Why Does !document.all Return True in JavaScript

Uncovering the reason why this code returns true and what it means for your code

Danielle Dias
Level Up Coding


Photo by Clark Gu on Unsplash

JavaScript is an incredibly versatile and widely-used programming language. As with any language, it has its quirks, and one of the puzzlings is the behavior of the !document.all expression.

A Brief History of JavaScript and DOM

To understand the context of !document.all, we must first take a brief look at the history of JavaScript and the Document Object Model (DOM). JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich in 1995, and it was initially developed for the Netscape Navigator browser. The language was designed to be easy to use and learn, but it was also developed quickly, leading to some quirks that persist today.

The DOM is a tree-like representation of an HTML document, allowing JavaScript to manipulate the elements and their attributes. Early browsers, such as Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, had their own implementations of the DOM, which led to compatibility issues. One such feature was the document.all collection, introduced by Internet Explorer.

Understanding document.all

document.all is a non-standard feature that was introduced by Microsoft in Internet Explorer 4.0 to access all elements in an HTML document. It predates the standardized document.getElementById and document.querySelector methods that are now commonly used. The document.all collection was later adopted by other browsers for compatibility reasons, but its use is discouraged in favor of standard DOM methods.

An example of using document.all is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
function showAlert() {
var element = document.all['myElement'];
alert('Element content: ' + element.innerHTML);
<div id="myElement">Hello, World!</div>
<button onclick="showAlert()">Show Element Content</button>

Type Coercion in JavaScript

JavaScript is a loosely typed language, meaning variables can hold values of any data type without any prior declaration. This flexibility also extends to type coercion, a feature that allows JavaScript to automatically convert between data types when necessary.

Type coercion can be both explicit and implicit. Explicit coercion is when a developer intentionally converts a value from one type to another, while implicit coercion occurs when JavaScript automatically converts a value to the expected type.

Examples of implicit type coercion include:

// Numeric string and number
console.log('5' + 3); // Output: '53'
console.log('5' - 3); // Output: 2

// Boolean and number
console.log(true + 1); // Output: 2
console.log(false - 1); // Output : -1

// Array and string
console.log([1, 2] + '3'); // Output: '1,23'
// Object and string
console.log({} + 'Hello'); // Output: '[object Object]Hello'

The Not Operator and Truthiness

In JavaScript, the not operator (!) is a unary operator that returns true if the operand is falsy and false if the operand is truthy. Falsy values are those that evaluate to false when coerced to a boolean, while truthy values evaluate to true. The following values are considered falsy in JavaScript:

In JavaScript, the not operator (!) is a unary operator that returns true if the operand is falsy and false if the operand is truthy. Falsy values are those that evaluate to false when coerced to a boolean, while truthy values evaluate to true. The following values are considered falsy in JavaScript:

  • false
  • null
  • undefined
  • 0
  • NaN
  • Empty string (’’)

All other values are considered truthy.

Reasons Behind !document.all Returning true

Now that we have discussed type coercion and the not operator, let’s examine why !document.all returns true. The document.all collection is an object that represents all elements in an HTML document. However, due to historical reasons, document.all has a unique behavior when it comes to type coercion. When coerced to a boolean, it returns false, even though objects are usually truthy.

As a result, when using the not operator with document.all, the expression !document.all evaluates to true:

console.log(!document.all); // Output: true

Practical Implications

The unique behavior of !document.all is a historical artifact that has little practical significance in modern web development. The use of document.all is discouraged in favor of standard DOM methods, and browser compatibility is no longer a significant concern, as modern browsers have largely converged on standardized DOM implementations.


In this article, we explored the reasons behind the peculiar behavior of the !document.all expression in JavaScript. While this quirk has little practical impact on modern web development, understanding it can provide insight into the language and its evolution.

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