Conduct Analyses:

a. Activity Trends:

# Group by timestamp (you might need to adjust this based on your timestamp granularity)
activity_trends = df.groupby('timestamp').activity_type.value_counts().unstack().fillna(0)

activity_trends.plot(figsize=(15, 7))
Image by the Author

b. Most Viewed Products:

most_viewed_products = df[df.activity_type == "product_view"].product_id.value_counts()

most_viewed_products.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(15, 7))
Image by the Author

c. Cart Abandonment Rate:

cart_additions = df[df.activity_type == "cart_addition"].shape[0]
purchases = df[df.activity_type == "purchase"].shape[0]

cart_abandonment_rate = (cart_additions - purchases) / cart_additions

print(f"Cart Abandonment Rate: {cart_abandonment_rate:.2%}")
Cart Abandonment Rate: 19.23%

d.Conversion Rate:

total_views = df[df.activity_type == "product_view"].shape[0]

conversion_rate = purchases / total_views

print(f"Conversion Rate: {conversion_rate:.2%}")
Conversion Rate: 70.00%

3. Visualization:

import seaborn as sns

# Example: Heatmap of user activity
activity_pivot = df.pivot_table(index='product_id', columns='activity_type', aggfunc='size', fill_value=0)
sns.heatmap(activity_pivot, annot=True, cmap="YlGnBu")

Jupyter Notebook Details:

  1. Connecting to Database:
  • Using psycopg2, we connect to our ecommerce_db and use pandas to directly load SQL query results into a DataFrame.

2. Activity Trends:

  • We group by timestamp and activity type to get counts for different activities.
  • Then, we plot this data to visually see trends.

3. Most Viewed Products:

  • We filter out product views and count by product IDs to identify which products are viewed the most.

4. Cart Abandonment Rate:

  • Defined as the proportion of cart additions that do not end in a purchase.

5. Conversion Rate:

  • Defined as the proportion of product views that result in a purchase.


  • We use both matplotlib and seaborn for visualizations. Seaborn is particularly useful for more intricate visualizations like heatmaps.

7.Advanced Features (Optional):

1. Real-time Recommendations:

Implementing real-time recommendations would typically require a more advanced setup involving machine learning, collaborative filtering, or content-based recommendation systems. However, for the sake of a simple demonstration, we can implement a basic content-based recommender using dummy data.

Imagine we have a matrix where rows are products and columns are product features (e.g., categories, tags, etc.), and we can compute similarity between products.

from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import numpy as np

# Dummy product-feature matrix (Rows = Products, Columns = Features)
products = ['product_1', 'product_2', 'product_3', 'product_4', 'product_5']
features = np.array([
[1, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 1, 0, 0]

# Compute similarity between products
product_similarity = cosine_similarity(features)

def recommend_products(product_id):
product_idx = products.index(product_id)
similar_products = product_similarity[product_idx]
recommended = np.argsort(similar_products)[-3:-1] # Take 2 most similar products
return [products[i] for i in recommended]

# Let's say user viewed 'product_1'
recommendations = recommend_products('product_1')
['product_3', 'product_5']


  • We create a dummy matrix representing products and their features.
  • We then use cosine_similarity from scikit-learn to compute how similar products are to each other.
  • When a user views a product, we fetch the most similar products as recommendations.

2. Anomaly Detection:

Here, we’ll implement a simple rolling average-based anomaly detection. If the activity count falls below a certain threshold compared to the rolling average, we raise an alert.

def anomaly_detection(df, window=5, threshold=0.5):
df['rolling_avg'] = df['activity_count'].rolling(window=window).mean()
df['anomaly'] = df['activity_count'] < (df['rolling_avg'] * threshold)
anomalies = df[df['anomaly']]
return anomalies

# Dummy data
data = {
'timestamp': pd.date_range(start='2022-01-01', periods=10, freq='D'),
'activity_count': [100, 105, 102, 108, 110, 50, 55, 56, 58, 60]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

anomalies = anomaly_detection(df)
if not anomalies.empty:
print("Alert! Possible website issues detected!")


