Database Performance Comparison: AWS RDS Postgres vs Digital Ocean Postgres

Joe Lei
Level Up Coding
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2019


When Digital Ocean announced the availability of a managed Postgres database service, I wanted to answer this question:

Would my app’s performance improve if I switched my Postgres instance from AWS to Digital Ocean?

I’m working on, a data-driven medical community. Because nearly every page on Medtally requires fresh data, the speed of the database is crucial to providing a fast experience for users.

Example page on Medtally. Every page request pulls data from a Postgres database.

Test setup:

AWS: Postgres 11 (2 vCPUs, 4GB RAM, 40GB storage, AWS us-west-1, $68.4/month)

Digital Ocean: Postgres 11 (2 vCPUs, 4GB RAM, 38GB storage, SFO2, $60/month)

App hosting: Zeit Now v1 (SFO, AWS us-west-1)

App stack: Express.js, React.js, Next.js (read my tips on building with Next.js)


  • app → AWS: 0ms
  • app → Digital Ocean: 2ms

Custom optimizations: None. Both database instances were tested out of the box with the same data.

How performance was measured:

Method one:

To measure performance as close to the real-world as possible, I tracked the response time of a common query required to fetch data for our popular health condition pages (example). This method measured both the query execution time and the network.

I used Node.js’ perf_hooks API and logged the results.

Example usage:

const { performance } = require('perf_hooks');const t0 =; //start timerconst data = await fetchDataFromDB(id);const t1 =; //end timerconst responseTime = t1 - t0 //responsetime in ms

Method two:

I ran explain analyze on a complex query and noted the difference. This method only measured the execution time.


Method one: query execution + network (2,000 samples)

Average response time:

  • AWS: 145ms
  • Digital Ocean: 233ms

Median response time:

  • AWS: 63ms
  • Digital Ocean: 164ms

Method two: explain analyze results on a complex query (20 samples):

  • AWS: 230ms
  • Digital Ocean: 345ms

Digital Ocean’s response time (query execution + network) was 60% longer on average and 160% by median. The results were fairly consistent using explain analyze; with Digital Ocean being 50% slower.

The app also felt noticeably slower while clicking around. The Medtally app can load pages in as little as 150ms. Adding 100ms to that time would mean 66% slower — a significant difference.

I was surprised. I expected the performance to be much closer since both databases had the same number of CPUs, RAM size, and disk size.

Some possible reasons why AWS was faster:

  • The AWS Postgres instance had an advantage in latency because it was hosted in the same physical datacenter as the app (AWS us-west-1 which is San Francisco). However, this advantage is only 2ms as noted in test setup.
  • AWS Postgres simply uses faster hardware (CPU, RAM, SSD).
  • AWS’s default optimizations just happen to be better for my use case.
  • Digital Ocean’s managed Postgres service is new and the company needs more time to optimize its performance. AWS RDS has been in service for 9 years compared to less than a year for Digital Ocean.

Back to AWS RDS

I will be sticking with AWS RDS until Digital Ocean improves its performance.

Performance issues aside, I really did enjoy using Digital Ocean. The UI/UX is far superior to AWS and so is the documentation. I have high hopes for it in the future, and we could use more competition in the managed cloud database space.

With that said, is back to using AWS RDS.

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Full-Stack Engineer. Ex Product Manager. Occasional entrepreneur.