My Top 20 VS Code Extensions

Extensions. Redefined.

Neo Hao Jun
Level Up Coding
Published in
5 min readJun 5, 2020


Photo by Visual Studio Code

We all love a good code editor. It speeds up our workflow, increases our productivity, and just makes our life a whole lot easier. What everyone loves about Visual Studio Code is that it’s not just fast, but it also leaves significant room for one to style it to his or her own personal preference. The Visual Studio Marketplace has thousands (maybe even tens or hundreds of thousands, who knows 🤔) of extensions for you to do just that, and here’s 20 of them you won’t be able to live without!


Atom One UI for VS Code (Source: Mahmoud Ali on Visual Studio Marketplace)

1 + 2. Atom One Light & One Dark Theme by Mahmoud Ali

I used Atom as a primary editor before jumping ship 🚢 to VS Code. Perhaps it’ll make the transition from Atom to VS Code easier. 🤷‍♂

Material Theme for VS Code (Source: Open Collective)

3. Material Theme by Mattia Astorino

For the Material Theme lovers.

Snazzy Plus Dark and Darker (Source: akarlsten on Visual Studio Marketplace)

4. Snazzy Plus by akarlsten

A really cool theme which comes with superb syntax highlighting. It’s one of my favourites for VS Code. Not a common one but definitely one that you should try out.

Material Icons — don’t they look great! (Source: Philipp Kief on Visual Studio Marketplace)

5. Material Icon Theme by Philipp Kief

Beautiful and simple icons for your files and folders. I often underestimate how important this is — it’s not just about aesthetics. It helps melocate your files and folders more easily!


Track your programming progress — how cool! (Source: WakaTime on Visual Studio Marketplace)

6. WakaTime by WakaTime

See how much time you spend programming and building and question whether you are a truly productive programmer. Seems like I’m not. 👀

So simple. Configurable as well!

7. file-size by zhcode

Show the file size of the file you are working on in the status bar. Super useful!

Never be confused again! (Source: CoenraadS on Visual Studio Marketplace)

8. Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 by CoenraadS

Eliminate the confusion caused by a sea of brackets. 🌊 😳

The perfect solution for all web development monotony! (Source: Jun Han on Visual Studio Marketplace)

9 + 10. Auto Close Tag & Auto Rename Tag by Jun Han

Automatically rename paired HTML/XML tags. Super simple, yet super effective!

Speed up your web development (Source: Pranay Prakash on Visual Studio Marketplace)

11. CSS Peek by Pranay Prakash

View a hover image of your CSS within your HTML file. Eliminates all the trouble of switching between your HTML and CSS!

Source: Christian Kohler on Visual Studio Marketplace

12. Path Intellisense by Christian Kohler

Autocomplete file names and paths and never fret about path-ing in large projects again.

Load your projects right from your side bar! (Source: Alessandro Fragnani on Visual Studio Marketplace)

13. Project Manager by Alessandro Fragnani

With this extension, you can quickly switch between your projects easily and efficiently. Never need to navigate through Finder/File Explorer to re-open a project you were working on again.

Source: Ritwick Dey on Visual Studio Marketplace

14. Live Server by Ritwick Dey

Never have to refresh a page again when developing for web! Live Server refreshes your browser whenever you make changes. So simple!

Source: Aaron Bond on Visual Studio Marketplace

15. Better Comments by Aaron Bond

With Better Comments, you can categorise your annotations into

  • Alerts
  • Queries
  • TODOs
  • Highlights

Productivity 📈

Version Control

Current Line Blame, one of the many feature in GitLens (Source: Eric Amodio on Visual Studio Marketplace)

16. GitLens by Eric Amodio

GitLens helps you to understand code better. Quickly glimpse into whom, why, and when a line or code block was changed. Jump back through history to gain further insights as to how and why the code evolved.

(Source: Don Jayamanne on Visual Studio Marketplace)

17. Git History by Don Jayamanne

Display a beautiful line graph of the commit history, compare files, commits, and much more!


Source: Esben Petersen on Visual Studio Marketplace

18. Prettier — Code Formatter by Esben Petersen

Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. It enforces a consistent style in your code by parsing your code and re-printing it with its own rules, wrapping code when necessary. Do take note of the supported languages, though.

Beautiful (Source: P & P on Visual Studio Marketplace)

19. [Updated] Polacode-2020 by Jeff Hykin

Take aesthetic screenshots of your code. Never have to fret about presenting your code nicely during meetings again.

Source: Shan Khan on Visual Studio Marketplace

20. Settings Sync by Shan Khan

Now that you’ve got your editor set up, time to sync everything to GitHub so that you can transfer your preferences easily to another computer. Have fun!