  • We compute a rolling average of activity counts.
  • We then identify timestamps where the activity count is significantly lower than the rolling average (e.g., 50% in the example).
  • If such anomalies are found, an alert is raised.

Both the recommendation and anomaly detection systems provided are fundamental examples. They serve as introductory implementations to showcase how one might approach building a recommendation or anomaly detection system.

8. Cleanup:

brew services stop postgresql #shut down postgres
brew services stop kafka #shut down kafka
brew services stop zookeeper #Shutdown zookeeper
deactivate #If you are using a virtual environment, deactivate it:

Enterprise : Kafka Implementation

So far we talked about the local kafka implementation. Let’s design an example enterprise-wide Kafka system for a fictional e-commerce company named “ShopStream”. This company has multiple microservices and systems which produce and consume data, and they’ve chosen Kafka as their central messaging and stream-processing platform.

ShopStream: Kafka-Based E-Commerce Data Platform


ShopStream operates on a global scale, with operations in multiple regions. The platform manages high volumes of real-time transactional data, customer behavior logs, inventory updates, and more.

System Components:

  1. Kafka Cluster Configuration:
  • Multi-broker setup spread across three data centers in North America, Europe, and Asia.
  • Each region has its own multi-broker Kafka cluster for local operations and to handle failover scenarios.

2. Producers:

  • Checkout Service: Produces real-time transaction data.
  • Inventory Service: Produces stock level updates.
  • User Behavior Service: Tracks user activities like clicks, cart additions, and product views.
  • Customer Service: Emits customer registration and update events.

3. Consumers:

  • Fraud Detection System: Consumes transaction data for suspicious activity.
  • Analytics Engine: Processes user behavior logs for insights.
  • Recommendation Engine: Uses transaction and behavior logs to produce personalized product recommendations.
  • Inventory Alert System: Monitors stock levels and triggers reorder processes.

4. Kafka Connect:

  • Log Ingestion: Ingests application logs from various services.
  • Database Synchronization: Ensures that the main relational database and data in certain Kafka topics are in sync.

5. Kafka Streams:

  • Real-time Analytics: Aggregates data streams to provide real-time dashboards.
  • Personalization: Enriches user streams with transaction data to provide better personalization.

6. Security:

  • Encryption: Data is encrypted in-transit using SSL/TLS and at-rest using encryption mechanisms.
  • Authentication: SASL/SCRAM or Kerberos-based authentication for client-broker communication.
  • Authorization: ACLs to manage access at topic and cluster levels.

7. Monitoring and Alerts with Confluent Control Center:

  • Metrics: Track throughput, latency, and other critical metrics.
  • Log Collection: Integration with ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) for log collection, analysis, and visualization.
  • Alerts: Proactive alerts on anomalies or system failures.

8. Disaster Recovery:

  • Backup Clusters: Secondary clusters in different regions for failover.
  • Data Replication: MirrorMaker2 is used to replicate data across primary and backup clusters.
  • Regular Backups: Automated backups of topic data, configurations, and schemas.

9. Schema Management with Confluent Schema Registry:

  • Stores and manages Avro schemas.
  • Ensures backward and forward compatibility.

10. Network:

  • Dedicated Networks: Separate networks for inter-broker communication and client-broker communication.
  • Firewalls and Proxies: Ensure secure and controlled access.

Data Flow:

  1. A user browses products, adding items to their cart. Their activities are captured by the User Behavior Service and published to a user_activity topic.
  2. The user checks out, triggering the Checkout Service to produce a transaction message to the transactions topic.
  3. The Fraud Detection System consumes from transactions, analyzing patterns for suspicious activities.
  4. Inventory Service updates stock levels in the inventory_updates topic.
  5. Analytics Engine consumes from user_activity for real-time insights and historical analyses.
  6. Recommendation Engine uses both transactional data and user activity logs to refine its recommendation algorithms.

