Visual Analytics for Story Telling

Mastering Data-Driven Narratives in 10 Python Plotly Examples

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Effective visual representation not only enhances understanding but also streamlines decision-making processes in business environments.

This guide delves into the selection and application of the most pertinent chart types, providing strategic advice on their uses and illustrating their benefits through real-world examples.

As businesses continue to evolve with data at the core of strategic planning, mastering these tools is indispensable.

1. Bar Chart

1.1 Purpose

Bar charts are fundamental tools in data visualization for comparing data across different categories.

Each bar represents a category with its height or length proportional to the value or frequency of the category, making comparisons visually intuitive.

These charts are particularly effective for showing variations in size, frequency, or other measurable attributes across various groups.

1.2 When to Use

  • You need to compare numeric values across different categories, such as sales data across multiple products or attendance figures for different events.
  • The data includes categorical variables (like regions, products, or time periods) and you want to illustrate differences clearly.
  • Simplicity and clarity in presentation are crucial — bar charts provide straightforward insights into data sets, allowing for quick conclusions at a glance.

Bar charts are ubiquitous in business reporting, educational materials, and any situation where straightforward data comparison is required.

1.3 Example of Use Case

A common use case for bar charts is in sales analysis, where a company might compare the performance of different products across various regions. This can help identify which products are performing well and which are underperforming, guiding strategic business decisions.

1.4 Example Using Plotly

import as px
import pandas as pd

# Sample data creation
data = {
'Product': ['Product A', 'Product B', 'Product C', 'Product D'],
'Sales': [200, 240, 180, 220]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Create the bar chart
fig =, x='Product', y='Sales', title="Sales Comparison Among Products",
text='Sales', color='Product', template='plotly_white')

# Update the layout for a clean, minimalistic look
title_text="Sales Comparison Among Products",
yaxis_title="Sales (in units)",

# Display the plot

1. 5 Explanation of the Code

  • Plotly Express: Used here for its simplicity in creating visually appealing charts with minimal coding. creates a bar chart that is intuitive and effective for showing comparisons.
  • Data Setup: The dataset includes a list of products and their corresponding sales figures, which are represented as bars in the chart.
  • Bar Chart Configuration: The chart is colored by product, enhancing visual differentiation, and sales figures are displayed directly on the bars for immediate clarity.
  • Layout Adjustments: The chart uses the plotly_white template for a clean, modern aesthetic, with clear labels for both axes and no legend to maintain focus on the bars themselves.
  • Interactive Features: Plotly charts are interactive, allowing users to hover over bars to get more detailed information, enhancing the user experience with dynamic data feedback.

2. Line Chart

2. 1 Purpose

Line charts are essential for tracking changes and trends over time.

By connecting individual data points with lines on a graph, line charts display the continuity of data and make it easy to identify trends, shifts, and fluctuations.

These charts are particularly effective for time-series data where the sequence of data points is as important as the data points themselves.

2. 2 When to Use:

  • You need to show trends over time, such as sales growth, stock price changes, or temperature variations.
  • The data is sequential and the relationship between points helps to tell a story or indicate patterns.
  • Clarity in demonstrating upward or downward trends is required to make informed decisions or predictions.

Line charts are commonly used in financial analysis, weather forecasting, health monitoring, and any field where understanding changes over time is crucial.

2. 3 Example of Use Case

An exemplary application of line charts is monitoring stock market performance. Analysts can track the price of a stock over time to analyze trends, identify support and resistance levels, and forecast future movements based on historical data.

