Advice and Opinions

What a Great Developer Does Right

The one who has a keen eye for design and elegantly applies patterns and approaches.

Nicklas Millard
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2021


Image by Nicklas Millard.
Image by Nicklas Millard.

Attending meeting-filled days wearing blue-light glasses, with a pizza slice in one hand and a dumbbell in the other, striking a perfect balance of endorphins and staying healthy, you wonder how the best developer ever gets any work done.

The secret is, he knows coding is only the last-mile to any solution.

We all know one engineer who seems to have the answers to all and everyone’s questions — or, more importantly, knows how to dig out answers.

The one who knows exactly how to deal with that difficult issue you’re facing, or, can elegantly model a complex domain and implement logic in a readable, understandable, and maintainable manner.

Difficult as it may be, I’ll attempt to break down the traits of the best programmer ever.

Business-first mindset.

Knowing the business is any developers’ first job.

The best developer produces solutions and writes code that he knows will positively benefit the business. Knowing the what and why leads to effortless implementations (the how).



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