Challenges and Solutions:

  1. Data Volume: Due to high throughput, brokers are appropriately sized and optimized for performance.
  2. Data Integrity: Exactly-once semantics is enabled to avoid duplicate processing.
  3. Global Operations: Using a combination of multi-region clusters and replication, data is made available globally, ensuring low latency and high availability.
  4. Schema Changes: With a growing platform, data schemas evolve. The Schema Registry helps manage these changes without breaking existing systems.

This design is an overview and simplification of what an actual enterprise Kafka deployment might look like.

Image by the Author

Kafka Summary:

1. Kafka Basics:

  • Producer: Sends messages to Kafka topics.
  • Consumer: Reads messages from Kafka topics.
  • Broker: Individual Kafka server that stores data and serves client requests.
  • Topic: Category/feed name to which records are stored and published.
  • Partition: Kafka topics are split into partitions for parallelism and scalability.
  • Offset: Sequential ID given to records in a partition.

2. Kafka Commands:

  • Start ZooKeeper: config/
  • Start Kafka: config/
  • Create a topic: --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic <TOPIC_NAME>
  • List topics: --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
  • Produce messages from the command line: --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic <TOPIC_NAME>
  • Consume messages from the command line: --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic <TOPIC_NAME> --from-beginning

3. Kafka in Python (using confluent-kafka library):

  • Producer:
from confluent_kafka import Producer

p = Producer({'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:9092'})
p.produce('<TOPIC_NAME>', key='key', value='value')
  • Consumer:
from confluent_kafka import Consumer, KafkaError

c = Consumer({
'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:9092',
'': 'group',
'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest'
while True:
msg = c.poll(1.0)
if msg is None:
if msg.error():
print("Consumer error: {}".format(msg.error()))
print('Received message: {}'.format(msg.value().decode('utf-8')))

4. Kafka Connect:

  • Standalone Mode: config/ config/<connector_name>.properties
  • Distributed Mode: config/ config/<connector_name>.properties


Apache Kafka stands out as a robust event-streaming platform, vital for handling vast real-time data. Through our exploration with weather forecasting and e-commerce, we showcased Kafka’s adaptability and synergy with various technologies. Our deep dive into Kafka’s terminology illuminated its scalability and efficiency. As organizations embrace real-time decision-making, Kafka’s significance in the data landscape is undeniably pivotal.



  1. Official Kafka Documentation: Apache Kafka


  1. Kafka: The Definitive Guide” by Neha Narkhede, Gwen Shapira, and Todd Palino. This is a comprehensive guide that offers detailed insights about how Kafka works and how to integrate it into your applications.
  2. Streaming Systems” by Tyler Akidau, Slava Chernyak, and Reuven Lax. While not solely about Kafka, it covers the theory of streaming systems in depth.


  1. Confluent Blog: Confluent — Founded by the original creators of Kafka, Confluent’s blog covers both foundational topics and advanced Kafka features.
  2. Jay Kreps’ Blog: Jay Kreps — Jay is one of the co-creators of Kafka and his personal blog has insightful articles on Kafka and stream processing.

YouTube Channels/Videos:

  1. Confluent: YouTube Channel — Contains a series of videos ranging from tutorials to deep dives.
  2. Tim Berglund with Confluent: Kafka Tutorials — An in-depth series of Kafka tutorials that covers a variety of topics.
  3. Stephane Maarek: He’s an instructor on Udemy and has provided many Kafka-related courses. His YouTube channel also contains valuable insights: YouTube Channel

Online Courses:

  1. Udemy — Apache Kafka Series by Stephane Maarek: A comprehensive collection of courses that cover Kafka in depth, from beginners to advanced topics.



ML/DS - Certified GCP Professional Machine Learning Engineer, Certified AWS Professional Machine learning Speciality,Certified GCP Professional Data Engineer .