MySQL Metadata Queries — Find all tables in a Schema

Joshua Otwell
Level Up Coding
Published in
4 min readSep 7, 2022


Of course, there are other ways to determine what tables are present in a particular MySQL Database or Schema. You can also find this information if your database user account has permissions for the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database. Continue reading and follow along with an example query…

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As I explore and learn more about the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database, I wish to share my findings with others who may be interested.


All that is needed is a simple query against the INFORMATION_SCHEMA TABLES table. I have a ‘walking’ database where I store data pertaining to walking for exercise and if I want to know what tables are part of that schema, this query will retrieve that information:


I hope you find it useful!

Educational — SQL Cookbook: Query Solutions and Techniques for All SQL Users

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