2. 4 Example Using Plotly

import as px
import pandas as pd

# Sample data creation
data = {
'Date': pd.date_range(start='2023-01-01', periods=12, freq='M'),
'Stock Price': [100, 105, 102, 110, 115, 120, 118, 125, 130, 128, 135, 140]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Create the line chart
fig = px.line(df, x='Date', y='Stock Price', title="Yearly Stock Price Trend for Company X",
markers=True, # Adds markers to each data point

# Update the layout for a clean, minimalistic look
title_text="Yearly Stock Price Trend for Company X",
yaxis_title="Stock Price ($)",
tickmode='auto', # Automatic tick placement
nticks=12, # Number of ticks
tickangle=45 # Rotate ticks for better readability

# Display the plot

2. 5 Explanation of the Code

  • Plotly Express: This tool is utilized for its streamlined approach to creating interactive and highly customizable line charts. px.line constructs a line chart that clearly shows the progression of data points over time.
  • Data Setup: The dataset contains monthly stock price data for a year, perfectly suited for illustrating trends and changes over this period.
  • Line Chart Configuration: Markers are added to each data point to enhance visibility and interaction, allowing viewers to pinpoint exact values easily.
  • Layout Adjustments: The chart uses the plotly_white template for a modern and uncluttered look, with axis titles and rotated tick labels enhancing the chart’s readability.
  • Interactive Features: As with other Plotly charts, the line chart offers dynamic feedback when users hover over data points, providing them with precise information and a better user experience.

3. Pie Chart

3. 1 Purpose

Pie charts are instrumental in displaying the relative proportions of categories within a whole.

By representing data as slices of a pie, each segment’s size visually reflects its contribution to the total, making it clear at a glance how parts compare to each other.

This method is particularly effective for emphasizing how major components such as budget shares or market segments compare without the clutter of more complex visualizations.

3. 2 When to Use

Pie charts are most appropriate when you want to highlight the composition of a dataset in terms of proportions or percentages.

They are ideal for datasets with a limited number of categories (typically five or fewer) to ensure the chart remains clear and comprehensible.

Use them when the message is straightforward: showing how the parts make up the whole, such as in budget allocations, survey results, or market share distributions.

3. 3 Example of Use Case

A clear example of pie chart utilization is demonstrating the market share held by different companies within an industry.

Example Using Plotly

import plotly.graph_objects as go

# Sample data creation
labels = ['Company A', 'Company B', 'Company C', 'Company D']
sizes = [40, 30, 20, 10] # Market share percentages
colors = ['#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728'] # Colors for each company

# Create the pie chart
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Pie(labels=labels, values=sizes, marker_colors=colors, hole=.3)])

# Update the layout for a clean, minimalistic look
title_text='Market Share by Company',
title_x=0.5, # Center the title
annotations=[dict(text='Share', x=0.5, y=0.5, font_size=20, showarrow=False)],

# Display the plot

Each slice is color-coded for clear differentiation, and percentages are included to provide exact data points.

The startangle parameter is used to orient the pie chart for better visual appeal, and ‘pctdistance’ adjusts the placement of the percentage annotations to maintain a clean look.

This visualization efficiently communicates the relative market positions in a visually appealing and immediately understandable manner.

4. Scatter Plot

4. 1 Purpose

Scatter plots are used to visualize the relationship between two quantitative variables, showing how one variable is affected by another. The positions of the data points on the horizontal and vertical axes indicate values for an individual data point. This type of visualization is particularly effective for identifying correlations, trends, outliers, and the distribution density of data points across the axes.

4. 2 When to Use:

Use scatter plots when you need to investigate the potential relationships between different variables. They are ideal for:

  • Checking for correlation or causation hypotheses.
  • Identifying trends or clusters within data sets.
  • Spotting outliers that do not fit into the pattern.

Scatter plots are often used in statistical analysis, economics, and the natural sciences for exploring the relationships between measured variables.

4. 3 Example of Use Case

A practical application of scatter plots is in real estate, where analysts might explore the relationship between the size of homes and their selling prices. By plotting these two variables, insights can be gleaned about pricing trends and property value estimations based on size.

