Why Are There So Many Programming Languages?

What is the purpose of every language, and how to choose a suitable language for you?

Level Up Coding


Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered why we have so many programming languages such as Python, PHP, Bash, Go, JavaScript, C++, Java, Ruby, and many more?

Our teacher asked us this question during the class. There was a little confusion. Then he asked a general question about other subjects.

He told us, why do we have so many doctors?

Because there are different diseases and every ailment needs a specialist doctor. The purpose of the doctors is the same — to treat illnesses and disorders. But they are working in their particular area.

Here, I will expand it to literature. Literature use language as a medium, just like programming languages use codes. And the different genres in literature work the same as every specialist doctor or programmer.

We have many forms of poetry such as blank verse, free verse, quatrains, couplets, elegy, threnody, sonnets, and the list goes on. Even in prose, we have many kinds, such as drama, novels, short stories, essays, articles, etc. But all of them use different language tones, express different emotions, situations, and arise different feelings.

There are varieties because we need them. Every genre of literature, every specialist doctor, and every programming language serves different purposes. Although every minor variation stems from the same base in every subject, they provide different functions.

It is like fruit trees in a backyard orchard with apples, bananas, oranges, berries, carrots, etc. They all grow in the same field, but they serve different tastes, nutrients, and purposes.

Are these languages the same?

All the languages are the same at their foundational level. Because you can create a website using Python, Java, Ruby, Go, C++, and Haskell. You can also use Perl, COBOL, JavaScript, or Rust.

The underlying purpose of all these languages is the same: to turn human thoughts into a language that computers understand — 1's and 0's. We also call it "Turing complete" in computer language.

But these languages differ a lot when humans interact with them. Human interaction determines their purposes and taste. They offer subtle differences regarding their features.

Reasons for differences in languages

Increased technological advancement

The simple reason is that technology is developing and getting advanced day by day. If we want to keep pace with the speed of the technology, we need to create and adopt more sophisticated tools that make and run software that caters to the change.

People and companies create new languages because the current languages lack the capabilities to address their specific problems. The existing languages may become obsolete, and others may take their role with time.

For instance,

  • In 1972, Bell Labs and Dennis Ritchie developed C to address their specific problems because the older language failed to do so. They wanted to run Unix operating system with it. Now, almost all software can run this language.
  • C lacked certain features and needed an upgrade, so Bjarne Stroustrup created C++ in 1985 to upgrade the C language features and make it accessible for all the fields.
  • Rasmus Lerdorf created PHP in 1994 to use for his specific project initially. But later on, he improved it and released it to the public. Today, developers use it for web development.
  • 1995, Netscape created JavaScript fundamentally for front-end development. Developers can learn it quickly and develop websites, and design various website features easily with it. The scope of JavaScript expanded with time and is now used for mobile development, apps, and the back end.
  • Google developed its language — Go, in 2009, because other languages were difficult to read and worked slowly, and created inconvenience at specific tasks. Google also made it for better performance.

Different developer tasks require different programming languages

Developers work on different tasks in the process of developing websites, games, and other apps. The jobs require different languages and tools in various phases to get accomplished.

Like doctors, poets, and prose writers, developers work in different areas and use other tools. For example, below are some languages various developers use in their other jobs:

  • Web developers need HTML, PHP, CSS, and JavaScript to make web applications and websites.
  • Software developers use Java, C, and C++ to create business applications, desktop applications, and system software.
  • Game developers use C or C++ mainly to develop games.
  • For Android applications, mobile app developers use Kotlin and Java, and for iOS applications, they use Swift.
  • Data scientists use Matlab, Python, and R for educational purposes and data analysis in scientific research.

There are also other languages you can use in these jobs. The list is not exhaustive.

Different projects have different needs and goals

Another reason for having so many programming languages is that different projects have different needs and goals. Today, a single language can't meet the needs of the developers or companies, so they use multiple languages to achieve their goals.

The developers also check the suitability and accessibility of language to execute it for their projects, so again, the needs and the goals determine the use of a language.

  • C++ and Go are suppers fast. That's why programmers use them. These languages help you enable granular control system resources like threads and memory.
  • Some programmers want to develop programs in a shorter time, so they use JavaScript. Because of its versatility, you can use it in mobile applications, web, and backend.
  • Other developers want to use languages that are easy to work with, so they use Lisp and Haskell.
  • Data scientists use Python extensively because it makes their work easy and fast to execute.

Companies keep their employees in mind

Some companies stick to limited languages or develop their language that is easier to read and learn. It also helps them in the hiring process, and they hire their employees based on the know-how of that language.

How to choose a suitable programming language

Now that you have learned why there are so many programming languages, you will still need to know which programming language you should learn.

The answer is simple, you can learn all the languages later on, but instead of focusing on all the languages, you should focus on one that you know will serve your end goals. It would help if you had a clear idea of why and what of your project.

The next thing is to know what type of programming job you want to have in the future. If you're going to be a data scientist, you should focus on Python, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

If you want to develop games, opt for C and C++ because they will help you in game development.

If you want to work as a mobile application developer, you should focus on Kotlin or Java from Andriod or Swift for iOS applications.

I have been working on C++ and HTML. I am also learning other languages, and I am a beginner in this field. I enjoy learning and working in coding, and it provides me a thrill to be converting my ideas into computational programming.

I want to be a competent game developer, so I focus on C++ more. I have a lot of fantastic ideas about developing mythical characters in games that are not yet developed.

But it doesn't mean that I am not touching other languages. I practice other languages too. But I believe once you master C++, others are easy to learn.


We undertake multiple tasks in our day-to-day lives, and we use different tools for almost all the activities. Even in cooking, we use many tools to make bread. Tools run the world, and you should learn how, when, and why to use them.

Similarly, all the programming languages seem similar, yet they have different roles to play. And it would help if you use them for various functions to make one unit.

Choose your future career path, know your job, choose a suitable language, and rock it.

