Protobufs Explained

Giga Gatenashvili
Level Up Coding
Published in
8 min readNov 14, 2022


In essence Protocol Buffers, aka protobufs, allow encoding of structured data into a compact byte stream (a sequence of zeroes and ones). Say, you have a player JavaScript object with properties score and name:

score : 25,
name: "Tom"

If serialized through protobufs it would turn into a byte stream like the following (each byte represented with two hex digits):

08 C8 01 12 03 54 6F 6D

As you can see it’s 8 bytes altogether.

For comparison the same object serialized in JSON (whitespace removed) would result in 26 bytes of data. So in this particular example protobufs variant is roughtly x3 smaller. This difference will vary depending on underline data, but overall protobuf serialized version is always smaller than its text-based counterparts and will make huge difference on large-scale systems.

Some of the questions you might have about protobufs even if you have used them for some time now:

  • Why do we need proto definitions, could not we convert structured messages directly into binary?
  • Why do we need field numbers in proto definitions?
  • Why do we need to define types for fields in addition to language native types?
  • Distinction between native types vs proto types vs wire types.


To encode the above object into a byte stream, a protobuf encoder requires two inputs, the actual object to be encoded and its proto definition.

Proto definitions are written using proto language. There are two versions of the language proto2 and proto3 we will be talking the latter (though the examples we use here will be the same in proto2)

Here is what proto definition for the above object looks like

message Player {
int32 score = 1;
string name = 2;

And here is a high level view on encoding

Let’s talk a bit about proto language and its types, following our example, structured data is defined as a message, individual fields have types and field numbers, “name” is of type string and its field number is 1; “age” is of type int32 with field number 2. This types are language-neutral, meaning, a message type can be translated into an object in JavaScript and POJO or class in Java, int32 can be translated into a number in JavaScript, while in Java it can have a more specific int type.

3 typing systems

We need to keep in mind that there are multiple typing systems involved at encoding/decoding.

  • wire-types — how things are written in a byte stream
  • proto types — proto definition language-neutral types, kinda instructions to protobufs encoder/decoder on how to turn language native types into wire-types and back.
  • language native types — e.g. JavaScript object, string, number, boolean or Java class, String, char, int, float, boolean

One interesting point to think about is, wire-types and language native types have memory representations (e.i. how they are stored in 0s and 1s), while proto types never exist in memory, they are used durning encoding to turn language native types into wire-types and durning decoding to do the opposite.

We will see what roles all three typing systems play durning encoding/decoding shortly when we go over our example, but before that we need to understand some basics. We will start with varints.


Varints are a method of serializing integers using one or more bytes. A varint’s byte length increases as the integer gets bigger. As such, varint might consist with one or more bytes, the most significant bit (MSB) in each byte is called continuation bit, when it’s set it means there is at least one more bytes to read, rest 7 bits in each byte are dedicated for storing the value. Highest unsigned value you can store in 7 bits is 2⁷=128 so anything higher than that will require another byte to fit in. Let’s go over examples, to see how this actually works.

The integer number 1 encoded in a varint is00000001 to figure it out we look at the most significant bit and see that it’s zero, which tells us that this varint has no more bytes for reading, next we drop the most significant bit (as it’s used only for properly reading the varint) and we are left with 7 bits of actual integer value 0000001 which is 1 in base10.

Now let’s look at how we can figure out that varint 1010 1100 0000 0010 actually holds integer value300 . We look at the first bit in the first byte and see that it’s set, which means that there is another byte to read, then we read the next byte at its first bit and see that it’s not set, telling us that we have reached the end. Next we drop continuation bits and what’s left is groups of bits that hold the integer value, we reverse them because varints store less significant groups first, and that’s our final integer in base2, then we can use positional notation method to see what it looks like in base10. The following image illustrates that.

understanding varint

Need more about varints? Look at Carl Mastrangelo write up, it covers many interesting aspects.

Encoded message basics

When a message gets encoded each field is written as a key-value pair, one after another. Each key in the byte stream is a varint with value (field_number << 3) | wire_type, that is, last 3 bits always store wire-type of the value. Order of key-value pairs is not guaranteed.

Reading the first key-value pair

I propose we pretend to be a protobufs decoder for a bit and read our example byte stream just like it would. In addition to that let’s imagine that we have no access to the proto definitions of the message for now, only things we know is what the byte stream looks like and how protobufs protocol works.

In our example the first byte is 08 , from what we already said we expect it to be a field key along with the wire_type.

The field-key

At this point we know that field number is 1 and wire-type is 0 which corresponds to Varint (as defined by the protobufs protocol), based on this we can go ahead and read varint that comes next in the byte stream C8 which is 11001000 its continuation bit is set — we need to read next byte too 01 which is 00000001 this time continuation bit is not set — we are done reading the varint. Next we need to drop continuation bits and reverse order of bit groups to get 0000001 1001000 (to understand why I’m not converting this to base10 yet, just read on)

With this we are done with reading first encoded key-value pair, but that’s just reading, the original object property reconstruction still requires a few more steps.

Protobuf messages are not fully self describing

A decoder can not fully reconstruct original message without looking at its proto definitions. Let’s look what information we’ve gathered so far. We’ve read anything related to this field from the byte stream, but is this enough information to reconstruct the original object property?

  • Field number: 1
  • Wire-type: Varint
  • Value: 0000001 1001000

Right, we still need to figure out field name and how to interpret the binary value.

To make it clear why we can’t interpret the value without looking at the field’s proto type definition, consider this, proto types int32 and sint32 both get encoded in varint wire-type. Now the value 0000001 1001000 can mean 200 for int32 and 100 for sint32. You would not be happy if a 100 bucks disappeared from your bank account just because someone had no access to proto definitions. Remember we said that proto types are kind of instructions for encoder/decoder, there you go.

At this point doors are open to look at the proto definitions, from it we can tell that field with number 1 is named “score”, and its proto type is int32.

Say we’re decoding in JavaScript environment, the type tells us that we should interpret the value as a normal varint (if it was sint32 we would need one additional step to decode it as ZigZag signed integer encoding which would result in value 100) it would also instruct us to use JS number type as the result type. So we end up assigning property score with number value 200 to the target object.

For awareness this is what types look like for this particular field

| JavaScript | proto type | wire-type |
| number | int32 | Varint |

Proto definitions are used by the encoder to:

  • Validate input, e.g. JavaScript value of type number fits proto int32 but string does not.
  • Determine target wire-type, e.g. Varint for int32
  • Include field numbers, to make field identification possible by the decoder

They are used by the decoder to:

  • Get field names based on field numbers
  • Understand how to decode wire-types and load them in proper language native types.

There is a lot more to discuss about Protocol Buffers but, for now let’s finish with examining the byte stream, to also understand how Length-delimited fields are encoded.

We are at fourth byte 12 which is 00010010 so we’ve got wire-type 010 = 2 Length-delimited, field number 0010 =2. The type here tells us that we should expect a varint that represents length of the value, the next byte 03 which is 00000011 in binary, it’s a var int that equals 3, we can go ahead and read next 3 bytes of the value 54 6F 6D . From proto we get field name “name”, field type is string , strings are encoded as UTF8, when decode the value with UTF8 we get “Tom”.

Main thing to note about Length-delimited fields is that it has the length varint sitting between the key and and the value.

Have a nice protobuffing! 👽

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