4.4 Example Using Plotly

import as px

# Sample data creation
data = {
'Home Size (sq ft)': [1500, 1800, 2400, 3000, 3500],
'Selling Price ($)': [400000, 500000, 590000, 650000, 720000]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Create the scatter plot
fig = px.scatter(df, x='Home Size (sq ft)', y='Selling Price ($)',
title="Relationship Between Home Size and Selling Price",
labels={"Home Size (sq ft)": "Home Size (Square Feet)", "Selling Price ($)": "Selling Price (USD)"},

# Update the layout for a clean, minimalistic look
fig.update_traces(marker=dict(size=10, color='#007D99', line=dict(width=2, color='DarkSlateGrey')),

# Display the plot

4.5 Explanation of the Code

  • Plotly Express: Utilized here for its simplicity and effectiveness in creating charts with minimal code. It is particularly suited for creating scatter plots quickly.
  • Data and Variables: The dataset includes two variables, ‘Home Size (sq ft)’ and ‘Selling Price ($)’, which are used as axes.
  • Plot Configuration: The px.scatter function is used to create the chart, with axes labeled for clarity.
  • Visual Enhancements: The marker size and color are customized to improve visual appeal and clarity, and the chart template is set to “simple_white” for a clean, modern look.
  • Interactivity: Plotly’s default interactive features allow users to hover over data points to see additional details, making the scatter plot not only informative but also engaging.

5. Histogram

5. 1 Purpose

Histograms are used to represent the distribution of a dataset by grouping data points into bins or intervals.

This type of chart is crucial for showing the frequency of data points within certain ranges, making it easy to see where most values fall and how widespread they are across different categories.

Histograms are ideal for statistical analysis, helping to reveal the underlying distribution, variance, and potential anomalies in data.

5.2 When to Use

Use histograms when you need to summarize and understand large amounts of data visually. They are especially useful for:

  • Analyzing the shape of the data distribution (e.g., normal distribution, skewed, bimodal).
  • Spotting outliers or unusual data points.
  • Preparing data for further statistical analysis and modeling.

Histograms are frequently used in fields such as statistics, quality control, and physics, where understanding the characteristics of data distributions is important.

5. 3 Example of Use Case

An example of a practical application for histograms is in examining the age distribution of a population within a particular region. This can help policymakers understand demographic trends and plan for future needs such as schools, healthcare, and housing.

5. 4 Example Using Plotly

import as px
import pandas as pd

# Sample data creation
ages = [22, 45, 30, 34, 42, 23, 51, 60, 28, 32, 41, 45, 52, 31, 23, 33, 43, 48, 58, 40]

# Create the histogram
fig = px.histogram(x=ages, nbins=10, title="Population Age Distribution",
labels={"x": "Age"},

# Update layout for a clean, minimalistic look
title_text="Population Age Distribution in Region X",
title_x=0.5, # Center the title
yaxis_title="Number of Individuals",
bargap=0.2 # Adjust the gap between bars

# Update traces for a more minimalistic design
fig.update_traces(marker_color='#007D99', marker_line_width=1)

# Display the plot

5. 5 Explanation of the Code

  • Plotly Express: This module is used for its efficient and straightforward methods to create visualizations with minimal code, perfect for quick and clear histograms.
  • Data Setup: The dataset consists of ages, which are plotted to visualize the distribution.
  • Histogram Configuration: The px.histogram function creates the chart, specifying the number of bins to control how the data is grouped.
  • Layout Adjustments: The layout is customized to align with a minimalist aesthetic, enhancing readability and focus on the data itself.
  • Visual Style: The color and line width of the histogram bars are modified to provide a sleek, modern look.

6. Radar Chart

6. 1 Purpose

Radar charts, also known as spider charts or polar charts, are used to display multivariate data in a way that is easy to understand and visually appealing.

They are particularly useful for comparing the attributes of different items or groups across several variables — all displayed on a circular graph.

Each axis represents a different variable, and values are plotted as points on the axes, which are then connected by lines, forming a polygon.

6. 2 When to Use

  • Comparing the feature sets of different items within the same category.
  • Evaluating strengths and weaknesses across multiple axes, such as in skills assessments or product comparisons.
  • Viewing data in a way that easily highlights outliers and anomalies in multivariate data.

These charts are commonly used in fields like business analysis for benchmarking competitors, sports science to evaluate athlete performances, and HR for skills assessments.

6.3 Example of Use Case

A practical example is comparing the performance metrics of athletes across various sports disciplines — speed, endurance, strength, agility, and technique.

