What are Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)?

Ruby Valappil
Level Up Coding
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2023


Photo by Olaf Val on Unsplash


Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) were first introduced and coined as a concept by Google’s Chrome team in 2015. The term “Progressive Web App” was introduced by Alex Russell in a blog post titled “Progressive Web Apps: Escaping Tabs Without Losing Our Soul”. This blog post outlined the key characteristics and principles of PWAs and their potential to bridge the gap between web and native mobile applications.

PWAs were designed to leverage modern web technologies to deliver a more app-like experience on the web, with features like offline functionality, push notifications, and fast loading times. They aimed to provide a better user experience and close the performance and functionality gap between traditional websites and native mobile apps.

Since their introduction, PWAs have gained traction and widespread adoption within the web development community and have been supported by major web browsers, making them a significant part of modern web development practices.

What is a PWA?

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a type of web application that takes advantage of modern web technologies to provide a more reliable, fast, and engaging user experience. PWAs are designed to work on any platform or device that uses a standards-compliant browser, whether it’s a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone.

They are built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but offer features traditionally associated with native mobile apps.

Here are the key characteristics and advantages of Progressive Web Apps:

  1. Responsive Design: PWAs are designed to be responsive, meaning they can adapt to different screen sizes and orientations, ensuring a consistent user experience across various devices.
  2. Offline Functionality: One of the defining features of PWAs is their ability to work offline or in low-network conditions. This is made possible through the use of service workers(more on this later), which cache essential resources and allow the app to function even when there’s no internet connection.
  3. App-Like Experience: PWAs aim to provide a user experience similar to that of native mobile apps. They can be launched from the home screen, run in a standalone mode, and offer smooth navigation and animations.
  4. Fast Loading: PWAs prioritize fast loading times by using techniques like lazy loading and efficient resource caching. This ensures that users can access content quickly, even on slow connections.
  5. Security: PWAs are served over HTTPS, making them more secure. This helps protect user data and ensures the integrity of the application.
  6. Discoverability: PWAs can be discovered and indexed by search engines, just like traditional websites. This means users can find and access PWAs through search results, increasing their visibility.
  7. Push Notifications: PWAs can send push notifications to users, keeping them engaged and informed about updates, promotions, or other relevant information.
  8. Cross-Platform Compatibility: PWAs can run on various operating systems and browsers, reducing the need to develop separate apps for each platform. This can save development time and resources.
  9. Progressive Enhancement: PWAs are built using progressive enhancement principles, which means they can provide basic functionality to all users while offering enhanced features to those with more capable browsers or devices.
  10. Installable: Users can add PWAs to their device’s home screen or app drawer, making them easily accessible with a single tap, just like native apps.
  11. Updates: PWAs can be updated without requiring users to download and install updates manually. This ensures that users always have access to the latest version of the app.
  12. Engagement and Analytics: Developers can track user engagement and behavior using web analytics tools, helping them optimize the app for a better user experience.

PWA has gained popularity as a way to deliver high-quality web experiences that are reliable and user-friendly, without the need for users to download and install apps from app stores.

What are Service Workers?

Service workers are scripts that run in the background of a web application or website and provide various features like offline functionality, push notifications, and background synchronization. They are a fundamental part of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and are supported by modern web browsers.

Here are some key characteristics and functions of service workers:

  1. Background Processing: Service workers run separately from the main JavaScript thread of a web application. This means they can perform tasks in the background without interfering with the user interface, improving performance and responsiveness.
  2. Offline Support: One of the primary use cases for service workers is enabling offline access to web applications. They can intercept network requests and cache responses, allowing the application to work even when there is no internet connection. When the user goes back online, the service worker can sync data with the server.
  3. Push Notifications: Service workers enable the delivery of push notifications to a user’s device, even when the web application is not open in the browser. This is a powerful way to re-engage users and keep them informed about updates or events.
  4. Cache Management: Service workers can manage the caching of assets (such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and data) on the client side. This enables faster loading times for subsequent visits to the web application and reduces server load.
  5. Security: Because service workers can intercept network requests, they can enhance security by filtering out malicious requests, enforcing HTTPS connections, and protecting against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.
  6. Background Sync: Service workers can schedule background sync tasks, allowing the application to synchronize data with the server when a network connection is available, even if the user is not actively using the app.
  7. Progressive Enhancement: Service workers are part of the progressive enhancement approach to web development. They can be implemented in a way that doesn’t break functionality for users with older browsers or those who disable JavaScript.
  8. Lifecycle: Service workers have a defined lifecycle, including installation, activation, and termination. Developers can manage these stages to control when a service worker takes effect and when it should be updated.

Service workers are typically implemented using JavaScript and are registered in the main JavaScript file of a web application. While they offer many advantages, they also require careful development and testing to ensure they function correctly and don’t introduce unexpected issues.

When used effectively, service workers can significantly enhance the user experience of web applications, making them more reliable and engaging.

Browser Support

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are supported by most modern web browsers, including —

  1. Google Chrome
  2. Mozilla Firefox
  3. Microsoft Edge
  4. Apple Safari
  5. Opera
  6. Samsung Internet

