My Google Interview Experience

Taniya Gupta
Level Up Coding
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2022


Before starting, I would like to mention this is my first ever Medium blog where I will be sharing my interview experiences with one of the most top-notch companies → “Google”.

I was interviewed at Google twice, first for Summer Internship and then for a Full time Software Engineering role. Let’s begin one by one!

Interviewing for Software Engineering Summer Internship

It was mid-October when I received a mail from a Google recruiter that my profile has been shortlisted for interviews at Google for a 2 months Software Engineering internship. The recruiter asked me to share my updated resume and provided quite a few prep materials and links for my interview preparation. While she scheduled my interviews, I was given a time period of about two weeks to prepare. After two weeks, the hiring process began as…

Round 1 — (Technical Phone Screen)

This round was 45 minutes, where the objective was to just test your problem-solving skills and nothing else. I was asked a coding question that was based on DP and Graphs. I won’t be revealing the exact question due to the privacy agreement. When the interviewer became satisfied with my approach and its time complexity, I was asked to code. The whole question took me around 45 minutes and I was not asked any further questions.

A quick tip — You are expected to solve 2 coding questions or at least write a pseudo code for the second question within a time limit of 45 minutes. Speed matters a lot, do remember!

Round 2 — (Technical Phone Screen)

This round was scheduled with a 30 minutes gap from the previous round. The format of this round was exactly the same as that of Round 1. I was again asked a coding question that was based on the Sliding Window technique. Initially, I gave him a recursive approach. The interviewer told me to optimize my solution. After giving it a thought, I was able to give him the optimized approach and coded a pseudo code for that. By then, 45 minutes were passed and I was left disappointed. This concluded my second round of interviews.

After two days, I received a rejection mail from the recruiter. Although the feeling of being rejected was pretty sad, the whole experience was very enriching. It made me discover my weaknesses and get motivated to do better in life 🙂.

I will be sharing my interview experience for a Full Time role at Google in my next blog. And yes, I made it to the Onsite Interviews this time!

All the best, and let me know if you have any questions!

You can connect with me on LinkedIn ❤️



Software Engineer @Microsoft || Former Technology Analyst Intern @Morgan Stanley