6.4 Example Using Plotly

import plotly.graph_objects as go

# Sample data creation
categories = ['Speed', 'Endurance', 'Strength', 'Agility', 'Technique']
values = [80, 70, 90, 75, 85]
values2 = [65, 80, 85, 90, 70]

# Create the radar chart
fig = go.Figure()

name='Athlete A'

name='Athlete B'

# Update the layout for a clean, minimalistic look
range=[0, 100]
title_text="Athlete Performance Comparison",

# Display the plot

6. 5 Explanation of the Code:

  • Plotly Graph Objects:Utilized here for creating complex radar charts. These are used to configure each trace, representing different athletes in this case.
  • Data Setup: The dataset includes categories representing different sports disciplines and values for each athlete’s performance in these categories.
  • Radar Chart Configuration: Two Scatterpolar traces are added to the figure, each representing a different athlete. The fill=’toself option connects the outer points of each variable, filling the area under the line, which visually emphasizes the data.
  • Layout Adjustments: The layout is adjusted to maintain a minimalist aesthetic, focusing on readability and visual appeal. The range of the radial axis is set from 0 to 100 to standardize the data presentation.
  • Interactivity and Clarity: Plotly’s interactive capabilities allow users to hover over different aspects of the chart to get more detailed information, enhancing the interactive experience without cluttering the visual presentation.

Continuing our exploration of data visualization using Plotly, let’s look at how to create Maps for geospatial data visualization. Maps are particularly effective for displaying data that has a geographic component, allowing viewers to easily see variations across different regions.

7. Map

7. 1 Purpose

Maps in data visualization are used to represent geographical data visually, providing insights into spatial patterns and regional differences.

This can include population distribution, resource allocation, sales territories, and more.

Maps help contextualize data by location, making it easier to understand regional nuances that might not be apparent in other types of charts.

7. 2 When to Use

  • You need to show data variations across different geographical areas.
  • The geographic component is significant for understanding the data, such as in cases of electoral results, regional sales performance, or epidemic outbreaks.
  • You want to provide a visual exploration of data that relates to physical locations.

Maps are widely used in public health, urban planning, environmental studies, and business for regional analysis.

7. 3 Example of Use Case

A practical example is displaying the incidence of a particular disease across various counties within a state.

Public health officials could use this data to allocate resources more effectively and implement targeted interventions.

7.4 Example Using Plotly

import as px
import pandas as pd

# Sample data creation
data = {
'City': ['New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Chicago', 'Houston', 'Phoenix'],
'Lat': [40.7128, 34.0522, 41.8781, 29.7604, 33.4484],
'Lon': [-74.0060, -118.2437, -87.6298, -95.3698, -112.0740],
'Population': [8419000, 3884307, 2716450, 2325502, 1660272]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Create the map
fig = px.scatter_geo(df,
projection="natural earth",
title="Population Distribution Across Major US Cities")

# Update the layout for a clean, minimalistic look
title_text="Population Distribution Across Major US Cities",

# Display the plot

7.5 Explanation of the Code

  • Plotly Express: Utilized here to create an interactive geo scatter plot, which is a type of map that uses geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) to place and size data points based on an additional variable (population in this case).
  • Data Setup: The dataset includes major US cities with corresponding latitude, longitude, and population figures.
  • Map Configuration: The px.scatter_geo function is used to create the map, with markers placed at the locations of the cities, sized by population. This visualizes the relative size of populations in these locations at a glance.
  • Layout Adjustments: The layout is refined to ensure that the title and map presentation are clear and effective.
  • Interactive Features: The map is interactive, allowing users to hover over points to see more details about each city, enhancing the usability and informational value of the map.

Next in our journey of exploring powerful data visualization tools with Plotly, let’s delve into creating Heatmaps. Heatmaps are an excellent way to visualize complex data matrices, revealing patterns through variations in coloring.

8. Heatmap

8. 1 Purpose

Heatmaps allow for the visualization of data through variations in coloring across a two-dimensional matrix.

This type of visualization is effective in highlighting the magnitude of phenomena as color in two dimensions, which can reveal patterns, variances, and anomalies within the data.

Heatmaps are particularly useful for displaying the results of various kinds of analysis, including correlation matrices and spatial data.

8.2 When to Use

  • You need to compare large sets of data points efficiently.
  • The relationships between different variables or conditions need to be visualized, such as in correlation studies or between different groups in a dataset.
  • You wish to highlight areas of intensity or concentration within a dataset, like hot spots in a geographical context or frequent occurrences within a category.

They are commonly used in areas such as genomics, web analytics, and social sciences.

8.3 Example of Use Case

A common application for heatmaps is in website analytics, where heatmaps can visually represent user engagement across different parts of a webpage.

This helps in identifying which parts of the site receive the most attention and interaction from users.

8.4 Example Using Plotly

import as px
import pandas as pd

# Sample data creation
data = {
'Features': ['Feature1', 'Feature2', 'Feature3', 'Feature4', 'Feature5'],
'Metric1': [1, 0.5, 0.6, 0.1, 0.3],
'Metric2': [0.5, 1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.4],
'Metric3': [0.6, 0.2, 1, 0.5, 0.7],
'Metric4': [0.1, 0.4, 0.5, 1, 0.9],
'Metric5': [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.9, 1]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['Features'], var_name='Metric', value_name='Value')

# Create the heatmap
fig = px.density_heatmap(df, x='Features', y='Metric', z='Value', marginal_x="histogram", marginal_y="histogram")

# Update the layout for a clean, minimalistic look
title_text="Correlation Heatmap of Various Metrics",

# Display the plot

8.5 Explanation of the Code

  • Plotly Express: This tool is used here to create a density heatmap, which is well-suited for examining the intensity and distribution of values across different categories and metrics.
  • Data Setup: The dataset includes a set of features and their related metrics, which are structured for a heatmap display.
  • Heatmap Configuration: The px.density_heatmap function is used to create the heatmap, with features on the x-axis and metrics on the y-axis. The z-values are the measured intensities.
  • Layout Adjustments: The layout is enhanced with a histogram on both the x and y axes, which provides additional detail about the distribution of values along those dimensions. The plotly_white template is used for a clean and clear presentation.
  • Interactive Features: As with other Plotly charts, the heatmap is interactive, allowing users to hover over sections to get more detailed information about the data points, enhancing the analysis capabilities.

Continuing with our exploration of effective data visualization tools using Plotly, let’s discuss how to create Bubble Charts. Bubble charts enhance the visual representation of data by adding a third dimension, typically using the size of the bubbles to reflect volume or magnitude, adding depth to traditional scatter plots.

9. Bubble Chart

9.1 Purpose

Bubble charts are used to display three dimensions of data: the values of two numeric variables determine the position of the bubble on the x and y axes, while the size of the bubble represents the third variable.

This type of chart is useful for visually comparing numerical values and their relationships, with the added dimension of size offering a more nuanced insight into the data set.

9.2 When to Use:

  • You want to show the relationship between two numeric variables while also representing the size of a third variable, adding context and deeper insights.
  • Visualizing data that involves population sizes, revenue figures, or other volume metrics alongside traditional axis-based data points.
  • Analyzing datasets where combining the features of scatter plots and the additional dimension can lead to a better understanding of the underlying data.

Bubble charts are frequently used in economics, social sciences, and business analytics, where multi-dimensional data visualization can uncover hidden patterns.

9.3 Example of Use Case

A practical use for bubble charts is in market analysis, where companies might want to compare the sales performance (revenue) and customer satisfaction scores (x and y axes) of different products, with the bubble size representing the total sales volume. This can help identify which products are not only high in revenue but also have a large customer base.

9.4 Example Using Plotly

import as px
import pandas as pd

# Sample data creation
data = {
'Product': ['Product A', 'Product B', 'Product C', 'Product D'],
'Revenue': [240, 340, 270, 390],
'Customer Satisfaction': [87, 78, 85, 80],
'Volume': [150, 300, 225, 350] # This will determine the size of the bubbles
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Create the bubble chart
fig = px.scatter(df, x='Revenue', y='Customer Satisfaction',
size='Volume', color='Product',
hover_name='Product', size_max=60,
title="Product Performance Analysis")

# Update the layout for a clean, minimalistic look
title_text="Product Performance Analysis",
xaxis_title="Revenue (in thousands)",
yaxis_title="Customer Satisfaction (%)",

# Display the plot

9.5 Explanation of the Code

  • Plotly Express: Used to create a bubble chart with an intuitive syntax. The px.scatter function is adapted to include a `size` parameter which maps to the Volume column, effectively adding a third dimension.
  • Data Setup: The dataset includes key performance metrics for products: revenue, customer satisfaction, and sales volume. These variables are visualized as axes and bubble size.
  • Bubble Chart Configuration: Bubbles are colored by product to differentiate them easily, and the maximum size of the bubbles is controlled for visual balance.
  • Layout Adjustments: The chart is set against a plotly_white background for a clean, modern aesthetic, and axes are clearly labeled to enhance readability.
  • Interactive Features: Plotly’s interactivity allows users to hover over each bubble to get detailed information about the products, improving the analytical utility of the chart.

This bubble chart setup offers a visually compelling way to analyze complex, multi-dimensional datasets, ideal for presentations where nuanced insights are required, enhancing strategic business decision-making.

10 Donut Chart

10.1 Purpose

Donut charts are used to illustrate proportions within a whole similarly to pie charts, but they offer a more visually appealing format with the central hole providing space for additional annotations or labels.

This type of chart is effective for displaying categorical data where each category’s contribution to the total is emphasized, and the central space can be used to summarize the data or present key figures.

10. 2 When to Use

  • You need to highlight proportionate data visually, with the ability to add more contextual information in the center.
  • Displaying composition data, such as market share, budget allocations, or survey results, in a way that is immediately digestible.
  • You prefer a visually distinct alternative to pie charts that may better fit the aesthetic or layout needs of your presentation or dashboard.

Donut charts are popular in business presentations, marketing materials, and interactive dashboards where engaging visuals are crucial.

10.3 Example of Use Case

A practical use case for donut charts is in financial reporting, where a company might display the breakdown of its revenue sources. For instance, a chart could show proportions of revenue from different regions with a summary of total revenue in the center.

10. 4 Example Using Plotly

import plotly.graph_objects as go

# Sample data creation
labels = ['North America', 'Europe', 'Asia', 'South America', 'Africa']
values = [450, 300, 300, 200, 150] # Revenue contributions by region in millions

# Create the donut chart
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Pie(labels=labels, values=values, hole=.4)]) # The 'hole' parameter creates the donut shape

# Update the layout for a clean, minimalistic look
title_text="Global Revenue Breakdown by Region",
'text': 'Revenue<br>$1.4B',
'x': 0.5, 'y': 0.5,
'font_size': 20,
'showarrow': False,
'align': 'center'

# Display the plot

10. 5 Explanation of the Code

  • Plotly Graph Objects: Used to create a donut chart, adapting the go.Pie function with a hole parameter that specifies the size of the central hole.
  • Data Setup: The dataset includes different regions and their contributions to total revenue, which are plotted as slices of the donut.
  • Donut Chart Configuration: The slices are automatically color-coded, and the large central hole allows for additional textual content, making the visualization more informative.
  • Layout Adjustments: The layout is clean and focused, with an annotation in the center providing a summary that adds value by giving a quick reference to the total revenue figure.
  • Interactive Features: As with other Plotly charts, the donut chart is interactive, allowing users to hover over each segment for detailed data about revenue contributions.


Understanding and utilizing various chart types effectively can greatly enhance the clarity and impact of data presented. From bar charts for comparing categorical data, to line charts for observing trends over time, each chart type serves a specific purpose that can help distill complex information into understandable insights. By carefully selecting the appropriate visualization tool, data professionals can transform raw data into compelling narratives that inform and persuade stakeholders.

Mastering these tools not only improves communication but also empowers decision-making processes across various industries. Embrace the power of visual analytics and let your data storytelling do the talking.




Derived from the Latin word "pan," which means "all" or "every," a personal repository of Data I have studied and somewhat self-taught. 🐼❤️